伴随中国“免签朋友圈”不断扩容 中国入境旅游市场近期持续回暖
In order to improve the payment experience of foreign tourists, relevant parties have launched a number of supporting measures to this end如支持更多商户提供外币银行卡交易 优化移动支付绑定外卡流程等
Have these measures really solved the payment problem of foreign tourists in China? 带着这个问题,记者昨天前往豫园商城一带实地探访,发现一些外国游客已能熟练地使用支付宝、微信等移动支付工具,也有游客因种种问题无法顺利支付,最终只能凑足现金完成购物。

Two tourists pooled together 80 yuan to buy a T-shirt

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At 11:30 noon, the Dexing Pavilion in the Yuyuan area was filled with tourists who came to eat, among which Tsuyoshi Kumamoto from Aichi University in Japan was one of them. Toshiyuki Kumamoto, who once studied at Beijing Foreign Studies University, has visited China twice before. This time, he participated in a 9-day research group with a group of classmates. It was his first visit to Shanghai.

在上海,熊本敦幸购买的第一份纪念品是一张中共一大会址纪念馆的明信片,花了18元人民币。他告诉记者,来中国前他在网上查询了相关攻略,提前下载了支付宝和微信,也准备了信用卡。这次在上海买纪念品, He used WeChat to scan code for payment, and the process was very smooth.

熊本敦幸(右一)向同伴展示他买到的纪念品。孟雨涵 摄

从英国来上海出差的保罗(Paul)和史蒂夫(Steve),将在上海停留3天。出发前,他们的机票、酒店、接机服务都已预订完成,在上海的现场消费主要涉及吃饭、景点门票和购物。昨天中午,保罗和史蒂夫从入住的东方滨江酒店出发,乘坐外滩观光隧道专线来到外滩,然后一路City walk至豫园。They used credit cards to pay for tickets to the Bund Sightseeing Tunnel, and Steve later used cash to buy several red dragon-shaped sachets for his children, without encountering payment problems.

不过,并非所有外国游客都能如此顺畅地享受购物。豫园宁波汤团店一名店员告诉记者,到店用餐的外国游客不少,但店里目前可接受的支付方式是支付宝、微信和现金,没有刷卡支付通道。 "There were foreign tourists who wanted to taste dumplings before, but they had to give up because they didn't download mobile payment software and prepare cash."


在豫园中心广场,记者偶遇了来自美国的汉娜(Hanna)和奥德尔(Odelle)。这两位年轻的女孩分别来自美国和南非,目前常驻韩国教英文,此次结伴来上海自由行。在上海停留期间,汉娜和奥德尔的主要支付方式是信用卡和现金。汉娜坦言,之前听说中国的移动支付很方便,她曾试着下载支付宝,但当她下载完app、填写相关个人信息并收到验证码后,却始终无法验证成功。“试了三四次,每次都卡在最后一步的验证环节,我只好放弃了。” Hannah said that sometimes when she sees a small souvenir she likes, if it is inconvenient to swipe her card or change, she will give up the idea of buying it.

在一家名为“路上海”的文创店,一名意大利游客想买下一件带孙悟空图案的T恤。他先是尝试着用支付宝付款,但等候一段时间后系统显示“超时”,支付失败;改用Visa卡支付后,同样因超时而无法扣款。最后,这位游客和同伴不得不翻起口袋, He took out several RMB sheets ranging from 5 yuan, 10 yuan, and 20 yuan and collected 80 yuan in cash before he successfully bought this T-shirt.


"Waiting for first-class foreign tourists" in the payment process

It is not an isolated case for foreign tourists to encounter payment problems in China. Zhou Weihong, deputy general manager of Spring and Autumn Tourism


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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