据最高人民检察院4月9日消息, 中国石油天然气集团有限公司原党组副书记、副总经理徐文荣涉嫌受贿一案,由国家监察委员会调查终结,经最高人民检察院指定,由辽宁省沈阳市人民检察院审查起诉。 Recently, the Shenyang City People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Shenyang City Intermediate People's Court.

During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorate informed the defendant Xu Wenrong of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant Xu Wenrong, and listened to the opinions of the defender. the Procuratorate sued the accusation:Defendant Xu Wenrong served as deputy director of the Petroleum Geophysical Exploration Bureau and general manager of the International Exploration Department, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation Dongfang Geophysical Exploration Co., Ltd., assistant to the general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, member of the Party Leadership Group, leader of the Discipline Inspection Team and deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China National Petroleum Corporation, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China National Petroleum Corporation, The convenience of deputy general managers and other officials as well as the convenience created by their authority or status, seek benefits for others and illegally accept other people's property, if the amount is extremely huge, they should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of accepting bribes in accordance with the law.

previous reports

On January 6, 2024, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Xu Wenrong, former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law.

经查,徐文荣丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,官迷心窍、权欲熏心,热衷政治投机,In order to seek promotion, he made friends with political liars, 处心积虑对抗组织审查;无视中央八项规定精神,违规收受礼品礼金,接受可能影响公正执行公务的宴请;违背组织原则,在组织函询时不如实说明问题;** 违规从事营利活动,安排亲属在国有参股企业挂名领薪;毫无纪法底线,擅权妄为,靠石油吃石油,大搞权钱交易,利用职务便利为他人在企业经营、项目承揽、职务安排等方面谋利,并非法收受巨额财物。 **

Xu Wenrong seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constituted a serious duty violation and was suspected of accepting bribes. He also refused to restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. His nature is serious and the impact is bad and should be dealt with seriously. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China","Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China","Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China for Public Officials" and other relevant regulations, ** After being studied by the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval, it was decided to expel Xu Wenrong from the party; the treatment he enjoyed was cancelled as required; his disciplinary and illegal income was confiscated; Transfer his suspected criminal issues to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred together. **

On January 8, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released news that the case of Xu Wenrong, former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, was suspected of accepting bribes by the National Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. A few days ago, after the Supreme People's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction, the People's Procuratorate of Liaoning Province made a decision to arrest Xu Wenrong on suspicion of accepting bribes in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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