据央视新闻客户端消息,针对网络反映临沂市某中介存在买卖《出生医学证明》《预防接种证》等行为,On a certain date, Linyi City, Shandong Province, established a joint investigation team composed of departments including health and public security to investigate and verify the relevant circumstances.

该中介钟某艳已被公安机关依法传唤到案,一经查实,相关责任人将依法依规严肃处理。 **相关新闻:**Linyi Yizhong Jie claimed to be

Having "insiders" in the hospital can facilitate a full range of services.

Recently, a Red Star News reporter and anti-trafficking volunteer Shangguan Zhengyi, posing as buyers intending to purchase a baby and obtain a birth medical certificate, met with the aforementioned "intermediary" Ms. Zhong at a restaurant in Linyi, Shandong. During the meeting, in addition to coordinating with the reporter, Ms. Zhong was constantly receiving and making phone calls, providing advice and remote guidance to multiple "customers" on how to register their children for household registration.

"I've been in this business for years. The number of children I've sold and the birth certificates I've arranged for buyers is so vast that even I can't count them all, and I've never failed." Ms. Zhong, who claims to have years of experience, said so.

Ms. Zhong claims that she can help buyers purchase babies according to their gender preferences, with female babies costing 10,000 yuan and male babies costing 10,000 yuan; if there are already babies of unknown origin, she also claims that she can charge 10,000 yuan to handle the newborn "vaccination certificate," 10,000 yuan to obtain a "real" birth certificate from the hospital, and even help with the entire process of registering the child for a household registration.

“无论买孩子还是帮着落户,我从来都没出过问题。”她告诉红星新闻记者,每卖一名孩子自己能从中获利约5000元。而这样的违法行为在她的口中却成为一种“善举”:“我是帮着这些未来没法上学的孩子落户,帮着那些无法生孩子的家庭圆梦。” 钟女士展示其自称为他人非法代办的新生儿出生证**“想买女娃男娃都行,提前说好我们去找待产母亲,今年我们已卖出去20多个孩子了。”**钟女士这样告诉红星新闻。钟女士称,如确定购买,在缴纳定金后,只需提供父母双方的身份证即可坐等孩子到来。她说,待孩子出生当天,买家只需在医院门口等待,完成新生儿检查确定健康后,买家父亲到医院签字,便能将孩子带走,同时承诺以买家身份办好孩子的《出生医学证明》。

But how can a child determine its gender in advance? According to China's Maternal and Infant Health Care Law, it is illegal to determine the gender of a fetus. However, Ms. Zhong laughed and said, "We have insiders in the hospital; it's too easy to determine the gender of a fetus." Additionally, Ms. Zhong promised that throughout the entire process, the buyer would not meet the mother, and neither party would know the other's identity. Moreover, if there are health issues or gender discrepancies with the child after birth, a full refund can be provided.

10月18日,临沂市妇幼保健院院长回应红星新闻称:Regarding the situation reflected by the clue, the public security organs of Linyi City have already fully intervened in the investigation, and our hospital will also fully cooperate.

A reporter contacted Lanling County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, where an office staff member responded, "Face recognition is required for all newborn birth certificates processed at our hospital. The relevant registration and information collection system is connected to the provincial registration platform, strictly implementing the requirement of matching the person with the certificate." The staff member stated that since the intermediary did not clearly identify who the alleged hospital "insider" was, they are skeptical of the claim. "Supervisory departments frequently visit the hospital for inspections, and we strictly adhere to the requirements for birth certificate processing."

Regarding whether there are hospital staff who would create gaps for others, the aforementioned staff member stated, "We will conduct investigations based on the situation you report or as required by the higher authorities."

Subsequently, the hospital contacted the local public security authorities in Linyi. The police have now initiated an investigation into the matter.

China News Service () integrated from CCTV News Client, Red Star News, etc.

Editor: Zang He

Editor: Song Fangcan



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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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