recently, some citizens have reported

上海There are some affordable rooms that will be delivered soon

The batch actually arrived

In the hands of the second landlord and the intermediary

Illegal rental

** **

而据相关管理规定,在购房人持有满五年,且通过补缴价差款获得完整产权之前,不得擅自转让或出租 经济适用房 。这些中介和房东Why are you so arrogant? 记者进行了实地走访。

second landlord:There are 400 suite sources
All relationships can be worked out

根据线索,记者来到了嘉定区南翔秀城的置翔佳苑小区,刚进小区,就有一位所谓租房"中介"的男子崔某主动前来搭讪,称“ 一房两房三房都有,可以拎包入住 。 ”

However, Zhixiangjiayuan is an economically affordable housing community that has been delivered for less than three months and is not allowed to rent. 崔某: 给一千块、八百块钱介绍费就可以了,这些大房东都在市区,人家市区方便,经济适用房不好出租不好买卖,按理不能出租,但有的人还是不怕,3500元一个月,去年装的(等于房东拿到手直接就租掉了)人家等不起。

崔某还表示 周边其他的经适房小区 他也有房源 "报价"为 一房的3200元、两房的3700

他介绍 附近园区、工厂不少 打工人有租房需求 而经适房租金又相对较低Therefore, it is quite popular 这片区域中的置翔佳苑、中建悦坊、祥云锦苑、美好新苑四个差不多同期交付的经适房小区,崔某手头都有大量可出租房源。如果租客看中的是毛坯房,他们还可以优先装修。

记者随后见到了 自称掌握大量房源的 二房东"吴总" 据他介绍 他们是以五年为期 租下了几个经适房小区内的 部分毛坯房 统一装修后再加价转租
二房东吴某: 这几个小区我们将近有四百套房源,这一块都是我们的,房主拿钥匙的时候我们业务员带你去交接的,物业隔壁就是我办公室,所有的房子就在隔壁签约的,所有关系都搞得定的。

Property is no stranger to second landlords and intermediaries 那么,**物业


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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