Consolidate the new order of power supply business

Build a new power supply service system

Make every effort to meet people's electricity needs

General Manager of Marketing Department (Customer Service Department) of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.

Xu Youfeng

Interpretation of the new "Power Supply Business Rules":

"Power Supply Business Rules"(hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") are the most important supporting regulations of the Electricity Law and the Regulations on Electricity Supply and Use. As the basic system to guide the national power supply business work, since it was promulgated and implemented by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry on October 8, 1996, It plays a vital role in standardizing power supply business activities and ensuring the normal order of power supply and use, and makes important contributions to the healthy, orderly and prosperous development of the power supply and power market. In February 2024, the state officially promulgated the latest revised version of the "Power Supply Business Rules"(hereinafter referred to as the new version of the "Rules"). Based on the old version of the "Rules", the content was revised and improved in accordance with the latest decision-making arrangements and reform requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council., and fully connected with current laws and regulations. The promulgation of the new version of the "Rules" has further improved the supporting regulations for China's power supply and electricity market, laying a solid institutional foundation for meeting the people's electricity needs and building a new high-quality and efficient service industry system for China.

01 fully reflects the country's determination to promote the in-depth development of China's power system reform and clarifies what we need to do for the healthy development of the power industry

With the deepening of China's power system reform and the rapid advancement of technology in the power industry, tremendous changes have taken place in the social and economic environment, legal and policy environment, and power supply and electricity business. The old version of the Rules formulated based on the economic and social environment at that time has become difficult to adapt to and meet the new situation and development in the power supply and electricity field, as well as the requirements of creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class power business environment, so this revision of the Rules is very necessary and timely. The promulgation of the new version of the "Rules" has further improved the supporting regulations for the power supply and electricity market, and is of great significance to further promoting the reform of China's power system, adjusting the relationship between power supply and electricity, and improving the service quality of the power industry.

The first is to further help the reform of the power system develop in depth. 从2002年的国发5号文到2015年的中发9号文,电力体制改革不断向纵深推进,实现了政企分开、厂网分开、主辅分开,初步形成了电力市场主体多元化竞争格局。电力工业体制的顶层设计、供电营业业务的制度基础发生了巨大变化。随着经济社会快速发展,原来按计划分配用电的方式已不能满足人民群众追求美好生活的日益增长的电力需求,电力市场化程度逐渐提升,新版《规则》对原来按指标供电和用电、交纳供电贴费、预存电费保证金等计划经济体制下供用电管理的相关规定进行调整。新版《规则》出台后,满足了新时代经济社会发展对于提高电力供应和使用效率的需求,对电力体制改革的快速发展起到助推作用。

The second is to further adapt to the needs of adjusting the connotation of power supply and electricity relations. 新版《规则》明确“供电企业应当按照电力体制改革的要求和电力市场交易规则履行相应服务责任”,标志着电力市场建设从试点探索迈入统一规范、稳步运行阶段。新版《规则》对用户业扩与档案信息、电能计量与电费结算、购售电合同与交易合同等相关条款进行完善,更好指导电力市场相关业务开展,更加适应电力体制改革不断深入的背景。以南方区域电力市场首次开展区域现货全域结算试运行为例,广东已实现全国首批进入现货正式运行,电力市场建设进入新的阶段,中国电力市场供用电关系已发生重大变化,新版《规则》的发布,为供电企业在电力市场环境下更好发挥作用提供了有力的支撑,有利于持续完善电力市场体系,促进资源优化配置,助力实现中国能源转型。

The third is to further strengthen the service quality guarantee of the power industry. 随着电力体制改革的深入推进,供电企业已不再具有行政管理职能,供电企业与电力用户成为平等的民事主体。供电企业应当根据《民法典》相关要求,以合同为基础与用户建立平等的供用电关系。新版《规则》进一步明确责任,强化管理,对政府行政管理部门、供电企业和电力用户三方的责任和义务进行规范,对供电企业提供供电电源的要求、电力用户在用电过程中应该遵守的安全要求进行进一步细化明确。同时,随着经济的不断发展、人民群众对美好生活的期望不断提高,群众和企业对于电力需求逐渐从“用上电”到“用好电”过渡,人民群众对于供电服务效率和质量的要求也在不断提高,除了保障用户及时能“用上电”以外,如何保障用户进一步“用好电”,不断提升用户对于供电服务的满意度也成了供用电领域必须要考虑的问题。新版《规则》站在努力推动电力用户“用好电”的角度出发,对供电服务的效率和质量作了进一步要求,强化了电力市场的监管力度,确保电力供应和使用的公平性和透明度,有助于维护供用电领域的正常秩序,保障了电力用户的合法权益。

02 Fully reflect the country's comprehensive protection of users 'electricity rights and pursuit of high-quality services, and clearly define what we do to meet the people's growing needs for a better life.

The new version of the "Rules" has taken solid steps in protecting users 'rights and interests in electricity and pursuing high-quality services. It deeply reflects the attention and satisfaction of users' needs and closely conforms to the people's growing needs for a better life. The implementation of the new version of the "Rules" is of great significance to electricity customers and will better protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, including improvements in power supply quality, electricity price transparency, and service standards. Through rule constraints, users can enjoy more reliable, stable and safe power services, improving user satisfaction and sense of gain.

