继上月底淘宝悄然开放微信支付后,阿里和腾讯的互联互通还在继续。On March 4, some netizens discovered that 阿里旗下业务钉钉最新版本也悄悄向微信开放! 这意味着Users can join the nailing meeting in WeChat without having to download and open the nailing client separately.

据了解,Just share the joining link of the nail meeting with your WeChat friends, and the other party can directly enter the same meeting on WeChat. 首次入会时需通过手机号进行验证,后续再次入会可实现一键快捷登录。而在此之前,当用户使用钉钉会议与外部人员进行远程会议时,对方往往需要先下载并注册钉钉APP才能参与会议,一定程度上影响了开会的即时性和便利性。

A reporter tested and found that users can directly share meeting links to WeChat on the Dingpin APP, and mobile phones can even go directly to WeChat friends with one click. The nail meeting function in WeChat has also been minimalist, with only a few core functions necessary for meetings: unmute, turn on the camera, invite friends, and view members. However, WeChat uses nails to hold meetings as a gimmick, but ** The current implementation form is through the WeChat mobile browser, not in the form of Weixin Mini Programs. ** From a user experience perspective, the experience provided by Weixin Mini Programs may be smoother and more immersive.

This update also triggered heated discussions among netizens

Many netizens said that it was "too convenient" and believed that this move effectively broke down the barrier between nail meetings and the WeChat ecosystem and improved the user experience.

However, some netizens also suggested that life and work are more difficult to separate now:

In fact, this is not the first time that Ali and Tencent have interconnected products. 2021年9月,阿里巴巴旗下饿了么、优酷、大麦、考拉海购、书旗等应用就宣布接入了微信支付;2023年6月,微信朋友圈广告也实现了跳转淘宝App。具体到钉钉业务,今年2月,钉钉和乐播投屏做了打通,所有钉钉用户都可以在电视或大屏上通过乐播投屏TV端应用直接投屏,解决了PC端投屏的部分痛点。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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