April 15 this year

It is the ninth National Security Education Day

It is also the tenth anniversary of the overall national security concept

The Ministry of National Security announced today

Several typical cases endangering China's national security

National security agencies crack down on overseas enterprises

Case of stealing state secrets in China's rare earth field

In recent years, key minerals have become a new area of strategic game among major world powers. As one of the key mineral resources, rare earth not only contributes to high-quality economic development, but is also closely related to national security. Recently, the national security agency cracked a case involving an overseas non-ferrous metals company illegally collecting and stealing state secrets in the field of rare earths in China, and took compulsory measures against the persons involved in the case in accordance with the law.

Cheng was originally a deputy general manager of a rare earth company in China and had access to internal information of China's rare earth industry during his work. In daily business exchanges, Cheng met Ye Moumou, an employee of the Shanghai subsidiary of an overseas non-ferrous metals company. After a bidding meeting for China's rare earth storage and storage, Ye Moumou tentatively asked Cheng for the winning of the bidding meeting, but Cheng did not refuse.

此后,Under the command of foreign employees of the overseas company where he works, Ye Moumou used the provision of monetary remuneration as bait and repeatedly privately asked Cheng for information such as China's rare earth purchase and storage details, mandatory plans and other information. 身为稀土行业涉密人员的成某,在明知相关信息涉及国家秘密,禁止向外提供的情况下,仍将其在工作中掌握的中国稀土收储品类、数量、价格等信息提供给叶某某,并多次收取对方给予的巨额报酬。

After identification by the State Secrets Department, the content provided by Cheng to overseas involves 7 confidential state secrets. In November 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province sentenced Ye Moumou to 11 years in prison, deprivation of political rights for 2 years, and confiscation of personal property of RMB 500,000 for the crime of "buying and illegally providing state secrets for overseas countries." Cheng was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison, deprived of political rights for 2 years, confiscated personal property of RMB 900,000 and fined RMB 100,000.

In recent years, the national security agencies have implemented the overall national security concept, made maintaining national security in the field of key mineral resources an important task, resolutely performed their duties, strictly prevented and cracked down on all types of intelligence theft activities on China's key mineral resources in accordance with the law, effectively safeguarding China's resource security.

National security agencies cut off theft

The overseas "black hand" of Chinese rice seeds and seed production technology

Food security is an important part of national security and is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. In recent years, foreign spy intelligence agencies have continued to increase their penetration into China's grain sector and steal China's core scientific research intelligence, causing significant harm to the core competitiveness and food security of China's rice seed industry. In response to this outstanding situation, the national security agencies took the initiative to crack down on a series of spy theft cases from 2022 to 2023, investigate and review nearly 100 people involved in the case in accordance with the law, investigate and deal with 11 key enterprises involved in the case, and investigate relevant personnel for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

在一起境外间谍情报机关窃取中国稻种及制种技术案件中,国家安全机关查明, Zhu Moumou was formerly the general manager of a domestic agricultural science and technology company. In order to gain personal economic benefits, Zhu Moumou established a so-called "cooperative" relationship with foreign spy intelligence agencies, and "refused all requests" from foreign spy intelligence agencies. In the name of "cooperative seed production", he successively illegally sold 5 parent rice seeds to the other party, earning a return exceeding the normal selling price. In order to further expand the so-called "business", Zhu Moumou founded a new agricultural technology company. Through this company, he continues to sell a large number of high-quality Chinese parent rice seeds abroad.

After identification by the relevant national security department, the seeds illegally provided by Zhu Moumou to overseas are intelligence. According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the state security agencies took criminal coercive measures against Zhu Moumou in accordance with the law.

In January 2024, the Intermediate People's Court of Hefei City, Anhui Province sentenced Zhu Moumou to 1 year and 6 months in prison for the crime of "illegally providing intelligence abroad." In addition, the national security agencies also imposed administrative penalties on the remaining 17 people involved in the case in accordance with the law, and conducted in-depth and in-depth investigations on the enterprises involved in the case to further find that some domestic seed companies have long been pursuing profits without the law and continued to illegally sell large quantities of China's various types to overseas countries. The situation of high-quality seed sources has effectively eliminated major safety hazards in China's grain sector.

In recent years, the national security agencies have cracked down on various espionage and theft activities in the field of food security in accordance with the law, and have struck hard to cut off the "black hands" of stealing secrets from abroad that extend to China's germplasm resources, effectively preventing and stopping the risks of leaks and leaks in the field of food security.

