近日, 一份**“家长因上学时间太早在班级微信群怼老师”**的聊天记录引发热议,相关话题冲上热搜。

微信群聊截图显示,上海市金山区某小学,一名学生家长向班里老师表示: "Starting from today, all first morning classes in XX will not be held. Let him sleep until he wakes up naturally. His current sleep is more important than morning classes. The child is small and it is not suitable to get up too early. As an adult, I can't stand it too early and don't want to get up."

On the same day, staff of the Education Bureau of Jinshan District, Shanghai City, told reporters that they had paid attention to this matter and had currently contacted parents and schools, and were communicating and coordinating. 21世纪教育研究院院长熊丙奇分析,家校共育需要的是理性沟通,而不是所谓的霸气对待学校老师。在互联网时代,并非谁的声音大、谁更强势,就意味着谁有理,首先需要明确的是平等沟通的重要性。如果家长对学校的上学时间有意见,不应该去怼班主任,因为这个问题并非班主任甚至是学校能决定的,而是应该向当地政府和教育部门反映。
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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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