Build a high-quality rule system to ensure power supply order

Promote the sustainable development of the electricity business environment

Deputy Director of the Marketing Department of State Grid Corporation of China

Tang Wensheng

Interpretation of the new "Power Supply Business Rules":

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration revised and promulgated the "Power Supply Business Rules"(hereinafter referred to as the "Supply Regulations"). The new "Supply Regulations" adapt to the needs of power system reform and power supply and power business development. After promulgation and implementation, it will further promote the institutionalization, standardization and standardization of business management, fairly protect the rights and interests of market entities, maintain the stability of power supply and power order, and create a world-class power supply The business environment and promoting economic and social development are important milestones.

01 Good laws are the prerequisite for good governance

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that efforts must be made to build a rule of law China and better play the role of the rule of law in national governance and social management. Electricity is an important basic industry and public utility related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Electricity supply and use are the core link of electricity production activities. To achieve "good governance","good laws" must be in place.

As an important supporting regulation of the Electricity Law and the Electricity Supply and Use Regulations, the "Supply Regulations" are the basic regulations guiding the national power supply business work. They are also the criterion for clarifying rights and obligations and resolving business disputes. They play an extremely important role in standardizing power supply business management and establishing power supply business order and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of both power supply and power supply. Since the original "Supply Regulations" were promulgated in 1996, they have been implemented for nearly 30 years. During this period, the social and economic environment, legal and policy environment, power market environment, and actual power supply and electricity business have undergone tremendous and profound changes. Most provisions need to be adjusted and improved.

The new "Supply Regulations" have a total of 10 chapters and 110 articles. The structural framework remains basically unchanged. Only the titles of Chapters 4 and 6 have been adjusted; 9 articles have been added, 6 articles have been deleted, and 61 articles have been revised. The revision range is large. Overall, this revision properly handles the issue of organic connection with the superior law, undertakes new requirements such as power system reform, energy transformation, and technological progress, and adapts to new changes in energy use methods on the energy consumer side. It is a systematic and comprehensive process. The high-quality legislative innovation practice is an important manifestation of the implementation of the basic strategy of comprehensively governing the country according to law in the power field, forming business rules that are more in line with development realities, and promoting a more complete legal and regulatory system in the field of power supply and electricity.

The power supply and electricity business is not only related to the implementation of the national energy strategy and economic and industrial policies, but also related to the power supply and high-quality services of thousands of households. Therefore, the revision of the "Supply Regulations" is of great significance and far-reaching impact. It can better strengthen the supervision of natural monopoly links, ensure the implementation of national policies, guide power supply companies to operate in accordance with laws and regulations, improve service levels, and guide market entities to standardize electricity consumption behaviors and safeguard their own rights and interests, and promote the healthy and long-term development of the power industry.

02 The new "Supply Regulations" adapt to reform changes and adjust the relationship between power supply and electricity

The country unswervingly deepens reforms, builds a high-level socialist market economic system, and promotes the construction of a unified national market. The mandatory and planned contents in the original "Supply Regulations" do not meet the requirements of the socialist market economic system. With the advancement of the reform of the power system, the administrative functions of power supply companies have been stripped and they have become equal civil subjects with users. Their rights and obligations need to be adjusted in accordance with the law. This revision coordinates new situations and new requirements, and promotes the establishment of new power supply and electricity relationships that adapt to reform and development, policies and regulations, and industry practice.

First, it reflects the country's requirements for strengthening supervision of natural monopoly links. 电力行业网络环节具有自然垄断属性,需要加强对其保障国家能源安全、落实国家重大战略、履行社会责任等方面的监管。新《供规》在总则中提纲挈领提出要求,明确供电企业应当无歧视地向用户提供供电服务,并按照电力体制改革要求和市场交易规则履行服务责任。同时,删除了按指标供电和用电等内容表述,以及供电贴费、电能表保证金、电费保证金等已取消的垄断性服务收费内容,增加了供电企业信息公开的规定,督促提升供电服务水平。

The second is to highlight the equal civil subject relationship between power supply and electricity. 供电企业与用户以供用电合同为基础建立供用电关系,应当充分体现平等自愿、意思自治的原则。新《供规》重新调整供用电关系,要求供电企业与用户协商确定交费期限、方式等事项,支持双方通过合同约定违约责任,规范供用电合同签订、变更、解除等要求。同时,新《供规》遵循民商事法律规定,完善了用户破产后业务办理的要求,减轻了破产分离出的新用户电费清偿责任,与《破产法》债权清偿的规定相衔接,规范了按产权归属承担供电设施事故责任的原则,与《民法典》高度危险责任的规定相衔接。

