The listing of Xiaomi Automobile is undoubtedly one of the hottest topics in the industry and on the Internet recently. However, as it was on a hot search the day after its launch due to "inability to refund the deposit", Xiaomi Automobile's journey is by no means smooth, and the test it faces has just begun.

From an industry perspective, competition in the new energy vehicle market is becoming increasingly fierce. Domestic and foreign car companies are actively deploying, with rapid technology iteration, but frequent price reductions for products. 小米虽然拥有强大的品牌影响力和粉丝基础,在这个领域仍需从零开始展开竞争。此外,新能源汽车行业还面临着政策变化、原材料价格波动、技术赛道转移等多重不确定性因素,这些都将对小米汽车的未来发展产生影响。


From a product perspective, there are essential differences between cars and mobile phones. 虽然两者在智能化、网络化方面有着越来越多的共通之处,但对于手机,消费者通常更看重新功能和外观设计。汽车则属于大件耐用消费品,消费者对安全性、舒适性、耐用性等方面的要求更高,尤其是关系消费者人身安全,其标准和要求远非手机可比。在追求性价比的同时,如何确保产品质量靠得住,是小米汽车必须解决的重大课题。

From a service perspective, the establishment of an automobile sales and after-sales service system is a long-term and complex process. 小米在手机领域积累的用户运营和服务经验,虽然可为其汽车产品提供一定借鉴,但并不能完全适用。“无法退定金”事件某种程度上就暴露出服务体系建设方面存在的不足。

It is true that as a "newcomer" in the industry, Xiaomi Automobile has won orders that surprised the industry as soon as it debuted, which has proved that it has certain strength. This also shows that many consumers do not spend money, but mainly look at whether there are products that impress them.

When it comes to how to capture the hearts of consumers, Xiaomi can be called a leader in the industry. Thirteen years ago, Xiaomi proposed to make "the first mobile phone for young people", which profoundly influenced the Chinese mobile phone industry, where copycat phones were rampant at that time, and helped the rapid popularization and standardized development of Chinese-made smartphones until it attacked imported brands. Since then, Xiaomi has taken cost performance as the entry point and successively brought "first" products from many young people, built a millet ecological chain, and cultivated a group of loyal "rice noodles". The launch of Xiaomi Automobile is likely to attract a group of consumers who were not interested in new energy vehicles but have been hesitant to buy new energy vehicles.

At present, the new energy vehicle industry is rapidly emerging. Industry technology is developing very rapidly, and the level of related supply chains and parts is also improving simultaneously. Xiaomi is starting on the basis of Chinese industry in the new era and is expected to inject new vitality into the industry.

国家信息中心预测,中国新能源汽车渗透率有望2033年增至60%。 Although this vast market has attractive prospects, the competition will become increasingly fierce, and it may usher in a stage of accelerated upgrading and survival of the fittest. 面对“大考”,包括小米汽车在内的所有汽车品牌必须不断提升实力,以赢得消费者青睐。无论是谁,在新一轮行业洗牌中能处于什么地位,最终还需凭借产品和服务胜出,靠质量和口碑突围。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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