Cooling herbal teas of Guangdong renowned for their bitterness

It always arouses curiosity among many friends from other places

"Is it really that hard?"

"It's Cantonese who are too exaggerated."

As a result, many people have launched the herbal tea challenge


Even many foreign friends

Resisting the bitterness of herbal tea

Until the bitterness twists his features.

Wow, wow, wow!

This is much more bitter than coffee!

The "Cool" in Guangdong Liangcha

Not Cool

它是指Clearing heat and dryness的意思

"Tea" is not a specific tea

而是广义上Herbal decoctions

So, herbal tea is hot! It is bitter!

Herbal Tea – The Lifeline of Cantonese People

In the minds of Cantonese

How popular is herbal tea?

Some people have described...

"What flows in the bodies of Cantonese people is not water

But herbal tea."

This Black Drink

with summer being able to cool and reduce internal heat

Winter: Miraculous effects of moistening dryness and promoting qi

Cantonese people's favorite activity all year round

Must-have practical items for home and travel

On the Way of Growing Up of Cantonese

You can never avoid your mother forcing you to drink herbal tea

If syrup is the blood of Cantonese cuisine

A comfort for a day of hard work.

Then herbal tea is

Rite of Passage for Cantonese People

Cooling tea challenges also have a difficulty gradient

Herbal teas typically sold in herbal tea shops and pharmacies


In this process

Twenty-four flavors是用二十至三十多种草药

Cooling tea brewed from Chinese herbs

Sanya suffering则是会单独煮

Or boil in other herbal teas

Healthy and Cooling Herbal Tea (Cantonese-style)

Not just the small sweet water in the neighboring Hainan

Instead, it is made from these materials

Not bitter in taste

You can also use these materials to make soup, stew, or porridge~

It's so bitter that you'll fly out of your seat

Drank and felt the world askew

魂不附体的凉茶是Gua sha

This kind of herbal tea

Dark as thick ink, bitter as gunpowder

Some people have hyperbolically described it as

Mouth After Cupping

A total of 128 gargles

The bitterness will only dissipate from your mouth

Tips for drinking herbal tea!

Seeing some friends from out of town

Sip the cooling tea through a straw

Cantonese people often gasp

You guessed it

"Bottoms up" is the best way to drink herbal tea.

The best opening move

Not due to "courage"

Before your taste buds know what hit them

quick fix

Little Tips to Beat the Heat with Herbal Teas

Got it!

Hurry up and get your good friends to challenge you


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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