The third is to reasonably determine the scope of responsibility to adapt to the characteristics of power supply services. 供电企业面向广大人民群众提供服务,若逐一协商权利义务,势必增加交易成本,降低服务效率。新《供规》以此为考量,以法规条文的形式明确了供电企业和用户承担违约或侵权责任的界限,提供了争议解决的法定范式,有效降低交易成本,公平保护供用电双方权益。对于电力运行事故、电压质量问题等供电企业应承担的违约责任,继续执行限额赔偿制度,保障高度危险行业经营者的健康发展;对于电费滞纳、违约用电等用户应承担的违约责任,要求不得超出法定限度,避免过度增加用户义务。

03 The new "Supply Regulations" insist on benefiting enterprises and improving business rules

Electricity is an important foundation for economic and social development. The country continues to optimize the business environment, vigorously helps enterprises relieve difficulties, and has put forward higher new requirements for the power industry. Power supply technology is developing rapidly, and the development environment and business reality of the power industry have undergone major changes compared with when the original "Supply Regulations" were promulgated. This revision combines new requirements such as optimizing the business environment, technological upgrades, and standard iteration, and takes maximizing the benefit of enterprises and the convenience as the starting point and goal, further improves the power supply and electricity business rules and better plays the basic guarantee role of power.

The first is to improve the new rules for business expansion and installation. 业扩报装是获得电力的首要环节,人民群众对于减环节、压时限、降成本的期望很高。新《供规》取消了除重要用户、居民住宅小区外其他用户的设计审查、中间检查,进一步精简流程环节;压缩了供电方案答复、竣工检验、装表接电等环节时限,督促供电企业提升办电效率;将低压单相、三相接入容量界限分别提高至12千瓦、160千瓦,降低用户接电成本;规范了竣工检验业务要求,明确检验范围为投运后可能影响公共安全运行的涉网设备,确定供用电双方责任界限。

The second is to improve the new rules for operating electricity bills. 随着电力市场改革加快推进,电价政策不断优化调整,用户对变更用电、电费结算等业务质效提出更高要求。新《供规》完善用电变更业务规则,将减容、暂停业务合并,支持用户灵活调整生产方式,进一步规范更名、过户、暂换、分户、改类等业务办理要求,增加了更改基础档案信息的其他变更业务,更加符合业务实际;调整了容(需)量电费折算规则、临时用电预收电费清算规则,删除了电费违约金不足1元者按1元收取的规定,全面实行据实结算。

The third is to improve the new rules for electricity measurement. 计量采集技术快速发展并推广应用,能够更好支持供电营业工作开展,提升作业数字化水平和作业效率。新《供规》优化了电量退补规则,明确考核表或者其它电能量测量装置记录可作为电量计算的依据,增强采集数据权威性;提出了电能计量应当满足电力市场交易规则的要求,更好支撑电力现货等市场建设;调整了计量装置赔偿责任,除因用户原因引起的,均由供电企业承担,减轻用户赔偿责任。

04 The new "Supply Regulations" strengthen people's livelihood protection and enhance people's sense of access to electricity

Power supply and distribution facilities in residential areas are important public infrastructure to ensure people's safe and secure electricity use. In recent years, issues such as combined meter electricity consumption in residential areas, electric vehicle charging, flood prevention and waterlogging prevention, and the implementation of off-grid power supply prices have become important factors restricting people's sense of access to electricity. This revision actively responds to social concerns, solidifies relevant requirements through regulations, ensures rigid implementation, and solves people's livelihood electricity problems from the source.

First, new requirements have been added to determine the power supply method for newly built residential areas. 推动新建居住区按照国家相关政策要求及技术标准确定供电方式,能够有效把住问题的“增量关”。新《供规》要求新建居住区居民住宅供电设施应当按照一户一表建设,避免出现合表用电小区;要求固定车位应当按照规定配建充电基础设施,满足直接装表接电条件,解决居民“充电难”问题;加强了临时用电管理,强调临时用电不得私自改变用电类别,不得作为正式用电使用,防范新增小区“临代正”问题。

Second, new standards for the construction of power supply facilities in new residential areas have been added. 新建居住区中电梯、应急照明、消防等设施的可靠供电,直接关系人民群众生命财产安全。新《供规》要求高层住宅一级负荷应当采用双重电源供电,特级负荷除双重电源供电外,还应增设应急电源供电,二级负荷宜采用双回线路供电;要求配用电设施选址应当满足防洪防涝要求,设置应急移动电源接口。通过以上举措,有力保证了新建居住区供用电设施质量。

