Various signs are hung all over the walls, but there are piles of warehouses where they cannot be hung... Recently, the media conducted a survey in a certain place and found that under the burden reduction, the phenomenon of "signs all over the walls" in village committees is still prominent. Some village cadres reported that the village spent thousands of yuan just making signs.

Listing is originally a method of "publicity" and "notification" to let people know the functions of the unit and provide convenience for the masses to do things. The brand means responsibility. Since it is hung up, the corresponding functions and services must be established. But in reality, with so many signs on the wall, can the service keep up?

There are thousands of threads above and one needle below. For many grassroots units, there are too many listings, but in actual work, they lack policy, personnel, funding and other support. They do not have the ability to match the plaques on the walls, and they simply cannot carry it."" I can't hold it." Many grassroots workers themselves cannot even tell how many jobs they have part-time jobs, and some cadres interviewed even bluntly said,"Many mechanism brands have not really played a role and have not carried out activities."

But wherever the sign is hung, the assessment will follow. Grassroots units must not only actively welcome inspections, but also submit materials, but where can they achieve performance if they have a license but no reality? In the end, most of them are piecing together, doing some "paper articles" and perfunctory things. With so many signs, on the one hand, it greatly increases the "paper" workload of grassroots staff, causing them to circle around the signs every day; on the other hand, it falls into the other extreme in the implementation process."There are too many things to worry about", and the signs are just hung there and become a formality.

If that is the case, why do you still have so many signs? It is not difficult to find clues from the words of grassroots cadres:"The superior department asked him to hang up and said he would come for an inspection." There are indeed some higher-level departments who hope to express their existence through "listing". From the perspective of it, it seems that the "position" will be there when the sign is on the wall. When the sign is on the wall, the work will sink. It would be fine to say that the work guidance of these departments revolves around the brand, but in reality it is often "hung up" and usually ignored, and "according to the brand" when it comes to inspection and assessment. If you leave "traces", you must leave "achievements". As for the effectiveness of the specific work, it is not important.

But no matter how brilliant the "achievements" on "paper" are, the problem is there and cannot be fooled. However, the energy of grassroots cadres is occupied by some empty brands, and the time they have to do real things and do practical things will inevitably decrease. In the end, the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the people were not solved, and the things that should be done were not done well. The more brands there were, the more ironic the more.

Objectively speaking, there is no problem with the listing itself. The key is why the listing is for. If it can effectively play a role in fulfilling responsibilities, promoting work, and serving the people, then it should be suspended; on the contrary, if it apportion many tasks that should not be undertaken by grassroots organizations just to demonstrate the comprehensive performance of duties or even self-branding, then it will become formalism. At present, many places have carried out "clearing operations" to "compare the same category" and "pick false cards", with obvious results. In the long run, it is also necessary to improve the systems for listing project access, daily brand management, and listing supervision and accountability, and clarify that "whoever lists will be responsible" and "whoever hangs the brand will be responsible." Only in this way can we avoid the problem of "taking it today, hanging it tomorrow", and repeating formalism.

It is imperative to reduce the burden at the grassroots level. We must clear up visible "brands" and standardize invisible "brands". At present, there are still many forms of formalism at the grassroots level, and the grassroots are struggling to cope with it. It is undeniable that the grassroots is the front line of serving the masses. In order to ensure the effective implementation of various tasks, many goals, tasks, and responsibilities need to be broken down layer by layer. However, precisely because of the many clues, heavy tasks, and great difficulties, superior departments are required to streamline unnecessary assessments and inspections based on reality, abandon unreasonable red tape, scientifically allocate powers and responsibilities, and test effectiveness, so that grassroots departments and grassroots cadres can truly concentrate on doing their job well.

Remove the formalism sign from the door and hang the service sign in your heart. In the final analysis, everything must be based on reality and serving the people. By grasping this point at all times, there will be no room for formalism in this way and that way.

wrote an article:Chao Xing


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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