I chose to travel with a group in order to save my worries, but I felt terrible because the travel agency changed the itinerary and forced consumption; the hotel's promotional pictures were bright and bright, but the actual equipment was crude and the sanitary conditions were poor; there were a large number of promised attractions, but very few actually went to visit...

Among the top ten consumer rights protection public opinion hotspots in 2023 released by the Consumers Association of China, related complaints caused by deception and hidden traps such as "study tours" and "low-cost tours" rank fourth.

#The phenomenon of "mismatching goods" with group tour products often occurs

#Less than 3000 yuan to "travel" in Southeast Asia

tourists:Very poor experience ** In the outbound tourism market in Southeast Asia, Bangkok Pattaya is the earliest developed, the most replicable, and the most mature tourist route. Last year, the outbound tour group market was restarted, and this line was the first to become a popular route for travel agencies. The price once soared to more than 7000 yuan. However, after the "magic" reshuffle of Thai tourism last year, the price has now dropped to rock bottom.
The reporter interviewed tourist Xiaohua (pseudonym). At the end of last year, she and her family signed up for a group tour of Pattaya. At that time, the group price was less than 3000 yuan.“
That afternoon, the tour guide was on the bus trying to promote everyone to see the performance on board the "Oriental Princess", which cost each person 2000 baht (equivalent to about 400 yuan).

"If you don't come to Bangkok and don't board this ship, it's a waste. What are you doing here in Thailand? Isn't it just appreciating what you can't see in China? If you don't go up, you will definitely regret it!"

在导游“地毯式”游说下,有团友陆续报名,However, the number of people obviously did not satisfy the tour guide. Group members who claimed that they would not go to see could only wait in the car, and the waiting time would take about two hours. 于是又有几个团友报名后,导游才答应让余下客人可以先回酒店。
From the next day, Xiaohua and her group members 'itinerary became mainly shopping spots, supplemented by scenic spots. 燕窝店、乳胶店、珠宝店、土特产店,每个商店逗留的时间少则半小时,多则两小时。“导游抓紧一切机会游说大家购物,** 如果在一个点大家购买力强,就能早结束,如果表现不理想,导游就会一直让大家呆在哪里,直到有人买单。”** 小花说,因为价格低,出发前也做好了有购物的准备,没想到体验感那么差,而且住的酒店基本都在郊区,每天行程很赶。以后绝对不会再参加这样的团了。
**旅行社负责人:5000元以下的东南亚团 都有购物点


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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