50 kilometers east from the center of Ningbo City, there is Beilun District. It is born towards the sea and prospered because of the port. It is not only an open highland and a new Lingang industrial city in Zhejiang and even the whole country, but also a carrier for the Ningbo area of the Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone.

In the spring of 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Zhejiang for inspection, and his first stop came to the Chuanshan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port in Beilun.

Pan Yinhao, member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Beilun District Party Committee, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that Beilun kept in mind the General Secretary's earnest instructions and made good use of the "greatest resource" of the port and the "greatest advantage" of opening up to strengthen the new engine of industry, reshape a new model for urban and rural areas, draw a new picture of common prosperity, and strive for first-class demonstration in the new journey of "bravely being a pioneer and writing a new chapter"!

Science and technology innovation efforts

Manufacturing is Beilun's business card, and Haitian Group is the "legend" of Beilun's manufacturing industry.

This small agricultural machinery enterprise, which initially could only make sickles and hoes, started from a hundred yuan and went through more than half a century of intensive cultivation to build the world's largest precision injection molding machine, ranking first in the world in sales.

As an industrial machine, injection molding machines are widely used processing equipment in industrial production. For a long time, although China was a major country in the production and marketing of injection molding machines, it had little say in the international market, and many high-end products could only rely on imports.

"In key technology research, Haitian has rewritten the market landscape." Zhao Yan, head of the brand department of Haitian Group, said that not long ago, Haitian's 8800-ton ultra-large two-plate injection molding machine was officially delivered to overseas customers, setting a new industry record and representing the infinite possibilities of manufacturing in China.

Behind the achievements is Haitian's persistence and persistence in innovation. Zhang Jingzhang, founder of Haitian Group, who is over eighty years old, said that Haitian spends 5% of its sales revenue every year on technology research and development, constantly iterating product technology, and sprint towards "the world's first" in terms of speed, precision, energy conservation and environmental protection., even in the most difficult years.

The manufacturing strength of a region is not only reflected in the number and quality of aircraft carrier-level enterprises like Haitian, but also inseparable from many vibrant and tenacious small and medium-sized enterprises. Beilun is a nationally famous "Hometown of Chinese Molds". There are more than 3000 mold companies of various sizes, and 60% of the country's die-casting molds come from here. Among the 2022 SME characteristic industrial clusters of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beilun die-casting mold industry cluster is on the list.

Walking into the Zhenzhi Mold Workshop of Lingfeng Industrial Community in Beilun, industrial robots are precision machining a set of molds for ultra-large body structural parts, and five-axis deep-hole drilling rigs are playing a hot "production prelude". On March 29, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping praised private enterprises, small, medium and micro enterprises here, saying that they were "energetic and energetic, good at facing difficulties and constantly improving."

"At that time, it was a critical moment in the research and development of aluminum alloy replacing steel. This was a disruptive product in the automotive industry and the most difficult technical breakthrough in my career." Luo Libin, manager of Zhenzhi's mold production department, said that he was inspired by listening closely to the General Secretary's speech. With the joint efforts of everyone, after hundreds of tests, more than 40 punching tasks for components were successfully completed.

Workers in the fitter group in the production workshop of Ningbo Zhenzhi Mechanical Mold Company are working.

However, the R & D capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises are limited after all. The road from traditional auto parts mold development to the world's largest die-casting mold development has not been smooth. In response to the congenital shortage of local high-end innovation resources, Beilun has turned its attention to scientific research institutes in universities, introduced and built a number of industrial technology research institutes in large quantities, and participated in and promoted the construction of the Yongjiang Science and Technology Innovation Zone with world-class standards.

At present, Beilun has jointly built six regional innovation platforms with well-known universities such as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the System Campus of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The R & D problem was solved in the joint research with the Ningbo Innovation Research Institute of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics-the world's largest integrated die-casting mold was completed in just 5 months, which impressed foreign counterparts.

With the empowerment of science and technology, the integrated die-casting mold that has reached the mold has jumped from 80 tons three years ago to more than 200 tons now, and the output value has also increased from more than 100 million yuan to 350 million yuan, vividly interpreting the industrial chain and The multiplier effect of the integrated development of the innovation chain.

"In recent years, Beilun Regional Innovation Platform has cooperated with more than 40 leading enterprises in key industries in the region, overcoming a number of key core technical problems in the fields of integrated chips, polymer materials, and intelligent equipment." Qiu Zhigang, deputy director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Beilun District, said.

