最近,有多位游客向记者反映:In order to save money and effort, they bought such VIP tour guide services at a high price online, but they didn't expect it-the actual experience was a mess! 在网上搜索"上海迪士尼" 会看到很多类似的文章:**vip免排队、私人导游定制路线,不限时12大项目快速通行等等。 **

Many tourists from all over the country told reporters that they were all guided by this push and added a WeChat account of the so-called "planner" of "Shanghai Tuxiang Tourism Culture Development Co., Ltd.".

对方给出的"套餐表"上有快速游玩、演出观赏位引导、导游陪同等服务,价格要比迪士尼官网票价高出数倍,但是为了更好的游玩体验,李先生和王女士两组游客还是分别花费几千元下了单, 实际体验却令人糟心。 ** 云南游客 李先生表示 进园以后就没人管我了 最后园区里来了一个人 给我的理由是他们人太多了,把我一家人忘记了**
北京游客 王女士称 迪士尼巡游说会指定最佳观赏位置 实际上跟我们说,就在那儿看, 我们根本就看不到,**我还一个脚踩在垃圾桶上 也还是看不着 **

事后,李先生和王女士分别进行了维权 得到来自市文旅局的回复是:"The company has not obtained a travel agency business license and is not an enterprise approved by the Culture and Tourism Bureau. It is recommended to report it to the Market Supervision Bureau where the enterprise is located. "
记者来到营业执照上显示的地址 却发现这里是另一个完全无关的公司

The reporter contacted the market supervision department and the other party said:Since the company was registered in the centralized registration place, they have not yet contacted the company through various methods. At present, the market supervision department of Baoshan District has included it in the list of business abnormalities, and will subsequently cooperate with the tourism industry authorities to further investigate the company.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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