
Health is an important direction for the cultivation and development of new productive forces“ 整合科技创新资源,引领发展战略性新兴产业和未来产业,加快形成新质生产力”。 新质生产力是习近平总书记2023年9月在黑龙江考察调研期间提出的重要生产力概念,是“由技术革命性突破、生产要素创新性配置、产业深度转型升级而催生的当代先进生产力”。 新质生产力的提出为科技创新和先进社会生产力发展提供了重要指引。 新质生产力的发展对于实现高质量发展目标,全面建设中国特色社会主义现代化强国具有战略意义。

Among the many development directions of new quality productivity, taking health as an important direction for cultivating and developing new quality productivity is an inevitable requirement of the people-centered development idea. It is also a development goal for the results of Chinese-style modernization to benefit all people and enhance people's livelihood and well-being; Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. It is in line with the vital interests of the overwhelming majority of the people and has a broad market foundation and huge market potential. At the same time, taking health as an important direction for cultivating and developing new productive forces, we can take advantage of the wide coverage and strong driving effect of health technology. It can not only promote the development of basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology, but also accelerate the development of information technology, medical technology, Interdisciplinary integration and innovation of applied technologies such as biotechnology and materials technology will accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and create iconic products.
In the process of accelerating the formation of new productive forces across the country, health must be regarded as an important direction of cultivating and development, and the role of "banner" in leading the development of strategic emerging industries and the role of "seed" in cultivating future industries must be fully utilized. Recently, the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Future Industrial Innovation and Development" jointly issued by seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council clearly regards future health as one of the six development directions of future industries, and proposes to "Accelerate the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies such as cell and gene technology, synthetic biology, and biological breeding, promote technologies such as 5G/6G, metaverse, and artificial intelligence to empower new medical services, and develop and integrate digital twins, High-end medical equipment and health products with advanced technologies such as brain-computer interaction." These forward-looking and strategic large-scale health industry layouts reflect the great importance and long-term planning of the development of new productive forces in the health field in terms of national top-level design.

Healthy consumption leads consumption development 改革开放以来,随着中国经济社会的快速发展,医疗卫生水平的不断提升,医疗保障体系的不断完善,居民健康水平得到了大幅提高,人均预期寿命比1990年提升了近10岁。 尽管医疗条件有了大幅提升,健康水平大幅改善,但健康依然是美好生活的最大绊脚石之一,如高血糖、高血脂、高血压等慢性疾病依然高发; 心血管疾病、恶性肿瘤等依然是健康杀手; 疲劳、失眠、焦虑、免疫力下降等亚健康状况越来越普遍; 等等。 这些健康问题很多是由于不健康生活方式引致的,需要鼓励健康消费,形成健康生活方式来预防疾病。

First, residents 'medical and health expenditure has grown rapidly, and its proportion in residents' consumption structure has increased year by year. 到2023年,居民人均医疗保健支出达到了2460元,同比增长16%,在居民消费结构中的比重从“十三五”开局的约7.6%上升到约9.2%;** 二是健康消费市场新产品和服务不断涌现,** 成为满足居民新消费需求的重要领域,尤其是在非医疗类大健康产品和服务中,大健康产业与越来越多的产业融合,产业边界快速拓展,产品和服务日益丰富,健康消费电子、保健食品、健康管理、中医保健、养生旅游、运动健身等健康消费市场快速发展,成为居民消费中最具创新活力的消费领域之一; Third, health has become an important factor in quality consumption. 是产品和服务升级的重要内容和方向,特别是在食品和餐饮消费市场中,健康饮食产品和餐饮服务是整个产业转型升级的核心内容和方向,并且随着居民从温饱生活水平迈进小康生活水平和富裕生活水平,饮食健康内涵也从安全卫生向营养绿色提升,保健食品,有机食品,绿色食品,营养功能食品,低糖、低油、低盐餐品,轻食餐饮,健康茶饮,营养食堂等健康食品和餐饮服务的市场需求不断增长,带动食品和餐饮产业健康化发展; Fourth, health has begun to become an important factor affecting residents 'consumption decisions. 健康生活方式成为各个年龄段居民的共同追求,使得越来越多的居民在出生到老年的全生命周期中,在生活、工作、学习、旅行等各个场景中,在衣食住行以及通信等各大类消费中,都会把健康消费作为优先选择,健康产品和服务更易获得消费者青睐,具有更强的市场竞争力。

Technological innovation is an important driving force for new healthy consumption 在健康消费从以“治病为中心”向以“健康为中心”转变的进程中,非医疗类健康消费成为创新最为活跃的大健康消费领域,而科技正是创新最主要推动因素,为健康新消费提供了技术支撑,丰富了健康消费产品和服务,变革了健康消费方式,拓展了健康消费新场景,推动健康消费向数字化、智能化、精准化和个性化发展。 如食品科技、生物科技的发展不断丰富健康食品的消费选择; 数字技术、移动互联网和云计算推动了健康服务的线上化、移动化和云服务发展,电脑端、移动智能终端、可穿戴设备等多个服务入口,可以让消费者随时随地享受健康服务,大大提高了健康服务效率和消费便利性; 智能化的健康管理服务可以利用大数据、人工智能等技术提高健康管理能力,更好地提供健康评估、预防、康复等服务,帮助消费者形成健康生活方式; 在基因技术、物联网技术推动下,基因服务、可穿戴设备等可以精准化地帮助消费者了解自身健康状况,并为消费者提供及时的健康反馈和建议; 智能终端健康APP可以为用户提供个性化的健康服务,如定制健身方案、定制营养方案等,以满足用户的营养需求,提高身体健康水平。


Promote positive interaction between healthy consumption and investment in the industrialization of new quality productivity 中央经济工作会议提出,着力扩大国内需求,要激发有潜能的消费,扩大有效益的投资,形成消费和投资相互促进的良性循环。 在健康消费和新质生产力培育发展上,要充分发挥超大规模市场优势、产业集群优势和举国创新制度优势,以健康消费需求引导新质生产力产业化发展,以新质生产力发展提高健康产品和服务质量,创新健康产品和服务,以新优质供给创造健康新消费,形成健康消费和新质生产力产业化投资相互促进的良性循环。

Cultivating and developing new productive forces and promoting industrial development are investments that focus on future medium-and long-term development. Therefore, we must comprehensively and deeply grasp the characteristics and development trends of future healthy consumption, including population trends, changes in consumer groups, changes in consumption patterns, income characteristics and health needs, etc., play a good role in guiding consumption; At the same time, cultivating and developing new productive forces and promoting industrial development include not only the development of emerging industries, but also the quality improvement and upgrading of traditional industries. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and scientific analysis of the current situation of industrial development, competition pattern, return on investment, etc., and form a market-oriented approach. A virtuous cycle of consumption and investment.
In order to further enhance the power of healthy consumption and provide greater market power for the industrialization of new quality productivity, it is necessary to further strengthen health knowledge publicity, education and training, improve residents 'health literacy, and develop healthy living habits. For example, in terms of diet consumption, on the one hand, we must pay attention to family and school food education to develop healthy eating habits from an early age; on the other hand, we must increase the popularization of scientific eating methods and nutrition knowledge such as the "Residents 'Dietary Guidelines" to gradually reduce unhealthy eating habits. In short, to enhance the driving force of scientific and technological innovation for new healthy consumption, it is necessary to further popularize healthy lifestyles and expand the healthy consumption market.

Zhao Jingqiao, Research Center for Service Economy and Catering Industry, School of Finance and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Author: Emma

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