The first is to further safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of users in electricity. 近年来“转供电”成为了社会和群众关注的一个热点,“转供电”过程存在的不规范收费行为,违规“转供电”加价进一步增加了终端用户的用电成本,降低了群众对供电服务的满意度。新版《规则》首次对“转供电”和“非电网供电”的概念进行了厘清,同时新增了新建居住区供电方式要求,明确要求新建居住区居民住宅供电设施应当按照“一户一表”标准进行建设,同时要求非电网供电主体对具备装表条件的终端用户,应当按照政府规定的电价政策执行,不得在终端用户的电费中加收物业公共部位、共用设施和配套设施的运行维护费等费用。新版《规则》的出台,充分站在为人民群众办实事、办好事的立场,明确“转供电”办理流程,规范“非电网供电”模式下的电费收取提供了规章制度基础,有利于进一步规范转供电主体相关收费行为。

The second is to further satisfy users 'reasonable rights to enjoy high-quality services. 针对新能源汽车充电设施报装难等与人民群众利益切身相关的问题,明确新建居住区的固定车位应当按照规定建设充电基础设施或预留安装条件,满足直接装表接电要求,保障未来新能源汽车发展需求。同时要求高层小区一级负荷应当采用双重电源供电,特级负荷除双重电源供电外,还应当增设应急电源供电,并严禁将其它负荷接入应急供电系统,二级负荷宜采用双回线路供电,新建居民住宅小区应当合理规划确定配用电设施位置,满足防洪防涝相关要求,设置应急移动电源接口,新版《规则》通过进一步提高新建居住区的供电方式设计标准,进一步保障用户用电可靠性。

03 Fully reflect the country's guidance and support for the standardized operation and innovative development of power supply enterprises, and clarify what we should do to build a new system of high-quality and efficient service industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "building a new system of high-quality and efficient service industry" is not only an urgent need for industrial chain extension and value-added, but also an inevitable requirement to meet the people's constantly upgrading high-quality and diversified needs. Power grid enterprises are an important force in promoting national modernization. They should place their work in the overall context of the party and the country's undertakings, and actively become practitioners in building a new system of high-quality and efficient service industry. The new version of the "Rules" adapts to the needs of changes in policies and regulations, provides clearer guidance for the standardized operation and innovative development of power supply companies, and is conducive to continuously optimizing the electricity business environment, improving the service level of "access to electricity", and enhancing the use of electricity by the people and market entities. Sense of gain, happiness and security play a direct role in promoting.

The first is to further optimize the power processing process. 新版《规则》对用电业务的类别以及流程进行适时优化,对原来用电申请和报装接电所涉及的供电企业与电力用户的交互流程进行删减压缩,进一步提升用电报装办理效率。新版《规则》同时简化电力用户办理新装(增容)用电业务所提交的资料,解决了一直以来存在的各地办理用电新装(增容)所需资料要求不一,报装资料繁琐等问题。近年来各地供电企业不断丰富供用电服务渠道不断加大推广力度,目前线上办理用电业务已成为常态,新版《规则》增加通过供电企业线上服务渠道提出用电业务办理申请的内容切合业务实际。新版《规则》还针对过往争议频发的业务流程进行了明确,如明确临时用电的使用时限延长至三年、用户连续六个月不用电需销户的判断标准等。新版《规则》从人民群众办电方式、办电资料、办电流程都作了大量优化,进一步提升办电效率,为优化用电营商环境打下了坚实的制度支撑。

The second is to further optimize power supply service standards.《国家发展改革委 国家能源局关于全面提升“获得电力”服务水平 持续优化用电营商环境的意见》(发改能源规〔2020〕1479号)等文件要求在全国范围内实现居民电力用户和低压小微企业用电报装“三零”服务、高压用户用电报装“三省”服务,自2020年实施以来,全国“获得电力”提升成效显著。新版《规则》出台,有利于进一步延续国家全面提升“获得电力”服务水平,持续优化用电营商环境的工作要求。新版《规则》新增信息公开方面的规定,充分保障用户知情权,有利于发挥群众监督作用,助推供电服务质量的提升。新版《规则》进一步优化了供电接入方式标准,对照最新技术要求重新梳理了供电电压等级分类,适应低压用电报装“三零”服务要求,进一步降低用户“获得电力”成本。同时结合国家要求,进一步将用电报装办理的时限,包括供电方案答复时限、中间检查和竣工验收办理时限等进行压缩优化。落实国家清理规范城镇供水供电供气供暖行业收费工作要求,进一步节省用户成本。

In the next step, we will quickly deploy and implement it, focusing on the following four aspects:The first is to deeply study and understand the content of the Rules. Organize comprehensive and in-depth study and understanding of the new version of the "Rules" within the company to ensure that employees at all levels learn, understand and implement the rules. The second is to improve internal management systems and processes. According to the new version of the "Rules", we will comprehensively sort out and improve the internal management systems and processes to ensure compatibility with the requirements of the "Rules" and make the company's operations more standardized and efficient. The third is to strengthen communication and cooperation with all sectors of society. Strengthen communication and collaboration with government departments and actively seek policy support and guidance in implementing the new version of the Rules; at the same time, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with all sectors of society to jointly promote the healthy development of the power industry. The fourth is to strengthen supervision, execution and assessment mechanisms. Regularly inspect and evaluate the company's operations and service quality, discover and correct problems in a timely manner, and encourage employees to actively abide by and implement the Rules.

Looking to the future, with the implementation of the new version of the "Rules" and the continuous development of the power industry, China's power market will present a more open, competitive and orderly situation. At the same time, the power industry will also face more development opportunities and challenges. We firmly believe that under the guidance of the new rules, the power industry will surely continue to develop healthily and provide a solid guarantee for high-quality economic and social development.

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:Tommy Cheung


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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