The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

At present, the global landscape is constantly evolving, and policy and military trends in the Asian region are attracting more and more attention.

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Indonesia-Following Vietnam, it has become the focus of attention on the international stage. 外界普遍认为印度尼西亚可能迎合美方的利益,这一变化势必加剧南海地区的紧张局势。在这个背景下,中方亟需保持高度警觉,做好应对各种最坏情况的准备。

近来,印尼的举措引人瞩目,特别是在Site selection for ASEAN's first military exercise及与美方举行联合军演的背景下,呈现出了与美方密切合作的明显迹象。

This series of measures not only broke the traditional arrangement of ASEAN military exercises, but also essentially consolidated the influence of the US military in the region!

在"Facing the West-2023"联合空中演习中,美方与印尼的密切合作无疑向世界释放了一则明确的信息:**美方正积极推进其在亚洲的军事存在扩张。 **

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As an important member of ASEAN, Indonesia's actions are crucial to the stability of the South China Sea region. 尽管中印尼之间没有领土争端,但两国在经济区域划分方面的重叠一直是双方关系中的敏感问题。

Although a solution could have been found through consultation, Indonesia's bias towards the United States has added a new dimension to the problem. This has made exchanges between the two sides more complex and the path to resolving disputes more tortuous. In this case, all parties need to handle the situation more calmly and rationally to avoid further tensions and conflicts.

The United States has been working hard to build a so-called "anti-China" alliance, and Indonesia's close proximity has undoubtedly provided the United States with more chips. 在这种情况下,寻找共同解决方案的难度不断升级,双方之间的对话变得更加棘手。

Faced with the current situation, China urgently needs to take decisive action to ensure that national interests are not infringed. 在外交领域,必须巧妙运用手段来捍卫自身地位,并在军事层面做好应对极端情况的准备。

** Indonesia's act of "inviting a wolf into the house" has undoubtedly made China deeply alarmed. ** China cannot take the layout of the US global strategy lightly and should always be vigilant.

On the basis of ensuring our own interests, we must deepen exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries and work together to maintain regional tranquility and stability. At the same time, China must strengthen its own military strength to ensure that it can effectively defend China's own interests at critical moments.

Not only do we need to strengthen the strength of the navy and air force, but we must also respond to various complex situations at the strategic level. Overall, Indonesia's move closer to the United States has become a crucial variable in the current Asian state of affairs and military landscape.

Faced with such great changes, China needs to respond with a wise mind, be alert to hidden risks and challenges, and actively pursue effective countermeasures. Only in this way can we ensure a solid fortress of national security and stability under the complex global landscape.

At this moment full of uncertainty, ** China must carefully analyze changes in the international situation and deeply understand the deep-seated impact. Only through in-depth thinking and strategic planning can we quickly adapt to changes in the external environment, seize opportunities, and resolve risks. **

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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