Third, new requirements for non-grid power supply price implementation and standardized management have been added. 非电网供电情形中,其管理主体向供电企业申请整体报装,建立供用电关系,并负责其内部终端用户的管理,存在价格政策执行不到位等问题。新《供规》明确了管理主体应当对具备表计条件的终端用户执行政府规定的电价政策,传导居民阶梯、峰谷分时等价格信号,引导终端用户合理用电。并且,不得在终端电费中加收物业公共部位、共用设施和配套设施的运行维护费等费用,增加终端用户负担。

05 The new "Supply Regulations" focus on business reality and strengthen the management of power supply and electricity order

The power supply business management business has a wide scope, involves many entities, and is highly professional. It is related to public security and the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets. Under the existing system, governments at all levels are the main body of power supply and electricity order management, while power supply enterprises have personnel advantages, technical advantages, and channel advantages, which are useful aids and supplements to administrative management. This revision adheres to seeking truth from facts, takes into account the needs of public interest protection and the possibility of actual management efficiency, properly handles the incompatibilities of the original clauses with laws, regulations, and business realities, and maintains the stability of power supply and power order.

The first is to standardize the management of investigation and punishment of electricity theft. 当前,窃电行为仍然较为普遍,具有多重危害性,不仅会造成国有资产流失,还会影响市场主体公平结算,形成安全隐患,而窃电增加的损耗最终将转嫁给其他用户承担。新《供规》结合计量采集技术进步的现实基础,要求窃电量的确定以查实为优先,无法查实才按规则进行估算,保障公平公正;延续了“供电企业、行政机关、司法机关”三级查处体系,依法依规分级追究相应责任;将违约使用电费由固定的三倍调整为不高于三倍,具体倍数可由供用电合同约定,更有利于根据违约情形、性质等因素,合理确定违约责任。

The second is to standardize the management of power supply suspension. 中止供电属于限制用户用电权力的行为,也是为了维护安全稳定供用电环境的最终手段,在供电企业不再具有行政管理职能的大背景下,相关管理要求应当清晰明确。新《供规》进一步明确了供电企业实施中止供电的业务情形,细化了履行告知义务的程序要求,指导供电企业依规开展业务;将停电或限电原因消除后,恢复供电的时间由三天压缩至二十四小时,保障用户合理的用电权利。

The third is to strengthen the management of power supply and electricity safety. 国家高度重视安全生产工作,始终把人民群众生命财产安全放在首位。电力作业属于高度危险作业,需要政府主管部门、供电企业、用户等各方共同履行安全责任。新《供规》明确了发生用电事故后的处理程序,由用户向地方政府有关部门报告,并由供电企业协助调查,厘清了各方责任;明确了交叉作业的管理要求,用户到供电企业电力设施保护范围和保护区作业时,须经县级以上地方政府电力管理部门批准,并按照要求采取安全措施后,在供电企业人员监护下工作。

06 The vitality and authority of laws and regulations lies in their implementation

After the introduction of laws and regulations, the key lies in implementation. As one of the most important implementation entities, State Grid Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the company) will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, implement the work requirements of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, and use the "Supply Regulations" as an important follow-up to strengthen internal compliance. Management and improvement of power supply service levels, always adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, actively promote the implementation of new rules, make every effort to ensure the stability of power supply and electricity order, and continue to optimize the power and business environment. Effectively safeguard the seriousness and authority of laws and regulations. The company will focus on the following three aspects:

The first is to implement the new rules. 系统梳理规则要求,结合公司业务实际,研究制定贯彻落实的工作措施,细化明确具体业务规则,推进业务系统改造、供用电合同统一模板修订等工作,按照最新标准更新发布相关供电服务信息,确保6月1日起全面规范执行。同时,有序开展内部规章制度的“立改废”工作,将新规则、新要求予以固化,刚性执行。

The second is to strengthen internal and external publicity and interpretation. 积极配合国家能源局,面向社会公众做好新《供规》的宣传解读,帮助各方准确理解把握相关要求。对照国家能源局解读口径,组织公司经营区内供电企业分层分级开展内部培训,推动供电服务一线人员尽快学习好、掌握好、运用好新的业务规则。

The third is to study new situations and new issues. 加强研究能源转型发展、新型电力系统建设对供用电领域提出的新要求,配合电力管理部门、监管机构协调解决好新《供规》执行过程中出现的新情况、新问题,更好推动规则落地执行。

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:Tommy Cheung


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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