The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Romania beauty SSenBreakers jumps on the street

In recent years, Romania has been committed to the development of tourism and hopes to build it into a tourism empire.

However, with the continuous growth of the economy and society, environmental issues have become the focus of people around the world. In order to attract tourists, a good ecological environment has become particularly important.

Romania is also aware of this and has taken a series of measures to protect the natural environment and natural resources.

However, the country's infrastructure is relatively weak, especially in energy. Traditional energy models have caused great damage to Romania's environment, which has forced Romania to seek assistance from the international community.

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Chinese projects in Romania

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It is worth mentioning that after learning of Romania's predicament, China quickly dispatched technical forces and expert teams to Romania for inspection and provide technical support and assistance. 但即便中囯专家已经发现罗马尼亚的能源需求十分紧迫,需要新建发电设施,完成这样一个复杂的工程也需要耗费大量的时间和金钱。

President of Romania

After full consideration, China decided to assist Romania in improving its energy infrastructure and reducing environmental pollution and dependence on traditional energy sources.

This move will not only help environmental protection and people's health, but will also promote Romania's economic and social development.

This China-Romania cooperation will not only help the development of the energy field, but will also promote friendly relations between the two countries.

In response to the problems existing in Romania's energy infrastructure, we decided to undertake the construction of No. 3 and No. 4 nuclear power units at the Chernavod Nuclear Power Plant.

Projects under construction by China in Romania

This cooperation decision marks new progress in cooperation between China and Romania in the energy field. The total order value is as high as RMB 50 billion, which will be an important opportunity for China and Romania to establish long-term strategic cooperative relations.

This is also a reflection of China's international responsibility to promote sustainable energy development and shows that China is willing to help other countries through technical support and assistance.

Experts believe that this energy cooperation will help Romania's energy development, improve energy security, accelerate the development of Romania's economy, and also provide active support for the sustainable development of tourism.

In addition, Romania will also pay more attention to environmental protection and sustainable development, and strive to protect the natural environment and tourism resources.

Through this cooperation, Romania can introduce China's advanced technology and management experience, improve its own energy technology level, promote energy transformation, and accelerate the optimization and upgrading of its energy structure.

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中方推动“Belt and Road”的经贸合作

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This will not only benefit the cooperative relationship between China and Romania, but will also effectively promote the implementation and promotion of the "Belt and Road" initiative in Europe and make positive contributions to regional economic prosperity and stability.

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This cooperation is a new chapter in China-Romania friendship and brings more opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.

However, what was shocking was that halfway through the project, Romania unexpectedly announced its remorse, established energy cooperation with the United States, canceled cooperation orders with China, and refused China to continue building domestic nuclear power projects.

This sudden decision was a surprise for China, which has invested a lot of time, money and human resources in this project.

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signed a cooperation agreement

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What is even more sad is that due to the postponement of all follow-up orders, this change has brought huge costs to China.

According to reports, Romania refused to continue cooperation with China because they were worried that China's participation might have an impact on national security.

However, China said it has strictly adhered to safety standards and cooperation agreements, and these standards and agreements have been recognized by Romania.

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Although China has done its best, Romania still chose to turn to the United States, causing China to bear heavy losses.

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This is undoubtedly a heavy lesson for China, showing that when cooperating with the outside world, countries must ensure that their own interests are not harmed, otherwise they will pay the price like this time.

此外,更让人不可理喻的是,The United States actually "poached the wall" behind Romania and incited Romania to cancel cooperation with China.

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The hooliganism of American hegemony

Such bad behavior is a blatant challenge to international cooperation and trade rules.

The United States 'behavior against Romania is undoubtedly a hooligan act. This seriously violates international morality and the spirit of cooperation, and is extremely despicable and shameful.

This unscrupulous approach will inevitably arouse strong resentment and condemnation from the international community.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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