On March 19, the reporter learned that China National Petroleum Corporation recently issued the "Implementation Plan for the Three-Year Action of China National Petroleum Corporation to Address the Root Problem of Production Safety (2024-2026)"(referred to as the" Plan ") aims to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, coordinate development and safety, and continue to deepen the construction and operation of the QHSE management system. Promote the dynamic clearing of hidden dangers of major accidents, vigorously improve the intrinsic safety level, personnel quality and ability, digital intelligence control level, and safety supervision efficiency, and ensure high-quality development with high levels of safety.

The "Plan" coordinates the latest safety management requirements and annual safety key tasks of the party group of the group company, strengthens the requirements of "four comprehensions, four inspections, and four persistences", and focuses on oil and gas exploration and development, hazardous chemical production and operation, urban gas safety, fire protection and road traffic Safety and other work, and has deployed safety risk prevention and accident hazard investigation and rectification actions around "one prevention and four improvements", actions to improve intrinsic safety levels, and actions to improve personnel safety quality capabilities. The 28 key tasks of the "Five Major Actions", including the action to improve the level of digital intelligence management and control and the action to improve the efficiency of safety supervision, will be advanced in an orderly manner in accordance with the overall schedule of eliminating problems in 2024, strengthening the foundation in 2025, and improving efficiency in 2026.

The "Plan" emphasizes that all units must strengthen organizational leadership, carefully mobilize and deploy, and implement organizational implementation at all levels. It is necessary to insist on giving priority to investment, coordinate production safety expenses and relevant special funds, and comprehensively ensure the implementation of key tasks to tackle the root causes. Strict supervision and guidance should be carried out, and fundamental tasks should be incorporated into the company's annual work plan, and should be regarded as an important part of the annual QHSE management system review to ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule. It is necessary to strengthen incentive assessment, do a good job in summary and evaluation, and promote the implementation of the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety.

reporter:Wang Fang

special correspondent:Wang Chi

edit:Luan Yi

editor:he Li

audit:Ma Yingying

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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