On April 9, the Party Leadership Group of China National Petroleum Corporation held the first round of inspection work mobilization and deployment meeting in 2024. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, it fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-revolution, and fully implement the deployment of the National Inspection Work Conference and the newly revised "Regulations on the Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China". Mobilize the first round of party group inspections in 2024.

Dai Houliang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Chairman, and Leader of the Party Leadership Group for Inspection Work of China National Petroleum Corporation, attended and delivered a speech, emphasizing the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on inspection work, complete this round of inspection tasks with high quality, and strive for the group company. High-quality development and good benchmarking provide a strong guarantee.

Dai Houliang emphasized that 要深入贯彻落实习近平总书记和党中央关于巡视工作的新部署新要求,增强做好新时代新征程巡视工作的责任感使命感。要深刻把握政治巡视定位,突出“两个维护”深化政治监督,坚持党中央重大决策部署到哪里,巡视监督就跟进到哪里,督促集团公司各级党组织和广大党员干部牢记重大嘱托,当好标杆旗帜,切实履行好保障国家能源安全、保持油气产业链供应链稳定、促进国家经济社会高质量发展等重要使命,以促进集团公司高质量发展和打造世界一流的实际行动切实履职尽责,坚决做到“两个维护”。要清醒认识面临的形势任务,更好发挥巡视利剑利器作用,把严的基调、严的措施、严的氛围强烈传导下去、一贯到底,纵深推进全面从严治党,持之以恒狠抓落实。要贯彻落实新修订的《中国共产党巡视工作条例》,全面提升巡视巡察工作水平,各级党组织和巡视巡察机构要层层抓好学习贯彻,准确把握工作原则、责任机制、监督内容、监督合力等内涵要求,全面对标对表中央巡视工作新部署新要求,进一步加强体系化规范化建设,扎实推进巡视巡察工作高质量发展。

Dai Houliang demanded that 要准确把握监督重点,高质量完成本轮巡视任务。要突出对被巡视党组织履职担当情况的监督,围绕贯彻落实党组部署,紧盯保障国家能源安全、发展新质生产力、高水平科技自立自强、打造提质增效“增值版”、开展“转观念、勇创新、强管理、创一流”主题教育等重点任务加强政治监督,深入了解被巡视党组织观念转变情况、行动上担当作为情况、能力上是否适应新征程新要求的情况,督促被巡视党组织把党中央和集团公司党组决策部署谋深谋细、落地落实。要突出对防范化解风险情况的监督,着眼统筹高质量发展和高水平安全,对照中央巡视通报和反馈的问题,聚焦重要业务、重大事项、关键环节,深入了解被巡视单位开展有关专项治理整治情况,以高水平安全保障高质量发展。要突出对落实全面从严治党责任情况的监督,深入了解企业党委落实主体责任、纪委履行监督责任等情况。要突出对企业“一把手”和领导班子建设情况的监督,深入了解企业“一把手”贯彻落实党中央重大决策部署和党组部署要求、履行第一责任人的责任、执行民主集中制、选人用人、作风建设和廉洁自律等方面情况;深入了解领导班子建设、干部人才队伍建设、基层党组织建设等情况,把班子的领导力、队伍的战斗力、人才的创造力转化为企业高质量发展的不竭动力。要突出对巡视整改落实情况的监督,始终把巡视整改作为一项重大政治任务,加强对被巡视党组织一体推进中央巡视深化整改、内部巡视巡察整改情况的监督,将巡视成果体现到整改落实上、体现到推进高质量发展的成效上;建立健全整改评估机制、问责机制,真正做到以巡促改、以巡促建、以巡促治,把“发现问题、形成震慑,推动改革、促进发展”落到实处。

Dai Houliang emphasized that 要加强统筹协调和组织领导,确保本轮巡视取得实效。要准确把握政策,提高政治监督能力,深入学习习近平总书记关于国企改革、党的建设和巡视工作的重要论述,党中央有关决策部署、政策要求和新修订的《条例》,以及集团公司有关规章制度,不断提高精准发现问题能力;全面、历史、辩证看待巡视发现的问题,确保巡视结果经得起实践检验。要深化贯通协调,不断增强监督合力,坚持系统观念,提高监督效能。被巡视单位党组织要认真落实配合机制,党组巡视办要发挥统筹协调作用,纪检监察组、总部有关部门要共同推进巡视整改和成果运用,党组组织部要牵头做好选人用人专项检查工作等。要加强队伍建设,严明纪律作风,巡视组必须在加强自身建设上走在前、作表率,严守廉洁纪律、保密纪律、工作纪律;严格落实巡视组纪律作风后评估制度,开展巡视工作质量考评,切实维护巡视队伍良好形象。

Duan Liangwei, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China National Petroleum Corporation and deputy head of the Party Leadership Group for Inspection, presided over the meeting and conveyed the spirit of the National Inspection Work Conference, and arranged this round of inspection tasks.

Assistant General Manager Zhu Qingzhong announced the decision of the inspection team leader to authorize the appointment and division of tasks. Assistant general manager, management members, deputy chief engineers, relevant leaders of headquarters departments, discipline inspection and supervision teams, professional companies and relevant responsible comrades of various enterprises attended the meeting at the main branch venue.

reporter:Gao Zhao Chen Qinqiang

edit:Yao Jiena

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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