不久前,There are reports claiming that "all missile bases on Yongxing Island have been evacuated! ", this news attracted widespread attention. 对于这一变化,专家们纷纷发表了不同的解读,探讨着是否意味着美国已经成功达成了其既定目标。

Yongxing Island is rooted in China's South China Sea, and China's military deployment in its territory is completely reasonable and legal.

However, on the contrary, the United States frequently sends warships and aircraft into our waters, including large destroyers and long-range bombers.

美国的焦虑和担忧不仅仅停留在中方的军事部署上,他们甚至要求中方将驻扎在岛礁上的武器撤离,否则将否定中方参与“the ring-up military exercise”的邀请。 This tough stance undoubtedly demonstrates their uneasiness and fear of China's rise.

When discussing possible reasons for the disappearance of the Yongxing Island missile facility, experts raised some interesting speculations.

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** Some people believe that China may deliberately withdraw its missile facilities in order to confuse the US military. ** In the complex environment of military confrontation, strategic deception between reality and reality, and between authenticity and authenticity is not uncommon.

Another explanation is that the disappearance of the missile facility may be only temporary and may be for maintenance or upgrades. 无论是出于迷惑对手的战略考虑,还是出于对军事设施的正常维护需求,永兴岛上导弹设施的神秘消失都引发了广泛关注。

What needs special attention is that China has always pursued a defensive national defense policy and always advocated peaceful development. China does not seek to be an enemy of any country, let alone pose a threat to any other country.

China has always believed that its own development must never be at the expense of the interests of other countries. 我们坚持在国际事务中谋求共赢,维护全球和平稳定,为构建一个公正合理的国际秩序贡献力量。

At the same time, China will never give up its determination to defend its legitimate rights and interests and ensure that the country's long-term interests are not infringed; we pursue a mutually beneficial and win-win situation, rather than achieving arbitrary goals through power.

This is China's consistent position on the international stage and our firm commitment to world peace and development.

In fact, the frequent dispatch of warships and aircraft by the United States into China's territorial waters and airspace not only constitutes a serious violation of China, but also a flagrant violation of international law and basic norms of international relations.

This kind of behavior not only fails to promote mutual trust and cooperation between China and the United States, but also deepens tensions and misunderstandings and misjudgments between the two sides. This not only puts Sino-US relations in an awkward situation, but also poses a serious threat to regional peace and stability.

As the most prominent developing country and the richest developed country in the world, China and the United States should use peaceful means, such as dialogue and consultation, to resolve their differences and problems. 唯有通过这样的途径,才能确保双方实现互利共赢、共同繁荣的远大目标。

总结起来,“Yongxing Island missile facility disappeared! ”的新闻在各方引起了浓厚的兴趣和纷纷猜测。然而,我们必须明确认识到,这并非美国的巨大胜利或顺利达成既定目标。

在当前复杂多变的国际局势下,中美两国关系的稳定发展至关重要。Only by adhering to the principle of "mutual respect" and abandoning mutual misunderstandings and prejudices can we lay a solid foundation for the sustained development of bilateral relations and make positive contributions to the global community.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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