Recently, the People's Government of Shanxi Province issued the "Work Plan for Stable Coal Production and Supply in Shanxi Province in 2024"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" pointed out that on the premise of ensuring safe production, Shanxi's coal output in 2024 will be stable at around 1.3 billion tons.

original text is as follows

General Office of Shanxi Province People's Government

On issuing and distributing stable coal supply in Shanxi Province in 2024

Notice of work plan

Jin Zheng Ban Fa [2024] No. 15

Municipal and county people's governments, committees, offices, departments, and bureaus of provincial people's governments:

The "2024 Work Plan for Stable Coal Production and Stable Supply in Shanxi Province" has been approved by the Provincial People's Government and is now distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

General Office of Shanxi Province People's Government

31 March 2024

(This document is publicly released)

Work plan for stable coal production and supply in Shanxi Province in 2024

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, implement the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's Economic Work Conference, and effectively improve energy security capabilities, this plan is formulated based on the actual situation of our province.

1. Overall requirements

Comprehensively coordinate high-quality development and high-level safety, focus on the safe, efficient and green and intelligent development of the coal industry, further optimize the production capacity structure, increase the proportion of advanced production capacity, promote the continuous allocation of coal resources, improve coal resource guarantee capabilities, and accelerate the procedures for new production capacity. Release advanced production capacity in compliance with laws and regulations, strengthen coal production monitoring and dispatch, and make every effort to stabilize the supply of thermal coal. On the premise of ensuring safe production, the province's coal output will be stable at around 1.3 billion tons in 2024.

**--Adhere to the system concept. ** Resolutely implement the national decisions and arrangements for stable coal production and safe mine production, further standardize the province's coal mine production and construction order, and ensure the continued stability of coal production in the province.

**--Adhere to classified policies. ** In view of the actual situation of coal mines with new production capacity, coal mines construction, long-term production and suspension of coal mines, and open-pit coal mines, we adhere to the "one mine, one policy", speed up the processing of various procedures, and promote coal mines to release production capacity in compliance with laws and regulations.

--Adhere to treating both symptoms and root causes. 切实筑牢安全底板,守牢安全底线。全面贯彻落实矿山安全生产治本攻坚三年行动各项要求,全力提升矿山安全生产保障能力,坚决防范遏制矿山领域重特大生产安全事故,以高水平安全保障煤炭高质量发展。

--Adhere to the long-term perspective. 高效推进煤炭资源接续配置工作,优先向资源枯竭或接续紧张煤矿配置资源。加快新建接续项目核准、开工,提高全省煤炭生产接续保障能力,为持续稳定煤炭供应和全省煤炭产业可持续发展奠定基础。

--Adhere to green intelligence. 全面提档加速智能化煤矿建设步伐,推动智能化高标准建设、常态化运行。因地制宜推广绿色开采技术,提高绿色开采技术应用水平,降低煤炭资源开发对生态环境的影响。

2. Promote measures

(1) Organize production reasonably and balance. 严格落实安全生产各项措施,合理制定月度和年度生产计划,优化生产布局,合理安排采掘衔接,科学组织设备检修,统筹产运销平稳有序,确保产量稳定在合理水平。对因停产限产原因实际原煤产量达不到登记生产能力70%的生产煤矿,采取切实有效措施,尽快实现达产达效。节假日和重大活动期间保持煤矿正常生产,严禁因个别煤矿出现事故“一刀切”区域性停产。(省能源局、省应急厅、国家矿山安全监察局山西局按职责分工负责)

(2) Accelerate the construction and conversion of coal mines. 强化建设资金、材料设备和施工力量保障,科学编制施工组织设计方案,合理安排施工顺序,在确保安全的前提下力争早日验收、早日投产、早日见效。联合试运转煤矿在试生产的同时,进一步加快专项验收和竣工验收,尽快实现全面投产。(省能源局牵头,省自然资源厅、省生态环境厅、省应急厅配合)

(3) Orderly increase the mining capacity of open-pit coal mines. 加快用地手续办理,确保现有露天生产煤矿采剥合理。对资源枯竭、符合条件的优先配置资源,确保持续达到现有生产能力。通过减量重组、井工转露天和新建等方式,增加露天煤矿开采能力。推动加快相关手续办理,在满足生态要求、法律法规和安全生产前提下,充分释放露天煤矿产能。(省发展改革委、省自然资源厅、省生态环境厅、省水利厅、省应急厅、省能源局、各市人民政府,有关主体企业按职责分工负责)

