Recently, the Development and Reform Commission of Shaanxi Province issued the "Action Plan for Shaanxi Province to Cultivate a Hundred Billion Silicon Solar Photovoltaic Industry Innovation Cluster." The document points out that applications such as large-scale power stations, distributed power generation, smart photovoltaics, and photovoltaic building integration will drive industrial development and deeply integrate into the "Belt and Road" pattern to expand the market. Build a photovoltaic equipment manufacturing industry cluster with Guanzhong as the core and a photovoltaic materials industry cluster with northern Shaanxi as the core along the industrial chain. Strive to form a silicon-based solar photovoltaic industry innovation cluster with an annual output value of more than 350 billion yuan by 2025, with an output value of more than 700 billion yuan in 2035.

original text is as follows:

Notice of the Development and Reform Commission of Shaanxi Province on Printing and Issuing the "Action Plan of Shaanxi Province to Cultivate a Hundred Billion Silicon Solar Photovoltaic Industry Innovation Cluster" 各设区市发展改革委、杨凌示范区发展改革局,各有关单位: 为贯彻落实《关于加快构建具有陕西特色的现代化产业体系推动高质量发展的意见》《陕西省高水平推进产业创新集群建设加快形成新质生产力实施方案》,抢抓新一轮科技革命和产业变革战略机遇,扎实推进陕西省千亿级硅基太阳能光伏产业创新集群培育,构建现代化产业体系,加快形成新质生产力,不断塑造高质量发展新动能,结合我省实际,特制定《陕西省培育千亿级硅基太阳能光伏产业创新集群行动计划》。 请各市区立足当地实际,深入分析产业创新发展现状,落实落细产业发展“五大体系”和“六个一”工作机制,突出抓项目、促创新、强主体、优生态,指导专业化园区做好硅基太阳能光伏产业创新集群培育工作,制定相应行动计划及时报送省发展改革委。 陕西省发展和改革委员会 2024年4月3日 附件: Shaanxi Province Action Plan to Cultivate a Hundred Billion Silicon Solar Photovoltaic Industry Innovation Cluster.pdf

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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