On New Year's Day this year, Wusongkou International Cruise Port. With the whistle blowing, the "Aida Magic City", China's first Chinese-made cruise ship built in Shanghai, launched its first commercial voyage, breaking the waves and heading for Deep Blue.

On the first day of the Year of the Dragon, Hongqiao International Airport. The engine roared, and the C919 Chinese-made large aircraft served the Spring Festival travel season for the first time. It soared into the sky and flew into the distance.

The sky is wide and the sky is wide and the distance is flying. This is a vivid epitome of Shanghai's strategy of serving the country.

Three months ago, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Shanghai, he emphasized that Shanghai should focus on the important mission of building an international economic center, financial center, trade center, shipping center, and scientific and technological innovation center, and accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence., give full play to the leading and demonstration role in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Standing at a new starting point, Shanghai keeps in mind its instructions and bravely shoulders its mission. Focusing on a series of new positioning, new conclusions, new requirements, and new tasks proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, it takes accelerating the construction of the "Five Centers" as the main direction, and coordinates the economic and social development. Work in all aspects and strive to transform the grand blueprint into real-life paintings with high quality.

mission is on the shoulder

In the international shipping community, there is a saying called "tonnage determines status", which is used to describe the carrying capacity of a ship. Later, it was often extended to emphasize the lifting significance of "energy level" to a city.

Only by increasing the energy level can we radiate and drive and demonstrate and lead. Building the "five centers" is the main direction.

In December last year, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session adopted a heavy "Decision", focusing on the important mission of building the "Five Centers" and further forming a consensus. This meeting emphasized the need to serve the national strategic needs, accelerate the improvement of the level of internationalization, promote the coordinated development of the "five centers", and continue to improve urban energy levels and core competitiveness.

For Shanghai, as a vanguard and pioneer, it is a consistent mission to bravely shoulder national strategic tasks. At present, major changes unseen in a century are accelerating and the international situation is complex. It is even more special to build the "five centers" in the overall national strategy.

This not only means that Shanghai must focus on allocating global resources, but also serve the overall reform and development of the country, testing systems, exploring new paths, and making up for shortcomings for the country.

The overall plan for high-level institutional opening up of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, the implementation plan for the comprehensive reform pilot of Pudong New District, the overall plan for the construction of the Shanghai Oriental Hub International Business Cooperation Zone, and the pilot offshore trade stamp duty preferential policies in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and Lingang New Area... With the introduction of relevant national support policies, the construction of the "Five Centers" has accelerated.

Perhaps the most obvious feeling is still the company. Not long ago, global pharmaceutical giant Modna Group officially launched the construction of Modna's largest factory in the world in Shanghai. It only took more than three months from signing the contract to starting the construction. After the "Tesla Speed", the "Modena Speed" that surprised foreign businessmen once again achieved.

A company leader who has worked in Lingang for 20 years lamented that many things people didn't dare to do before, but now they can explore with their hands and feet.

the source of power

The "five centers" all have the attribute of "international" and are highly related to high-level opening up to the outside world. Deepening reform and opening up is the source of motivation.

"Pioneering reform and leading opening up" are important tasks for Shanghai as a "experimental field" of reform and opening up.

Starting from February 1, the newly revised "Regulations of Shanghai City on Promoting the Construction of an International Trade Center" will be officially implemented. The regulations fully align with international high-standard economic and trade rules such as CPTPP, and better respond to the new demands of trading companies to enhance their internationalization capabilities.

In Pudong, relying on the newly released comprehensive reform pilot implementation plan, the Global Talent Recruitment Partnership Program has been launched, allowing foreigners to serve as legal representatives of public institutions and state-owned enterprises. "While introducing foreign investment, it also introduces global strategic thinking perspectives and resources for the operation and management of state-owned enterprises." A legal expert interpreted this.

Promoting reform through openness, Shanghai is constantly exploring and establishing and improving an institutional system that is compatible with openness.

Shanghai continues to explore innovation in offshore RMB transactions and promotes pilot cross-border data flow in the financial sector in the free trade zone. In addition, Shanghai has made it clear that it encourages financial institutions to carry out cross-border asset management and other measures to help business entities improve their ability to coordinate the allocation of domestic and foreign funds.

In January this year, Shanghai's International Trade "Single Window" launched the blockchain-based industry application "Air Trade Digital Chain", which is used to explore application scenarios such as cross-border electronic invoices, cross-border commodity traceability, and electronic bills of lading, and continue to improve international trade. degree of facilitation.

To enhance international competitiveness, the cross-border flow of various factors is the key. In the Lingang New Area, classified and hierarchical management measures for cross-border data flow have been recently introduced, and a full-process cross-border data flow management mechanism of "pre-evaluation and filing, in-process backup and storage of certificates, and post-event random inspection and verification" has been established. Nearly 50 cross-border data flow scenarios have been explored.

"Shanghai's port must become China's port, and it must become the world's port." A person in charge of a Lingang government department said.

Science and technology innovation leads

In February this year, OpenAI threw a bombshell:Sora, the first text-generated video model, was released. The whole world has deeply felt the disruptive significance of technological innovation.

Just a month before Sora's launch, the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory located on the banks of the Huangpu River released a new generation of big language model, Scholar·Puyu 2.0. This big model can process the input content of about 300,000 Chinese characters at a time, and even has imagination., can write the script of "Wandering Earth 3".