The plastic injection molding equipment industry chain innovation consortium led by Haitian Research Institute is one of them. Zhao Yan told reporters,"With the cooperation of industrial chain companies such as hydraulic transmission and numerical control technology, Haitian has made major breakthroughs in cutting-edge technology fields such as servo control systems for high-end injection molding machines in only two years."

Enterprises set problems, governments set problems, and global innovation resources collaborated to solve problems. By building an enterprise innovation consortium, an innovation mechanism has been formed in which chain owners join hands with upstream and downstream enterprises to make joint technological progress. Today, a Haitian Group has expanded into dozens of "Hai" companies and successfully promoted the common development of more than 140 upstream and downstream companies in the industrial chain.

Today, Beilun feels the weight of scientific innovation more than ever before. As the core of Ningbo Zhoushan Port, Beilun's industrial structure has always been full of "port" flavor-Lingang industry and service industries derived from the port are far ahead in the proportion of the regional economy, while the proportion of traditional agriculture is less than 0.4%.

Such an industrial structure is envied by many places. However, Beilun is clearly aware that the Lingang industry, which is dominated by heavy chemical industries, is greatly affected by the industry cycle. Even the service industry with light assets faces the problem of too high a proportion of trade, especially port trade is highly sensitive to the prices of bulk commodities and has a great impact on the stable operation of the downstream industrial chain.

"Compared with other places, Beilun faced constraints from development factors earlier and encountered the problem of declining industrial momentum earlier." Wang Cheng, deputy secretary of the Beilun District Party Committee and district chief, said.

The industrial structure is too "heavy", which is a happy worry on Beilun's growth path. On the one hand, the development of traditional heavy chemical industries has brought stable and considerable economic benefits; on the other hand, the development of these industries has entered a mature period, and most of them are mainly processed with supplied materials. There are general challenges such as insufficient innovation motivation and slow industrial upgrading.

"There is only one way:Ask for motivation from new productivity! Beilun not only needs to establish an industrial district, but also needs to innovate and strengthen the district." Zhang Jisheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Development and Reform Bureau of Beilun District, said that Beilun is seizing the two major opportunities of improving the development of the free trade zone and the construction of the Yongjiang Science and Technology Innovation Zone to seize new tracks and expand new spaces, and strive to create a high-energy science and technology innovation platform, promote the transformation and implementation of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and accelerate the improvement of innovation sources.

The high-quality science and technology innovation platform matrix and the "tropical rainforest"-style corporate ecology provide strong support for Beilun's connotative growth. It is precisely with the support of scientific and technological innovation that Beilun's pace has become lighter--

Transform from heavy chemical industry to new materials industry. Beilun promotes the traditional refining industry to "move up" and sorts out and develops it according to the new material chains of C2, C4, and C6, which not only smoothes the fluctuations of the industrial cycle, but also expands a new track.

Transform from traditional automobile manufacturing to industrial intelligent manufacturing. Relying on local R & D advantages in the fields of reducers, servos and other fields, Beilun continues to promote the transformation and development of new energy vehicles and strives to create a running "humanoid robot" industry.

From enterprises fighting alone to "corps fighting" in the industrial chain. Beilun strengthens the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, supports science and technology leaders, small science and technology giant enterprises, and chain owners to form innovation consortiums, and releases new momentum with new productivity.


More changes are coming quietly. In 2023, Beilun's high-tech industry added value, R & D investment of industrial enterprises above designated size and other indicators will rank among the top cities in Zhejiang Province, and will also rank among the top 50 among the top 100 innovation districts in the country. It has been awarded the party and government in Zhejiang Province for three consecutive years. Excellent assessment of the responsibility system for scientific and technological progress goals. Beilun has also successfully broken through the "championship" and won back the highest honor representing the scientific and technological innovation work of Zhejiang Province-the scientific and technological innovation Ding. This is the first and only district and county in Ningbo City to receive this honor.

Born towards the sea

Ningbo is one of the first 14 coastal cities in China to open to the outside world, and Beilun is Ningbo's earliest area to open to the outside world. Beilun, facing the sea, is an innate gene.

Walking through the port area, there are intelligent docks, majestic bridge cranes, and containers rising and falling like colored building blocks under the gantry cranes, outlining a vivid and spectacular picture of the modern port.

The port is one of the most prominent symbols of Beilun. Time turned back to January 10, 1979. On this day, the first pile was laid at the Beilun 100,000-ton ore transfer terminal, which kicked off the development and opening up of Beilun.

At the forefront of opening up, Beilun's high-level opening sails are full of wind. In recent years, Beilun has given full play to its advantages as an important domestic and international dual-circulation hub, focused on doing a good job in the two articles of "channel" and "service", and focused on building a guarantee system such as zone-port linkage, multimodal transport, post-port cooperation, and smart port. The world's first "1 billion-ton" port was born, and the territory of the "super terminal" has been continuously expanded.

