3月28日 国航内蒙古公司 CA8122航班(浦东-呼和浩特) 在飞行过程中遭遇颠簸On March 30, Air China apologized for "Flight CA8122 encountered bumps"声明全文如下: 2024年3月28日,国航内蒙古公司CA8122航班(浦东- 呼和浩特)在飞行过程中遭遇颠簸,机组和乘务组按程序处置,航班于当晚22时49分正常落地。对于因颠簸给旅客造成的不适,我们深表歉意。感谢大家的关注。

previous reports “当时觉得心都快跳出嗓子眼儿了。”3月28日晚,一位网友发布视频称,其搭乘CA8122航班从上海飞往呼和浩特,途中经历了颠簸惊魂。

不少网友表示: 只要平安就好!
更有网友直言: “没必要道歉”
**遇到颠簸时乘客如何做好自我保护? ** 飞机在空中飞行依靠的是空气产生的升力对它的支撑,就像汽车在不平整的地面上行驶会颠簸一样,如果空气不稳定产生气流飞机就会发生颠簸,这是飞行过程中会出现的正常现象。所以别紧张,空中颠簸≠不安全。

  • If you are not in your seat and don't have time to fasten your seat belt, grab the seat back or seat armrest in front of you as soon as possible, and fasten your seat belt as soon as possible after the bumps are relieved;

  • Passengers walking in the aisles should immediately find an empty seat next to them and fasten their seat belts;

  • If there are no empty seats around you, you should squat down immediately, grab anything you can grasp, and fix yourself to prevent injury. Passengers in the bathroom should firmly grasp the edge of the sink, handles and other objects to keep them fixed.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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