"Members of the video platform have been open for more than a year. They have always been able to screen in 4K before, but in January, suddenly they could only screen 480p video, and the picture quality is very poor!" 张女士新买了投影仪,却发现无法进行高清投屏,跟客服交涉后仍然无果,只能拨打相关投诉电话。

In fact, topics related to screen casting members have been on the hot searches as early as last year. Previously, the iQiyi video platform limited the screen casting clarity of gold VIP members to 480P. If you need higher definition, you must upgrade to a higher-level member. After arousing public opinion, iQiyi announced that it is a Golden VIP member of iQiyi who is still in subscription status, resuming 720P and 1080P definition screen projection services. But one year later, why did some gold members lose their rights to HD screen projection again?

Automatic renewal is required to count as a continuous annual subscription

In order to avoid interruption in subscription, Ms. Zhang had originally renewed the iQiyi Gold membership in January last year, and the expiration date was automatically postponed to January 2025. Unexpectedly, starting from January this year, she no longer enjoys the original Gold members '4K and 1080P ultra-definition screen projection services, and can only screen 480P standard definition videos.

客服告知:此前恢复投屏清晰度是“老人老办法,新人新办法” At that time, members with a monthly/quarterly/annual card can use it until the end of this order; members with a continuous monthly/quarterly/annual subscription can continue to use it if they continue to subscribe, that is,"continuous annual subscription members need to choose automatic renewal method" ,因此,即使张女士的账户显示会员已持续380余日,仍不属于连续会员的范畴,为单次年卡付费用户,当时的黄金会员到期后即便再续费,也只能选择480P的投屏清晰度。



于是,张女士刚购入的投影仪便在角落里搁置了。"I was going to project it in the bedroom, which would be very atmospheric, but now it's not as clear as my mobile phone." 其实像张女士这种情况不是少数,许多视频平台都对投影仪的投屏额外收费。

With the advancement of technology, watching videos on the Internet has become cumbersome. You have to download various software and pay separately before you can finally see what you want to watch.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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