Recently, the Party Central Committee reviewed the situation and proposed accelerating the development of new productive forces, and emphasized the need to further comprehensively deepen reforms to form new production relations that are compatible with them. This year's "Government Work Report" also clarified that we must deepen reform and opening up with greater determination and intensity and promote high-quality development to achieve new and greater results. Deepen reforms in the economic system, science and technology system, establish a high-standard market system, innovate the allocation of production factors, and break through blockages that restrict the development of new quality productivity... A new round of reform is surging. At this time, there is a view that China's reform is "stagnant" or even "regressing", reflecting that some people do not understand the complexity and twists and turns of China's reform, and have insufficient understanding of our determination, confidence, courage and perseverance to unswervingly and comprehensively deepen reform.

First, some people see that reforms in some areas are slowing down and the pace is small, and think that reforms are slowing down or even stagnant. I didn't realize that reforms have entered a critical period and deep water, and the speed and progress of reforms in various fields will inevitably differ.

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, especially since entering the new era, the "four beams and eight pillars" of reform in various fields have sprung up, the basic institutional framework has been basically established, the easy and satisfactory reforms have been completed, and most of the rest are hard "bones". Only when it is difficult, Fang Xianyong and resolute. The difficulty lies in the coexistence of interest promotion and interest adjustment, changing the system and mechanism, moving vested interests, bravely resisting resistance and advancing continuously, and each step requires greater effort, higher wisdom and more cost. the difficulty lies in the enhancement of the relevance and systematic cooperation of reform, which is bound to move the whole body, and to persist in organically connecting, blending and cooperating with each other in the reform in the fields of economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization. The difficulty lies in the fact that the construction of the system is more important, piecemeal adjustment is not good, and fragmented repair is not good. Yong is institutionalizing the achievements of the reform so as to form a complete, scientific, standardized and effective system. The difficulty is that the greater the risks and challenges, the more accurate the direction, the more stable the pace, the better the timing, degree, and efficiency, correctly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability, and bravely consider and make decisions on the strategic priorities, priorities, main directions, and ways of promotion of reform, so as to minimize risks and avoid making subversive mistakes.

Over the past 10 years, it is precisely because we have faced up to difficulties, not afraid of challenges, constantly explored and summarized reform methodologies, and overcame obstacles with the strategic determination of "flying through chaotic clouds still calm" that we have achieved great changes in the new era and achieved historic changes in many fields. Change, systematic reshaping, and overall reconstruction.

Second, when some people saw that there were fewer major changes that were "earth-shattering", they judged that the intensity of promoting reforms had weakened. I didn't realize that many reforms, especially in key areas, are at a critical juncture of deepening and refinement, and they require less conspicuous "stone-piercing skills" and "embroidery skills".

At the beginning of reform and opening up, whether the surname is "public" or "private", whether the surname is "social" or "capital", whether the countryside is urban, or whether the plan is the market... Every discussion and every reform can trigger a strong impact from mind to action. Entering the new era, reform has shifted from partial exploration and breaking through through the ice to system integration and comprehensive deepening. The space for major breakthroughs has been significantly narrowed. The reform fields are highly coupled. It is difficult for "individual advances" to be effective. Comprehensive and systematic reforms must be adopted to form a joint and integration of reforms in various fields to achieve the overall effect. I always hope to hear a "big noise". This kind of expectation is neither realistic nor in line with the laws of development of things. The top priority is to ensure that the reform measures that have been determined are carried out steadily and the tasks take root. This requires implementing it in the spirit of nailing, promoting reform from thick and large lines to thin and dense threads, eliminating the phenomena of lazy reform, slow reform, false reform, inability to change, and inadequate reform, and making precise and coordinated efforts., continue to work hard, calculate big accounts and accounts, so that the overall effectiveness of the reform can be fully demonstrated.

Reform needs to be advanced step by step and breakthrough step by step in order to bring tangible benefits to the people and push the economy and society forward at a solid pace. Since proposing reform and opening up, China has embarked on a path of gradual reform based on reality, from the exploration of land contract management in Xiaogang Village to the experiment of coastal special economic zones, from the initial reform strategy of "crossing the river by feeling the stones", To establishing the grand goal of building a modern and powerful socialist country, we have all followed the pragmatic line of putting the easy first and the difficult first, seeking steady progress from point to point. The success of China's reform practice logic has been fully proved by history.

Third, when some people see adjustments in some policies and measures, they hesitate about reform and even want to go back. I didn't realize that the exploration of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" will inevitably lead to detours, and it is inevitable to sum up experience and correct corrections in a timely manner.

Reform itself is exploration and innovation. It has always been bumpy and tortuous. There is no ready-made way to go, and there is no so-called "perfect plan". It must be carried out through "trial and error-error correction-trial and error again-adjustment". Move forward. Looking further, the focus, path, and tasks of the reform all have obvious phased characteristics. Reform measures that were effective back then may now become reform targets. The deeper the reform develops, the more complex the internal and external situations will become. Problems in development and emerging problems after development, general contradictions and deep-seated contradictions, unfinished tasks and newly proposed tasks are intertwined, and a more effective fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism must be established. There may even be some "black swans" that exceed expectations in the course of development.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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