Artificial intelligence is one of the three leading industries that Shanghai is vigorously developing. In Xuhui Binjiang, Shanghai is making every effort to promote the construction of the "Model Speed Space" innovative ecological community. As the country's first large model ecological community jointly built in the urban area, more than 60 companies have settled in it in less than half a year.

This "science fiction sense" in Shanghai stems from innovation. Among them, the breakthrough in basic research "from 0 to 1" can be described as the source within the source and the leading within the lead.

Last year, Shanghai's total social R & D expenditure equivalent to about 4.4% of the city's GDP. Shanghai announced that it will strive to increase the proportion of basic research expenditures in social R & D expenditures to about 13% in another four years.

At present, Shanghai has launched and implemented key core technology research actions in the fields of metaverse, blockchain, and high temperature superconductivity. In addition, a number of large scientific devices such as hard X-ray devices, submarine scientific observation networks, high-efficiency low-carbon gas turbine test devices, and magnetic-inertial confinement fusion energy are also being fully promoted.

The latest data shows that Shanghai's ranking among the world's "best technology clusters" has risen to fifth place. Taking intelligent manufacturing as an example, Shanghai is becoming the largest intelligent manufacturing core equipment industry cluster in China, and the scale of the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan.

This is as revealed by Nobel Prize winner Solow:From a long-term perspective, technological progress rather than capital accumulation is the main driving force for economic growth.

The empowering effect of innovation on thousands of industries cannot be replaced by any other force. This year, Shanghai will also deploy new fields such as new generation communications (6G), build manufacturing innovation centers around fuel cells and transportation of core equipment, and continue to cultivate "nuclear explosion points" for industrial science and technology innovation.

Today's talk about innovation not only focuses on the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center, but also has a strong traction effect on the coordinated development of the "five centers" and can often achieve the effect of "1+1 is greater than 2".

Taking the construction of an international shipping center as an example, at the end of last year, the Shanghai Port Luojing Automated Container Terminal renovation project was successful and will be put into operation this year. After integrating the latest port and shipping scientific and technological achievements, the former "coal black spot" has transformed into a "green + smart" port, which will open up new space for the further improvement of Shanghai Port's container throughput.

It goes without saying that innovation is often accompanied by huge risks and requires the support of financial and other factors. Throughout the history of global science and technology innovation, 80% of the world's top ten science and technology innovation centers are financial centers; 80% of the world's top ten financial centers are also science and technology innovation centers. In January this year, Shanghai International Group signed contracts with a number of funds to initiate the establishment of early hard technology funds. This is the first direct investment fund in Shanghai's state-owned assets system that is linked between cities and cities and focuses on "investing early and investing in small technology". It has a target scale of 1 billion yuan, and the initial scale is about 200 million yuan. In Pudong, which has been given the "leading zone for socialist modernization", the trend of capital elements promoting scientific and technological innovation is very obvious. At present, the total number of listed projects on the "Unveiling the List" public service platform has exceeded 200 million yuan, the total intended investment in the project has exceeded 700 million yuan, and the number of innovative incubators has reached 194.

Talent has become Shanghai's most valuable strategic resource. Data shows that Shanghai introduced a total of 172,000 talents from home and abroad last year, a year-on-year increase of 12%. The total number of talents in the city has exceeded 6.75 million.

Currently, Shanghai is actively carrying out pilot projects for comprehensive reform of national scientific and technological talent evaluation, and has launched 18 measures to relax the delegation of power to innovation entities, further activating the "first driving force" of innovation.

Jump hard

During this period, a word has been frequently mentioned by cadres at all levels in Shanghai, which expresses the current state and style of Shanghai-"try hard."

This vivid term means that keeping in mind the instructions and bravely shouldering the mission requires a "construction team" with comprehensive capabilities. Faced with the complex and ever-changing international situation and arduous development tasks, cadres at all levels in Shanghai have demonstrated high morale and professional ability.

The "first meeting of the New Year" is often the strongest signaling significance. On the first working day of the Year of the Dragon, Shanghai held a conference on optimizing the business environment, released version 7.0 of Shanghai Optimizing the Business Environment, and arranged 150 reform measures. Each district responded quickly, benchmarking the new version of the requirements, breaking down tasks as soon as possible, and forming implementation rules. Many leading cadres rushed to key areas and important points for on-site research.

Pudong held a conference on focusing on investment and promoting development in the afternoon of the same day, forming a "1" task breakdown table,"1" batch of key reform matters, and "N" measures to improve the business environment. Seven key industrial projects were signed on site; Putuo proposed 100 reform measures in four aspects including business cadre team building; Changning recently unveiled the first batch of 14 "Market Supervision Service Officers", providing point-to-point, full-cycle, and full-process service support to 140 key headquarters enterprises in key service areas...

"To be a good company's 'gold medal waiter' with heart and emotion and continuously improve the satisfaction of market entities is to provide timely replies and solve problems when they encounter urgent, difficult and anxious matters, and stand on standby 24 hours a day." A cadre engaged in business work said.

Innovative development has put forward higher requirements for cadre capabilities. In the process of continuing to promote the in-depth and practical theme education, Shanghai has led party organizations at all levels in the city to carry out more than 5100 joint group studies of various types, and held special seminars for leading cadres to strengthen the systematic capacity building of scientific and technological innovation, so as to better master the master of research problems and solve problems through integration.

Shanghai will strive to build a team of high-quality professional cadres that match the modern international socialist metropolis, and continuously strengthen the sense of urgency to update knowledge, the initiative to actively act, the general pattern of joint cooperation, and the execution power to grasp the end, so as to contribute to the country's development. Make new contributions to the overall situation.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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