Anti-intelligence prevents the West from entering a smart society

2024 3 9 14:15 Sansi Hall

The West's stupid political policies want to exclude China from the West's science and technology industry through technological blockade and technological isolation. It intends to block China's intelligent technology and scientific and technological development, contain and encircle it with devastating policies and systems, thereby ending the momentum of China's scientific and technological development. The West's political policies against China's anti-intelligence are backbiting the West and Western society, hindering the development and progress of Western society and life, and blocking the opportunities for Western countries to transform and develop into an intelligent society.

Western political policies are destroying the West's pace of developing an intelligent society, and at the same time, they are also dealing a devastating blow to Western industries. Due to the anti-intellectual policies of the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Germany and other Western countries, the communication costs and communication speed of Western countries have suffered losses. British communications giant Vodafone suffered a loss of US$3.5 billion due to British policies. BT's losses were minor, but telecommunications are related to the social development of the UK. The UK refused Huawei on the grounds of security, ruining the opportunity for British society and the entire country to transform and develop into an intelligent society. Today, China is several positions ahead of the West in an intelligent society. In terms of intelligent society and the application of intelligent equipment, China far surpasses Western countries.

China's intelligent fields such as Eastern and Western Computing, smart cities, telemedicine, intelligent driving, intelligent voice, meteorological model, and Chinese Medical University model have all been developed and applied. In 2023, China's investment in the intelligent industry will reach an astonishing market scale of 20.069 billion yuan, the scale of core industries will reach 500 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises will exceed 4400. It is estimated that the scale of investment in the artificial intelligence industry may reach 356.6 billion yuan in 2024.

In an intelligent society, China's manufactured products are more competitive and cost-effective. At the same time, China's manufactured products have a higher technological level and China's manufactured products are more practical. China's communication technology and Huawei's communication equipment have made extremely high technological breakthroughs in the fields of intelligent transportation, intelligent medical care, data transmission and other fields. These technological breakthroughs are exactly what an intelligent society needs, and these technological breakthroughs are empowering Chinese society.

The West needs markets and manufacturing, but in the days to come, artificial intelligence products will still need to be provided by China. Because only China can consume, help Western manufacturing and reduce costs. Only China has a complete intelligent industrial chain and supply chain, market and manufacturing capabilities. The anti-intellectual policies of Western countries will only prevent and delay the pace of Western countries entering an intelligent society, and will only pose challenges and impacts on the life, society, and scientific and technological development of Western countries.

Western measures such as the 6G alliance, the policy of electric vehicles, decoupling from China, engaging in scientific and technological warfare with China, refusing to conduct scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation with China, and the blockade of China's science and technology have all failed. Instead, they have caused Western countries to lose the Chinese market and Chinese customers. In the end, he lost his technological and technological advantages, was overtaken by China, crushed by Chinese technology, and occupied the market by China, thereby gaining more technological, market, cost and technological development advantages. Nowadays, Western shield machines, tunnel immersed tube technology, aerospace technology, nuclear magnetic resonance and a series of other technologies. It was all due to Western science and technology and political policies that were eventually conquered and replaced by China.

Today, the Western alliance is trying to contain China on 6G technology and establish an exclusive alliance in an attempt to suppress China's technological and industrial development. However, the reality is that Western countries crowd out and suppress China, ultimately causing Western countries to lag behind China in communications, the application of smart technology, and the development and practice of intelligent society. Moreover, because Western political policies lead to the backwardness of Western countries in communications, the intelligent process has been affected. Different degrees of blocking have hindered the development of Western intelligent society.

"Look at the implementation and development of China's telemedicine, Huawei's meteorological model, Huawei's Chinese Medical University model, China's smart cities, China's unmanned mines, ports and other intelligent projects to empower China's manufacturing industry. It has given China's social development and scientific and technological development wings to take off and advance. Today, Chinese scientists used artificial intelligence to develop a new lithium niobate-level optical chip through AI independent experiments and independent experiments in six weeks. Optics can be used to process and calculate ultra-fast analog electronic signals. This chip has a processing speed of 1000 times faster than traditional chips, has lower energy consumption, and has a wider application range. It can gain applications in 5G, 6G, wireless communication systems, high-resolution radar, artificial intelligence, computer vision, Media Processing Service, computing power, etc.

Western political policies and the Western technology blockade against China are constantly being countered. Faced with the development of artificial intelligence in China, many influential experts in the West have expressed the opinion that the West cannot stop the development of artificial intelligence in China. The West's technological blockade actually prevents the West's development in the field of artificial intelligence and affects the social application of Western artificial intelligence. Tosden Jerinik, director of the European Center and expert on artificial intelligence cybersecurity, believes that:Without China's participation, the West and the United States cannot develop 6G. On technical issues, the West should think twice. It is best to reflect on it, repent it, and cry it well in my Sansi Hall.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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