Today, Huangshi City Intermediate People's Court, Hubei Province

publicly pronounced the first instance

Former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association,

Chairman Chen Xuyuan's bribery case

Defendant Chen Xuyuan was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting bribes

2024年3月26日上午,湖北省黄石市中级人民法院对中国足球协会原主席陈戌源受贿案一审公开宣判, Defendant Chen Xuyuan was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting bribes, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property; his illegal proceeds from accepting bribes were recovered in accordance with the law and turned over to the state treasury. 经审理查明:2010年至2023年,被告人陈戌源先后利用担任上海国际港务(集团)股份有限公司总裁、董事长、中国足球协会换届筹备组组长、中国足球协会主席等职务上的便利以及职权、地位形成的便利条件,为相关单位和个人在项目承揽、投资经营、赛事安排等事项上提供帮助, Illegal acceptance of money from others totaled more than RMB 81.03 million, of which 4 million yuan was not actually obtained. 黄石市中级人民法院认为,被告人陈戌源的行为构成受贿罪,数额特别巨大。其在中国足协任职期间,为多个足球俱乐部和地方足协在赛事安排、联赛晋级、裁判判罚等事项上谋取不正当利益,严重破坏足球领域公平竞争秩序和行业生态环境,给国家足球事业造成严重损害;为他人谋取职务提拔、调整,具有酌定从重处罚情节。鉴于其受贿400万元系未遂;到案后如实供述自己罪行,主动交代监察机关尚未掌握的部分受贿犯罪事实;揭发他人犯罪行为,经查证属实,具有立功表现;认罪悔罪,积极退赃, All the bribes have been recovered,依法可以对其从轻处罚。法庭遂作出上述判决。
Chen Xuyuan pleaded guilty and repented

庭审中,陈戌源表示认罪悔罪,在最后陈述环节,90°鞠躬近10秒向全国球迷道歉: "I have no face to face the fans. I hereby publicly apologize to the fans across the country and sincerely say sorry to the fans, hoping to get the fans 'forgiveness."

今年1月9日晚,电视专题片《持续发力 纵深推进》第四集《一体推进“三不腐”》在央视播出。
Five cases involving Chen Xuyuan and Yu Hongchen will be pronounced in the first instance today 今天(3月26日),中国足球协会原主席陈戌源受贿案,中国田径协会原主席于洪臣受贿案,中国足球协会原常务副秘书长兼国家队管理部原部长陈永亮受贿、行贿案,中国福特宝足球产业发展公司原总经理、中超联赛有限责任公司原总经理董铮受贿案,武汉全民健身中心原副主任刘磊受贿、行贿案,将在湖北多地分别一审公开宣判。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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