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** Source| ** Financial Times

他表示,中国农业发展银行(以下简称“农发行”)共设四级机构,总行、省分行、地市分行、县支行。四级行的经营负责人职务都称行长,县支行员工数量一般为15人左右。经排查, ** 视频中的学生确实是该行员工的孩子,其父亲是某县支行行长,母亲是某市分行机关部门副主管,孩子的爷爷、外公曾经是农发行员工,均已退休多年,其爷爷是支行普通员工、外公曾担任过另一县支行行长。 ** 该发言人表示,The current jobs of the children's parents are in compliance with regulatory requirements and the Agricultural Development Bank's employment avoidance system. For this reason, they are working in different places. 该发言人还进一步解释称,这一家庭在农发行工作的成员比较多是过去近三十年来历史变迁和员工联姻形成的。老一辈员工即孩子的爷爷和外公是农发行支行成立时随业务由其他行划转到农发行的,目前已分别退休20年、8年。孩子父母是学校毕业后通过招聘进入农发行工作的,此后相互认识结婚,进一步增加了这一家庭的农发行员工数量。 ** 历史上部分机构对亲属关系管理要求不严,禁止性规定欠缺,早期子承父业传统思想仍有一定影响,再加上同一单位年轻人恋爱结婚,形成了有的员工一家人在农发行人数较多的情况。 In response to the adverse impact of family relationships on operations and management of some employees, in 2019, the head office of the Agricultural Development Bank issued strict restrictions on access, whether it is school recruitment or social recruitment and other forms of recruitment, 应聘人必须承诺在农发行没有组织人事部门规定的近亲属,否则一律不予录用,如隐瞒不报发现后一律除名。** 规定发布后,安徽省分行严格执行总行规定,此后除行内恋爱结婚外,不允许有新的亲属关系增量发生。同时对于存量亲属关系,根据组织人事部门规定,制定了明确的回避制度,安徽省分行也严格执行,一旦发现问题将立即纠正。



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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