(4) Continue to improve the utilization rate of coal production capacity. 各市人民政府、省属煤炭集团公司和省国资运营公司按照“重点推进一批、开工复工一批、减量重组一批、推进‘三真’一批、关闭退出一批、加快复产一批、依法处置一批”的原则,逐矿分析研判、精准协调推动,加快具备条件的停缓建和未开工煤矿复工复产,对复工无望的矿井积极引导退出关闭。对非停产限产原因连续2年实际原煤产量达不到登记生产能力70%的生产煤矿,一律重新评估生产能力,核减无效产能,提升产能利用率,增加产能置换指标,为优质产能核增腾出空间。(省发展改革委、省自然资源厅、省生态环境厅、省水利厅、省应急厅、省能源局、省国资委、省国资运营公司、各市人民政府,有关主体企业按职责分工负责)

(5) Accelerate the approval of consecutive coal mine projects. 推进“十四五”期间37个接续煤矿项目资源配置,对已配置矿业权的项目,项目单位要抓紧落实产能置换指标或出具产能置换承诺。项目由所在地设区市人民政府报省人民政府审定同意。并完成核准所需的规划选址和用地预审、社会稳定风险评估等手续后,按规定履行项目核准程序。项目核准后,各相关部门加快办理环评批复、采矿许可证、取水许可证、用地批复等手续,具备条件后尽快开工建设。对未配置矿业权的煤矿项目,尽快研究上报。(省发展改革委、省自然资源厅、省水利厅、省能源局、各市人民政府,项目开发主体按职责分工负责)

(6) Accelerate the allocation of coal resources. 与新增产能煤矿、露天煤矿相邻的夹缝和边角资源,按照《山西省人民政府关于有序推进煤炭资源接续配置保障煤矿稳产保供的意见》(晋政发〔2022〕2号)要求优先配置出让。保障新增产能煤矿资源,加快推进探转采项目、资源枯竭矿井相邻煤炭资源接替项目、基金项目和空白资源项目出让。(省自然资源厅牵头,省发展改革委、省能源局配合)

(7) Accelerate the promotion of green, intelligent and efficient mining of coal mines. 推动煤炭产业与数字技术一体化融合发展,重点围绕煤矿智能化建设,以与省级煤炭工业互联网平台适配对接为抓手,将人工智能、工业互联网、云计算、大数据、机器人、智能装备等与现代煤炭开发技术进行深度融合,提升智能化整体建设效果,助力煤炭产业数字化转型升级。鼓励支持煤矿企业应用绿色开采工艺和技术,因地制宜推广充填开采、保水开采等绿色开采技术,切实提高煤矿安全保障水平和资源回收率。(省能源局牵头,省应急厅、省国资运营公司、国家矿山安全监察局山西局配合)

(8) Accelerate the processing of various formalities in coal mines. 把握国家政策窗口期,紧盯时间节点,加强协调配合,争取政策支持。各级各有关部门按照职责统筹推进新增产能煤矿、资源整合煤矿、长期停产停建煤矿、露天煤矿各项手续办理,在规定的时间内做好矿区总体规划修编和规划环评、采矿许可证变更、用地手续办理、环境影响评价、安全生产许可证变更、产能置换方案、复工复产等工作,确保在安全的前提下依法依规释放有效产能。(各市人民政府、省发展改革委、省自然资源厅、省生态环境厅、省应急厅、省国资运营公司、省能源局、国家矿山安全监察局山西局,各省属煤炭集团按职责分工负责)

3. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. 各级各部门要强化“有解”思维,创新“优解”路径,进一步加强对安全生产、稳产稳供、手续办理和保通保畅等工作的组织领导,确保各项工作有力、有序推进。

(2) Compacting the main responsibility. 按照核定产能科学合理分解目标任务,压实主体责任。各市人民政府、各省属煤炭集团公司进一步明确工作举措,强化目标考核,在确保安全的前提下,完成全年目标任务。

(3) Strengthen dispatch monitoring. 合理分解月度计划,切实加强煤炭生产调度监测,做到日调度、日分析、日汇报。紧盯薄弱环节,及时解决煤炭生产中的难点、堵点问题,确保日产量稳定在合理区间,以日保旬、以旬保月、以月保季、以季保年。

(4) Build a solid safety floor. 牢固树立安全生产理念,科学统筹煤矿安全生产和稳产稳供的关系,统筹好督导反馈问题整改和均衡生产,把隐患排查措施和稳产稳供措施同安排、同落实、同检查,有效防范化解安全风险。进一步压实煤矿企业安全生产主体责任,保证安全投入,加快煤矿智能化建设进度,实现已建成智能化煤矿常态化运行,不断提高煤矿安全生产保障能力和水平。


Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Shanxi Province on Printing and Issuing the Work Plan for Stable Coal Production and Supply in Shanxi Province in 2024.pdf


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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