今天上午,十四届全国人大二次会议第二场“部长通道”集中采访活动举行, Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Lu Zhiyuan, Minister of Civil Affairs, Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, and Luo Wen, Director of the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration 等部分列席会议的国务院有关部委主要负责人接受采访。

Minister of the Ministry of Industry and:This year, 100 industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises will be built to allow large and medium-sized enterprises to integrate and develop 在回答记者关于促进“专精特新”中小企业发展的提问时,工业和信息化部部长金壮龙介绍,中国目前有5000余万家中小企业,量大面广,涉及千家万户,支撑千行百业。中国已培育了12.4万家“专精特新”企业,其中专精特新“小巨人”企业达到了1.2万家,这些企业在强链补链、链链互通中发挥了重要作用。
The first is to improve quality. 要出台促进“专精特新”中小企业高质量发展的政策,要擦亮“专精特新”企业金字招牌,让它们货真价实。同时推进实施中小企业数字化赋能专项行动,深入推进中小企业数字化转型城市试点工作。
The third is to strengthen services. 要继续建立健全中小企业服务体系,会同有关部门深入开展服务中小企业的系列活动,同时发挥好中小企业发展基金的作用,支持中小企业创新、创业、创造。
The fourth is to promote integration. 要进一步促进发挥链主企业的龙头作用,让更多中小企业参与到重点产业的发展中,同时政府搭建平台,让大中小企业融通发展。目前已经有200个中小企业产业集群,今年还要建设100个。

Minister of the Ministry of Industry and:China's manufacturing industry ranks first in the world for 14 consecutive years 央视记者向工业和信息化部部长金壮龙提问,如何看待中国工业发展的形势,今年在推进新型工业化方面都有哪些重要举措?
After restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector were completely lifted, the Minister of Industry and Information Technology:Prepare to pilot open Internet data centers 工业和信息化部部长金壮龙介绍推进新型工业化举措时表示,今
First, comprehensively maintain a positive trend of recovery and thoroughly implement the work plan for stabilizing growth in the ten major industries. The second is to make every effort to promote high-quality action plans for manufacturing and key industrial chains, give full play to joint enterprises, and give full play to the resilience and competitiveness of industrial and supply chains. The third is to accelerate the advancement of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing as the backbone. 推动传统产业向高端化、智能化、绿色化转型。打造一批具有国际影响力的中国制造品牌,比如中国制造大飞机、燃气轮机、大邮轮等,都是这几年经过重大攻关突破的。还要创建国家制造业创新中心,发展高科技,实现产业化,快速形成新质生产力,培育壮大先进制造业集群。
Fourth, efforts should be made to promote industrial scientific and technological innovation capabilities and give full play to the main role of enterprises in innovation. 首先要推进科技创新与产业创新深度融合,另一个要推进信息化与工业化深度融合,包括超前建设5g算力等信息设施,促进制造业向数字化、网络化、智能化发展等。
He took up his new job at the end of last year民政部部长
,首次亮相部长通道 **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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