In world politics, an ancient saying is widely circulated:"There is no eternal friendship or eternal hostility between countries, only eternal interests!” 这句话深刻揭示了国际关系的本质,即使是最亲密的国家,也可能在利益面前转眼成仇。

回顾The exchanges between the Soviet Union and our country, the once inseparable relationship between the two countries, turned into hostility overnight. 这一事件让中国认识到,自己的发展不应依赖于外部支持,于是我们开始全力以赴,努力取得在多个领域的重大突破。

Another thought-provoking case is the drastic changes in China-Pakistan relations. This incident has attracted widespread attention, and people have speculated about the reasons behind it.

What happened? Let us explore the answer together.


然 而,近期巴西迎来了新一任总统,其上台后采取了一系列举措,给中巴关系带来了显著的影响。The new president is clearly influenced by American style and even tries to emulate American practices in economic policy.

新巴西总统上任后,迅速效仿美国,试图Increase export prices of soybeans to China。考虑到中方对大豆的巨大需求,这被视为在价格谈判中占据主导地位的一招。

然而,他们似乎忽略了一个至关重要的事实,That is, China has never succumbed to any form of trade pressure or extortion.

针对巴西方面的不合理要求,China made a quick decision and without hesitation cancelled its soybean cooperation with Brazil and withdrew all previous investment in the country.

This firm decision has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the Brazilian economy, especially for local soybean growers, where the losses are huge.

This decision directly seriously affected the lives of Brazilian people and sparked waves of protests. People took to the streets to express their strong dissatisfaction with the new president's policies.

This sudden economic change plunged Brazil into chaos. 大豆产业是该国经济的支柱之一,中方的撤资直接导致了大量就业岗位的消失,种植户们面临前所未有的困境;他们的投入、辛勤努力,都在一夜之间化为泡影,社会舆论不禁对新总统的决策提出质疑。

At the same time, Cambodia and other countries have smelled business opportunities for cooperation with China. They have taken steps towards action without hesitation and actively expressed their willingness to cooperate with China.

These countries have successfully replaced Brazil's position in the Chinese market. This sudden change made the Brazilian President deeply realize the urgency of the problem!

他匆忙“overtures”中囯,表示愿意以原价继续向中方供应大豆;However, it all came too late, 巴西的傲慢已经让他们付出了惨痛的代价!

China has found new partners, but Brazil needs to spend more time and energy to make up for the loss of the Chinese market.

这个教训是显而易见的: In international cooperation, equality, mutual benefit and win-win results are the way to sustainable development. Cooperation between countries is based on trust. Any attempt to seek personal gain through threats and extortion will ultimately suffer its own consequences.

** **

Brazil's experience is a vivid example, warning other countries not to repeat the same mistakes. May all countries learn lessons and stay away from this unwise practice!

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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