Externally, there are more than 250 international container routes, and the number of "Belt and Road" routes has increased to 130. The dense routes have networked more than 600 ports in more than 200 countries and regions, becoming an important global port and shipping logistics center and strategic resource allocation center and modern shipping service base.

Internally, more than 100 sea-rail intermodal transport lines are gathered here, and their business radiates to 65 prefecture-level cities in 16 provinces across the country, forming three major logistics channels "connecting the ancient Silk Road in the north, the Zhonghui Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the Qianli Zhejiang-Jiangxi Line in the south", effectively supporting inter-regional connectivity and economic and trade cooperation.

"Land and sea continue to exert efforts in both directions and continuously improve the level of openness, making the status of Beilun Hub Port more stable." Zhu Jianjun, deputy director of the Commerce Bureau of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone, said.

The LNG carrier is berthing at CNOOC's Ningbo "Green Energy Port" LNG terminal.

In 2023, Beilun will achieve a total foreign trade import and export volume of 450.16 billion yuan, accounting for 10.78‰ of the country's total; the actual utilization of foreign capital throughout the year will be US$2.696 billion, a year-on-year increase of 91.3%, ranking among the top in the province. Beilun continued to deepen the innovative practice of high-level cross-border trade pilots and won the Reform Breakthrough Award of Zhejiang Province.

A small breakthrough in reform has brought about a big step in development. At Ningbo Xinyi Supplier Management Co., Ltd., changes in the "cross-border commodity grouping sales model" have made this supply chain company more and more energetic. Thanks to the "Cross-border Commodity Group Sales System" built by Ningbo Customs, e-commerce companies can flexibly combine goods with different tax numbers, allowing consumers to have more choices and more convenient business operations. At present, Beilun's cross-border e-commerce retail imports have ranked first in the national comprehensive insurance zone for seven consecutive years.

Meishan Island in spring is as poetic as its name. With the completion and commissioning of Meishan Bonded Port Area and Ningbo International Marine Ecological Science and Technology City, special trade platforms such as vehicle import, food cold chain, and export pre-warehouse have been launched one after another, making Beilun's foreign trade even more powerful. Beilun has also expanded and strengthened new models and new business formats such as intermediate goods trade, digital trade, and service trade through internal expansion and external expansion, and strives to leapfrog into a higher-level open economy.

In August 2020, the Ningbo area of the Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone was officially approved, and all 46 square kilometers were settled in Beilun, becoming the area with the most concentrated area, the largest area and the most complete functions among the three expanded areas of the Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone. Beilun is pursuing its dream on the mission of creating a "bridgehead" for an international open hub.

In January 2022, the new Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone will be put into operation. The park deeply integrates Ningbo Free Trade Zone, Daxie Development Zone, Meishan International Logistics Industry Cluster Zone, etc., and integrates, links and operates in an integrated manner with Beilun District. The combined advantages of national-level open platforms and industrial clusters are accelerated.

In the results of the Ministry of Commerce's "Assessment and Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Level of National Economic and Technological Development Zones in 2023", Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone advanced 5 places and jumped to 12th place among the 230 national economic and technological development zones in the country. "This is a comprehensive 'physical examination' with high gold content and the best result achieved in recent years." Shi Haihui, director of the Commerce Bureau of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone, said.

As the main position of the Ningbo area of the Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, Beilun continues to actively explore and demonstrate in cultivating new international trade, facilitating cross-border trade, and innovation in international supply chains. In 2023, 11 institutional innovations formed from Beilun were rated as the best cases in Zhejiang Province, and cross-border trade and investment facilitation integrated innovation cases were successfully selected as the fifth batch of best practice cases in the national free trade zone.

"To the east is the sea!" This is the heroism that is integrated into the bones of Beilun people. Cao Yun, editor-in-chief of "Ningbo Shang" magazine, said that Ningbo Shang has lasted for more than 300 years and is the only business gang that has not broken down. They dare to swim in the sea and are better at finding their own coordinates in the global market.

The city of Saltillo is an important automobile manufacturing center in Mexico, where more and more Chinese faces are appearing. In September 2023, Ningbo Xusheng Group held a grand groundbreaking ceremony in Saltillo. In the future, this will become Xusheng's largest overseas manufacturing base.

Before Xusheng, many automobile and parts companies from Beilun had "gone out to sea"-Jifeng successfully acquired Grammer, a century-old German company, Top Group built an auto parts manufacturing center in Poland, and Geely Holdings has continuously won Volvo, Proton, Lotus, and London electric vehicles.

