The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

为了促进世界各国更有效的交流,The United Nations has identified six global languages, including English, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and French.


Japan firmly believes that Japanese should be regarded as one of the six common languages, and its status and value cannot be ignored.

** First, let's focus on the widespread use of Japanese. ** According to statistics, the number of people using Japanese around the world has exceeded 120 million. Although this number is huge, it is still slightly inferior to Chinese!

As the most widely spoken language in the world, Chinese has no doubt about its status and influence. In contrast, although Japanese is widely used in Asia, it has limited impact globally.

** In addition, Japan emphasizes the historical and cultural value of Japanese. ** Indeed, the origin of Japanese can be traced back to ancient Chinese characters, which cannot be ignored.

在远古时代,日本曾陷入无文字记录的境地,无法传承自己的文字系统。然而,随着Baekje Monk 将汉字引入,日本逐渐形成了独具特色的平假名和片假名文字体系。这独特的书写方式赋予了日语一种独特的魅力,尽管如此,它在全球通用语言中的地位仍难以改变。

近年来,日本对于成为一个大国的渴望日益显现,They have repeatedly called for reform of the permanent membership system of the United Nations Security Council and have repeatedly applied to join the Security Council.

This shows that Japan is actively seeking to play a more important role in international affairs, showing its ambitious side.

然而,所有的奋斗似乎都未能如愿以偿。Among them, Japan is二战中的不义行径militarism 困扰着其前行的脚步,成为一道难以逾越的屏障, 国际社会一直对于日本的历史问题保持谨慎的立场,这也给日本在谋求大国地位的道路上蒙上了阴影,面临着巨大的阻力。

Faced with this United Nations ruling, Japan's response was both unexpected and natural. They strive to emphasize the number of speakers, historical heritage and cultural value of Japanese in an attempt to enhance their status on the international stage.

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However, the effort appears to have failed to win widespread recognition.

This once again makes us deeply realize that a country's status on the international stage depends not only on the language it uses, but also on actively participating in international affairs, respecting history and promoting the concept of peace in order to truly win the respect and recognition of the international community.

** It is worth emphasizing that China's global status and influence cannot be replaced. ** As one of the countries with a long history in the world, China has always played a pivotal role in international affairs.

In the long river of history, China has always been a dazzling star. Whether it is in economic growth, technological innovation or cultural glory, China has stood at the top of the world with its status that cannot be ignored.

China's rise is not only a demonstration of its own strength, but also an active promoter of world development;

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** The unique charm of Chinese culture has gradually become famous around the world. ** From traditional literature and art to modern films and music, Chinese culture is entering the world with a new look, building bridges for cross-cultural exchanges. China's traditional philosophy, medicine and craftsmanship have also gradually been recognized and respected by the international community.

In the future, as China continues to rise, we hope that while jointly facing global challenges, China will continue to move forward hand in hand with the international community to jointly create a more peaceful, prosperous and inclusive future.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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