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Today let's talk about flight plans

3月31日至10月26日 全国民航执行Flight plans for the summer and autumn 2024 season 遵循国际惯例 中国民航业每年都要 进行 两次航班计划调整 每年3月的最后一个周日 至10月最后一个完整周的周六 执行夏秋航季航班计划

This summer and autumn shipping season

188 domestic and foreign airlines

It is planned to arrange 122,000 passenger and cargo flights per week

The increase in flight volume is mainly due to

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major cities

Small airports in some tourist cities

Routes have also been opened and restored

For example, Sichuan Airlines will open a new store in Chengdu

Direct flights to Dali, Daocheng, Yangzhou,

Altay, Dunhuang and other routes

Xiangpeng Airlines opens new routes from Guiyang-Ningbo

Further improve the route network in the eastern and western regions

Travel is more convenient

Many cities have more opportunities to receive attention

International flight planned flight volume

It is expected to return to around 80% of 2019

Judging from the route,

Still mainly flying to Southeast Asia

Such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.

Currently, all three popular exit destinations are visa-free

Allow passengers to travel at any time

Before and after the annual flight season change

Airfare prices are relatively low

It is a good time for tourists to travel

This year, air ticket discounts in multiple cities

As low as 1% off and 2% off

Special fares suitable for passengers to "pick up leaks"

off-peak travel

summer and autumn season

Including summer sports and multiple public holidays

More travel needs will be released

Bringing more opportunities to civil aviation passenger transport time

This season

Do you have any favorite destinations?


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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