The emperor guards the country, and the king dies the country

Russia, as the country with the largest territory in the world, has always been amazing with its vast territory. 在苏联时代,它的领土达到了空前的巅峰,但随着苏联的解体,俄罗斯的版图也随之缩减。

The independence of the five Central Asian countries not only changed the geographical landscape, but also had a profound impact on Russia's southern border.

So, why did Russia give up large tracts of territory in such a critical geographical situation?

The five Central Asian countries, including Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, are located in the heart of the Eurasian continent ,它们地理位置独特,气候多样,人口规模适中,因而在地缘政治上具有重要意义。

Although the economies of these countries are relatively lagging behind, in recent years, with the rapid rise of tourism, they have also begun to become the focus of more and more tourists.

值得强调的是,中亚五国拥有丰富的天然资源,尤其是丰富的oilnatural gas 储备,这些宝贵的资源不仅在国家经济中发挥着关键作用,而且为这些国家在国际事务中树立了显赫的地位。

Throughout the long history, Central Asia has always been the transportation hub of the Eurasian continent and the focus of competition among major empires. From the ancient Silk Road to today's energy corridors, Central Asia has always played a pivotal role.

During the Soviet era, the five Central Asian countries were deeply integrated into the embrace of the Soviet Union and maintained close ties with Russia. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, countries in this land became independent one after another, and the troubled relationship with Russia became more complex.

** Faced with the calls for independence from the five Central Asian countries, Russia did not choose to use direct control. ** There are multiple factors hidden in this, the most significant of which is careful consideration of the economic situation and foreign policy.

苏联解体后,Russia is in a deep economic crisis and must concentrate on domestic reform and stability. 与此同时,随着国际形势的巨大变化,俄罗斯正在调整其外交政策,更加强调与其他国家的合作与共赢。

In this situation, Russia decided to give up direct jurisdiction over the five Central Asian countries. This was not only due to pragmatic considerations of its own economic strength, but also a clever adjustment of diplomatic strategy.

通过放弃部分土地,Russia has been able to reduce its economic burden and concentrate resources and energy on its domestic and external development. 这一举措同时为俄罗斯与其他国家构建更加平等、互利的伙伴关系创造了有利条件。

** Experts believe that Russia's move was a wise move. ** Its decision not only avoided fierce confrontation with the five Central Asian countries, but also paved the way for it to win more cooperation opportunities on the international stage. This strategic change will not only help Russia's own development, but also lay a solid foundation for the stability and prosperity of the entire Central Asian region.

总结而言,Russia's decision to abandon 4.5 million square kilometers of land may confuse the outside world, but in fact it was the result of careful consideration of its own interests and regional stability.

Therefore, this wise move by Russia is not only in line with the country's overall strategy, but also reflects its responsibility for peace and development.

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In today's era of globalization, Russia will also win more respect and trust in the international community by promoting the prosperity of its neighbors.

Patriotic, let's be together!

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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