3月6日,首批来自青岛的“个人游”旅客抵港,标志着新一轮赴港“个人游”城市扩围落地实施。之前,国务院批准增加陕西省西安市、山东省青岛市为内地赴港澳“个人游”城市。这是2003年国家实施赴港澳“个人游”政策以来第10次增加城市数量, It is also the first time since 2007 that the enclosure has been expanded, and the number of relevant cities has increased to 51.

The theme of each expansion has remained unchanged, which means that the central government has consistently expressed its ardent concern for Hong Kong and Macao, and the strong support of the compatriots of the motherland for Hong Kong and Macao will always be "online". 2003年起陆续推出赴港澳“个人游”城市的背景是港澳遭遇非典疫情冲击,本次扩围也缘于港澳遭遇新冠疫情冲击,目的都是为港澳带来充沛人气,助力港澳加速恢复经济增长、持续改善民生。本次增加的西安、青岛两个城市都是人口过千万、生产总值过万亿元的城市,有强劲的旅游消费需求。数据显示,2023年,青岛共办理赴港澳地区证件超40万件次,占出入境证件办理总量的55%以上。

Tourists visit in front of the St. Paul's Archway in Macau. Photo by Zhang Jinjia (Xinhua Agency)

There is something new about this expansion, that is, **"individual travel" has more connotations and a stronger atmosphere of "one family".

以往的“个人游”主打观光和购物,Today's mainland tourists value Hong Kong's comprehensive value more ,如了解境外理财、购买保险、医药诊疗、高校招生、人才引进的情况,甚至购置房产和投资兴业也在行程清单中。以购买保险为例,香港保险业监管局数据显示,2023年来自内地访客的新保单保费达589.72亿港元,较2022年增长2754.4%,约占个人业务总额的32.6%,这个数据也超越了2019年疫情前水平。

港澳特区政府持续加强文娱基础设施建设,举办盛事活动,The reception capacity and attractiveness of tourists have been greatly improved ,与内地居民赴港澳旅游有关的社会争议和矛盾明显减少。拿香港来说,“十四五”规划赋予香港发展中外文化艺术交流中心的使命,全港现有14个演艺场地、14所博物馆和70家固定图书馆。香港的酒店旅馆过去数年间增加6%,到目前房屋数量约有10万间。香港进入由治及兴新阶段,大量居民兴起“北上消费”之风,他们对内地商家和民众的热情印象深刻,对国情有了更深入的了解。同时,内地高水平对外开放稳步推进,居民海外旅游经历更丰富,文明旅游程度不断提升。加上前海、横琴、南沙、河套等重大合作平台建设的推进,港澳与内地“一家亲”的氛围更加浓厚。这些都为“个人游”城市扩围创造了良好条件。

香港、澳门都是中西合璧的国际化城市,拥有独特的旅游资源禀赋,但在旅游服务方面还有创新求变的潜力。近年来内地崛起一批网红城市,其中一条经验就是“花式宠粉”,值得港澳借鉴。毕竟, Tourists "coming" is the first step, and "being able to catch them" is the hard step.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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