**放假啦!**铁路清明假期运输今日启动, 当天长三角铁路预计发送旅客315万人次。
今年清明小长假运输期限自4月3日起至7日止, 记者从铁路上海站获悉,**预计将有225万人次从上海坐火车出行。 长三角铁路预计发送旅客1630万人次,**日均发送旅客326万人次, 较2019年同期增长近两成。
**明天客流高峰,请提早出门 **清明假期,不少上海人要去无锡、苏州、宁波等地扫墓。同时,清明也是赏花踏青的好时节,扫墓、探亲访友客流叠加旅游客流,火车站人格外多。
长三角铁路客流预计将以旅游、探亲、商务等客流为主,Medium and long-distance direction主要为去往北京、广州、福州、南昌、长沙、汉口、郑州等,Hot cities in the pipeline 主要为上海、杭州、南京、合肥、扬州、苏州、无锡、常州、宁波、温州、金华、义乌、黄山、芜湖、阜阳、徐州等,popular routes 主要为京沪、沪宁、沪杭、宁杭、合福、杭深、宁安、杭黄等高铁线。The highest passenger departure date is expected to be April 4, with more than 3.6 million passengers expected to be sent. 朱扬 摄
Tomorrow will be the peak passenger flow,上海各火车站预计发送旅客超60万人次。

#These trains will be restored or added

** **

During the transportation period during the Qingming holiday, the Shanghai Bureau Group arranged to open 39 additional pairs of passenger trains on the basis of the planned peak line and 22 pairs of spring tour passengers. The total number of train runs reached 1,386.5 pairs, an increase of 66 pairs year-on-year, providing as much capacity as possible for tourists during the Qingming holiday.

Six pairs of mobile sleeper trains will be added in the direct direction, including Shanghai Hongqiao to Shenzhen North, Shanghai Hongqiao to Foshan West, Shanghai Hongqiao to Guangzhou South, Shenzhen North to Shanghai Hongqiao, Foshan West to Shanghai Hongqiao, Guangzhou South to Shanghai Hongqiao, and Shanghai Hongqiao to Zhuhai. Convenient travel for passengers in coastal areas.
An additional 29 pairs of passenger trains will be opened within the pipeline, mainly in the following directions:From Shanghai to Hangzhou, Xuzhou to Nanjing, Nanjing to Taicang, Zhangjiagang, Wuhu, Shanghai, Suqian, Qidong to Nanjing, Hefei to Huaibei, etc.
In addition, the Shanghai Bureau Group has adjusted the operation of weekend lines and irregular regular trains within its management, as follows::On April 7, additional Wxi-Shanghai G7203 times, Kunshan South-Shanghai G7215 times, Ma 'anshan East-Nanjing South D5646 times, Shanghai South-Jinshanwei S1001/S1604, S1201/S1644 times, and Chedun-Shanghai South S1642 times were added.
In order to cope with sudden passenger flow, the Shanghai Bureau Group will also arrange appropriate emergency response capabilities; at the same time, according to the passenger flow situation, it will adopt timely measures to add additional passengers outside the map or additional vehicles to re-connect EMU trains, and implement recumbent passenger trains to replace seats, etc.
According to the Shanghai Railway Customer Service Center, in order to meet passenger travel needs during the Qingming Festival, K739 (Shanghai South-Kunming), K740 (Kunming-Shanghai South) and other trains will be resumed, and G9244/5, G9248/9 (Shanghai Hongqiao-Hefei South), G9268 (Shanghai Hongqiao-Nanjing South), G9301, G9303 (Shanghai Hongqiao-Hangzhou East), G8370, G9462 (Shanghai Hongqiao-Xuzhou East) and other trains will be opened.
** For details of the additional opening or resumption period, please refer to


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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