Spring is a good time, and enjoying flowers in the spring has become the first choice for many people to travel. Relevant statistics show that the number of searches for "Spring Festival" and "Flower Sharing" on various tourism platforms and the number of ticket bookings for scenic spots have shown an increasing trend recently. In order to make the seasonal "flower viewing economy" last longer and become more popular,"outside flowers" still needs to be put in another effort.

On April 4, tourists went on a tour of the green and enjoyed flowers in the Baili Rhododendron Scenic Area in Bijie City, Guizhou Province (drone photo). Photo by Li Hua (published by Xinhua Agency)

多年来,各地探索尝试,形成了一批有知名度影响力的文化节庆活动。比如,每年3月的西藏林芝桃花旅游文化节已成功举办二十一届,让无数游客“桃”醉。同时也应看到, At present, the flower viewing economy attached to the flowering period is mostly based on "youth food". Spring scenery is not always there, but flowers bloom all year round. Only by turning a "flower" into a "flower" that is unique can the "traffic" of tourists be turned into an "increase" in the economy. 如结合自然景观和人文资源,变单一赏花游向亲子研学、田园休闲、康养度假、艺术美育等领域延展,推动单一赏花活动与相关产业融合发展,百“花”齐放促消费动能释放。

To cultivate the "flower" brand, we must keep up with fashion trends and create diversified consumption scenarios 。当前,针对文旅消费呈现的多样性、多层次、多渠道等新特点,各地应主动增加个性化、多元化和品质化的配套服务。如挖掘当地特色文体旅资源,打造“赏花+露营”“赏花+美食”“赏花+旅拍”等多种消费场景。有的地方利用科技手段推出沉浸式夜游项目,将自然景观、艺术表演和科技效果相融合,打造了独特的夜间赏花盛宴。当然,适时推出优惠券,也能一定程度上激发消费潜能。

The booming "flower viewing economy" is the best interpretation of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". In the future, all localities should also base themselves on resource advantages and make more useful attempts on the basis of ecological protection, so that there is great potential for developing a "flower" economy.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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