"Climb the Wall" and surf the Internet

College students accidentally join overseas anti-China political parties

In recent years, overseas anti-China hostile forces have used the Internet and other channels to carry out ideological "psychological warfare" against people in China, distorted and hyped up hot events in China, and attacked and slandered China's political system. A small number of young students who were not deeply involved in the world were incited and bewitched, accidentally fell into a trap, were coerced into participating in hostile activities, and became "chess pieces" of overseas anti-China forces. Recently, the national security agency successfully cracked a typical case in which an overseas anti-China political party recruited students from a certain college to participate in activities, effectively cracking down on the infiltration and rebellion activities of overseas anti-China forces and promptly eliminating hidden risks.

** Song was a student at a certain college. Once, while browsing a foreign website, the website pushed him an advertising link, guiding him to jump to the official website of an anti-China political party. Out of curiosity and curiosity, and in order to be able to browse the news on the website for free, Song followed the website's prompts and applied to join the political party, and filled in personal information such as name, phone number and email address. **

注册后,宋某陆续收到来自该反华政党发送的电子邮件,内容大多为介绍该政党的政治纲领以及近期反华活动的情况,并且 Invite Song as a volunteer to help the political party carry out canvassing, fundraising and other activities。除了加入该反华政党,宋某还关注多个境外反华账号,对相关反华内容进行浏览、转发和评论。

On the basis of in-depth investigation of fixed evidence, the national security agency conducted an administrative inquiry of Song in accordance with the law, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Counter-Espionage Law of the People's Republic of China", gave Song a warning administrative penalty decision and issued an administrative penalty decision. After education and transformation, Song expressed remorse for his actions, stopped paying attention to overseas anti-China websites, deleted relevant negative comments, and promised not to engage in similar activities in the future.

Deliberately obstructing police officers from performing tasks in accordance with the law

Chinese employees of overseas institutions stationed in China are administratively detained

Consciously safeguarding national security is the legal obligation of every citizen. Anyone who does not accept or cooperate with investigations and deliberately obstructs national security agencies from performing tasks in accordance with the law will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Recently, police officers from the national security agency imposed administrative penalties on Fu, a Chinese employee of a foreign agency, for deliberately obstructing the national security agency from performing its tasks in accordance with the law.

Fu is a Chinese employee of an overseas organization stationed in China. Recently, the national security agencies have obtained clues about Fu's knowledge of relevant circumstances suspected of endangering national security and need to investigate and inquire about him. However, Fu refused to go to the designated place to cooperate with the investigation and conversation.

** According to the law enforcement process, police officers from the national security agency informed Fu of the relevant legal provisions for cooperating with national security and the legal responsibilities for not cooperating with the work. However, Fu always refused to cooperate with the investigation and took the opportunity to send the so-called "taken away by the police" to the working group of overseas agencies stationed in China where he served. After using various methods to evade, Fu simply refused to cooperate with law enforcement work in a silent confrontation manner. **

The national security agency used a law enforcement recorder to fix evidence that a certain person deliberately obstructed a police officer from performing his duties in accordance with the law, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Counter-Espionage Law of the People's Republic of China", imposed him on administrative detention for 15 days in accordance with the law.

Chinese citizens, whenever and wherever they are, should keep in mind that "national security is everyone's responsibility", abide by national security laws and regulations, support and assist national security agencies in their work in accordance with the law, and consciously safeguard national security. If suspicious circumstances that endanger national security are discovered, they should immediately call the 12339 National Security Agency Report Acceptance Telephone Number, or report it by logging in to the National Security Agency Report Acceptance Platform.

[Related reading]

Review of the "Top Ten Counterintelligence Cases"

Starting from the despicable methods of foreign spy agencies

Today, the Ministry of National Security launched the first episode of the major topic "Innovation Leadership·National Security Sword" on April 15 National Security Education Day, summarizing and reviewing the ten years since the overall national security concept was proposed, especially since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Ten major espionage cases cracked by national security agencies. Through these ten typical cases, we have uncovered the various despicable methods of infiltration, theft, and rebellion by foreign spy intelligence agencies, established the people's awareness of anti-espionage and anti-espionage, and made spies "nowhere to hide."

Full version of the special exhibition of "Top Ten Counterintelligence Cases"


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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