Today is the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar

People are commonly known as the days of "dragon rising up"

Many people held back for the entire first month

"Store" your hair until this day is cut

Shanghai people's circle of friends

** was also screened by "Dragon Heads Up"


** 太拼了!
最早的市民5点就到了**8时,南京路步行街上的行人寥寥无几,一街之隔的华安美丽馆内已是热闹非凡。“二月二剪个头是老底子留下来的传统, The earliest customers arrived at 5 o'clock, and basically they made reservations a month ago, otherwise they wouldn't be able to make the appointment.”用华安美发副总经理董一达的话说,每年的农历二月二日都是这幅景象。 记者走访黄浦区内多家理发店看到,店里人头攒动,多位顾客正在排队等候。“每年都会选今天来理发,讨个好彩头,Be sure to make an appointment in advance, otherwise it will take at least an hour or two. ”市民张先生向记者分享了他的经验,今天把积蓄了一个春节的头发修理一下,整个人清爽了不少。Many people specifically chose today
Come to the queue early
今早不到八点,位于闵行区莘庄镇报春一、二村内的彩云理发店就迎来了第一波顾客的光临。 “今天第一位顾客早上七点半就来了,特意留到‘龙抬头’这天来剪头发,希望能讨个好彩头。”据彩云理发店的申老板介绍,由于今年恰逢龙年,二月初二又是“龙抬头”的日子, Many regular customers specially chose today and came to line up early. Is there no line for on-site haircuts?
need to make an appointment in advance
记者走访徐汇多家理发店发现,若要现场理发已排不上队,需要提前预约。 位于徐家汇的某理发店内,店内早早就进入了人潮涌动的状态,预约客户络绎不绝,许多市民期待在这一吉日里讨个“好彩头”。 “预计 The number of customers received throughout the day can easily exceed 120, more than double the usual number. ”店员告诉记者,为了应对这场盛大的“理发盛宴”,店内提早进行了业务流程强化培训,并确保全员在岗,力求让每一位走进店门的顾客都能享受到周到且高效的理发服务。

#Some merchants receive hundreds of people a day
"The barber knife is almost smoking."

“预计一天接待顾客超过120多人,理发刀都剪得快冒烟了”“龙抬头这天预计要工作到晚上10点多,是小店全年的客流高峰”……今天,各地理发店迎来开年后首个生意旺季。 美团数据显示,近3天,平台上“理发”搜索量同比去年上涨160%,Sales of group purchases related to "haircuts" increased by more than 200%, with sales in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing and Hangzhou having the highest. 截至3月11日14点,“龙抬头”当天美发订单量近30万单。男士理发、儿童理发热度高涨,以儿童理发为例,搜索量同比激增330%。多位美发商家表示,本次“龙抬头”恰逢周一,客流高峰从周末已提前开始,一定程度缓解了人手压力,但周一 The number of customers entering the store still exceeded expectations. “今天早上9点半开门,至少要忙到晚上10点才会下班。”发型师雷波在重庆开了一家“豆豆亲子儿童理发”,专门为小朋友理发和设计发型。据雷波估摸,今天可以为30多名小朋友“剃龙头”,傍晚放学后将开启新一轮排队模式。

Did you get your hair cut today?
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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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