In the restructuring of the global supply chain, Beilun enterprises going global is not simply "moving", but allocating resources on a global scale and extending to both ends of the industrial smile curve. The "roots" are deep in the local area, the "vines" spread all over the world, and the "nutrition" circulates in both directions. Beilun tasted the sweetness of the "sweet potato economy" earlier and continues to enrich the connotation of the "sweet potato economy" of the times.

Business wins business

A high-quality economic development conference held on May 8, 2023 with the theme of "Taking the lead and standing at the forefront of the trend" is still talked about by entrepreneurs in Beilun.

On this day, eight representatives of Beilun entrepreneurs, including An Conghui, President of Geely Holdings, Ma Jianrong, Chairman of Shenzhou International Holdings, and Zhang Jianming, Chairman of Haitian Plastics Group, as well as more than 100 companies, were awarded 15 major awards such as "Bravely Taking the Lead" and "Bravely Setting the Trend".

Let entrepreneurs stand in the "C position" and pay tribute to entrepreneurs in the name of the city. Such high-level commendations are rare in the history of Beilun. Respecting business and valuing enterprises is a local tradition. Beilun understands this practice well and deeply benefits from it.

On December 27, 2023, as soon as the Jikrypton 007 pure electric midsize sedan was launched, it became a popular product in the new energy vehicle circle. It was only 40 days of pre-sale, and the cumulative order exceeded 50,000 units.

"You know, it's not easy for Geely Automobile to sell 1000 vehicles in the first month." Li Weiping, Chief Government Affairs Officer of Geely Automobile Group, was filled with emotion:Only by witnessing the entire process of Geely Automobile's growth can we truly realize how important a good development environment is!

Geely Automobile's high-quality development was achieved in Beilun, Ningbo. Today, at the Jikrypton Meishan factory, a complete vehicle goes off the production line every minute. The flexible production line here can provide consumers with tens of thousands of customized options. Li Weiping said that it was the support of the local government that Geely had the confidence to gallop all the way on the car track.

External assembly line in the final assembly workshop of Jikrypton Smart Factory (Meishan).

In Beilun, there are "chain owners" companies like Geely Automobile, as well as a large number of "small but sophisticated" companies around the front and back of the industrial chain. For them, a good business environment is as indispensable as fertile ground.

To serve an enterprise, we must understand what the enterprise needs. As early as 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, took a far-sighted view of further leveraging the advantages of systems, mechanisms and environmental advantages as an important part of the "1988 Strategy". Under the guidance of the "Eighty-Eight Strategy", in order to solve the problem of service mismatch between large-scale enterprises and small-scale governments, Beilun made a bold attempt:Implement community-based management of industrial parks.

Many people did not understand the new thing of industrial communities. Shi Mengyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lingfeng Industrial Community, Daqi Street, Beilun District, made an analogy:There are only two things to do in the industrial community-the "housekeeper" of the company and the "nanny" of the employees.

The high-end auto parts mold park located in Daqi Street is well-known, with 88 companies and 25,000 employees gathered on 2600 acres of land. Among them, 58 are enterprises above designated size, 5 are national-level individual champion enterprises, and 10 are specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises.

"We have integrated industrial parks like auto parts molds into industrial communities to serve enterprises like residents." For example, Shi Mengyan said that during the visit, it was found that many safety officer positions in small and medium-sized enterprises are part-time, but production safety is not differentiated between large and small enterprises. To this end, the industrial community has introduced a shared safety officer system and effectively improved the safety production level in the park through standardized training.

While creating "production concentric circles" to serve enterprises, and at the same time creating "life concentric circles" to serve employees, the construction of industrial communities has greatly enhanced the sense of belonging and gain of enterprises and employees. Nowadays, most problems can be solved by park enterprises as long as they "go through the door and find one person." The industrial community has also extended and established 110 "micro-grids", forming an innovative governance model of "enterprise park, service community, and governance grid."

"Most cars driving on the road have more or less our products." Minshi Group is one of the top 100 auto parts suppliers in the world. Wu Songdi, Director of the Group's Global R & D Center, has a deep understanding of the business environment in Beilun:We learned from the local government the practice of "running at most once"."Only do one thing once and do it right the first time." Efficiency is life and competitiveness."

The business environment complements and promotes each other for enterprises. Currently, Beilun's land development intensity is nearly 40%, and there are clear requirements for the average output per mu and tax contribution of implemented projects. Although the "threshold" is high, companies are still willing to invest here, and what they care about is the business environment.

