According to the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, based on recommendations from various places, and through expert review, on-site inspections and social publicity procedures, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently identified 99 companies and units as national intangible cultural heritage production protection demonstration base for 2023-2025.

screenshot from the official website

The relevant notice states that demonstration bases must always put social benefits first and achieve the unity of social benefits and economic benefits. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between protection and inheritance and rational utilization, insist on giving priority to project protection, continuously strengthen project protection, comprehensively master and apply core skills and key technologies of traditional crafts, explore and apply modern production technologies and management methods, and improve production efficiency. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the team of inheritors, give full play to the important role of representative inheritors in leading apprentices to transfer skills, exchange and promotion, and technical research, and establish a team of talents with reasonable age structure, sufficient number, and excellent quality. It is necessary to play a leading role in demonstration, focus on research on common key technologies and standards in the industry, assist industry development and industrial upgrading, and launch more excellent products that meet people's needs for a better life and showcase the charm of traditional culture.

It is reported that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will support the demonstration base in aspects such as enterprise cultivation, talent training, resource docking, project services, and brand promotion.

2023-2025 List of national-level demonstration bases for productive protection of intangible cultural heritage in 2009 (99 in no particular order)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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