In fact, the business environment has always been the "golden business card" for Beilun's development. In February 2022, Beilun took advantage of the integration and improvement of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone to establish Ningbo City's first full-time department for optimizing and improving the business environment to coordinate the reform and innovation of the district's business environment and the coordination and promotion of major projects. service work.

In response to the common problems encountered in project construction, Beilun pioneered the "Guidelines for the Construction of Industrial Investment Projects" manual, the "Fish Bone Diagram" for the promotion of major projects, and the "One Volume, One Map, One Group" model for the key task teams in the city to coordinate various links. Integration of work from departments and promote systematic, refined and standardized project construction.

On Qiding Mountain on Daxie Island, machines roared and everything was busy. This is the site of China's largest commercial underground oil reserve project. After being put into production, imported crude oil can be rapidly stored, processed, digested and turned over, providing a guarantee for the stable supply of China's oil and gas resources.

At the construction site, the reporter saw a "fish bone diagram" tailor-made for the project. The "fish bone" marked with key advancement routes, node completion times, responsible departments and other information. Shen Jian, director of the Business Environment Reform Bureau of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that relevant departments conduct "simulated approval" for projects in advance, and the approval departments provide parallel services in advance, striving to "start projects as soon as land is acquired."

Enterprise satisfaction and public satisfaction are the "first yardstick" for optimizing and improving the business environment. On the digital computing platform of the business environment of Zhejiang Province, the "non-sensing monitoring" index across the province is clear at a glance. As of now, Beilun's "Senseless Monitoring" Business Index continues to rank first in Ningbo City, and more than 20 monitoring indicators are at the leading level in the province and the city.

Integration and quality improvement

Industry is the foundation of urban development, and cities are the carriers of industrial development. In a sense, Beilun is a sample of symbiotic, mutually beneficial and integrated development of cities and industries.

However, in recent years, Beilun has clearly proposed to "draw a clear 'boundary' with Hong Kong." Why draw a dividing line? Faced with reporters 'doubts, local comrades laughed and answered:You might as well go to the field to have a look.

Driving on the port area highway, there are undulating container yards along the way. The terrain of Beilun is long from east to west and narrow from north to south. The three port areas of Chuanshan, Daxie and Meishan that run through the east of Beilun account for about 70% of the territory's container cargo volume. You can imagine the great traffic pressure.

The local traffic control department has done statistics:On average, more than 20,000 container trucks pass between the port area and the Urban area every day. Although the government has made great efforts to smooth traffic, the results have not been good:Congestion, illegal parking, exhaust gas, and noise have made residents along the route have strong opinions, and truck drivers have also complained.:The container plan is a fast-in and fast-out process. I would rather pay fines for violations than run quickly.

The dilemma of "seizing and besieging the city" reflects to a certain extent the imbalance in the spatial relationship between "ports" and "cities". This is not only a common problem for domestic and foreign port cities, but also an objective necessity for the development of "ports" and "cities" to a certain stage.

To solve the problem, we first start from the boundary between "port" and "city". The "boundary line between port and city" proposed by Beilun is a rational choice after deeply thinking about the connotation of industry-city integration-there must be a corresponding matching degree between urbanization and industrialization, and "drawing a clear line" is to achieve the improvement of port collection and distribution capabilities, the improvement of regional transportation environment, and the improvement of urban quality.

In accordance with the overall idea of "planning a new batch, clearing up and retiring a batch, and standardizing and upgrading a batch", Beilun has made drastic improvements to supporting facilities. On the basis of accelerating the construction of Ningbo Zhoushan Port's national logistics hub, it has created a number of intensive, digital, three-dimensional truck parking lots and container yards. Liu Yancong, deputy director of the Development and Construction Comprehensive Bureau of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that only when the boundaries are clarified can the deep integration of modern cities and international strong ports be better promoted. This is a must-answer question for building a high-energy gateway to a modern coastal metropolis.

"Some people care about it, no matter how far the road is, it is still near." Although there are "boundaries", services have become more integrated. Beilun launched a series of service guarantee combinations, which effectively solved the worries of truck drivers. In addition, Beilun also strives to promote the construction of "Intelligent Port City" and continues to provide comprehensive factor management and services for centralized transportation.

The integration of industry and city creates a new space. At present, the land space available for development in the Beilun area is very limited. There is no room for incremental growth, so we should work hard to revitalize the stock. Through interviews, it was found that in the early days,"ports" and "districts" were generally mixed in spaces and mismatched functions. There were many inefficient land and idle land in some industrial and logistics parks originally built.

Dongfang Cable Future Factory.

"After about 30 years of development, a park usually reaches a life cycle.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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