有分析指出,2月多项指标超预期回升给美联储继续推迟降息提供了理由, On the one hand, this reflects that deep-rooted inflation in the United States is difficult to disappear quickly. On the other hand, it also shows that the Federal Reserve may keep interest rates high for longer than market expectations. 高通胀和高利率,不仅加大了普通美国民众的生活成本,增加了美国债务利息的偿付压力,而且其负面外溢效应还将持续影响世界经济。

Customers shop at a supermarket in Milbray, California, USA. Photo by Li Jianguo (published by Xinhua Agency)

The impact facing African economies is particularly noteworthy. 联合国非洲经济委员会执行秘书克拉韦尔·加泰特3月初称,非洲当前通胀高企、债务负担加重、经济增长乏力。这种情况自美联储加息以来就在不断出现。2022年至今,非洲最大经济体尼日利亚的货币奈拉兑美元贬值超过70%;第二大经济体埃及,这两年饱受本币贬值、偿债压力陡增、主权信用面临挑战的困扰。为换取国际货币基金组织(IMF)提供的贷款,埃及不得不于3月初放弃汇率干预,允许埃及镑汇率自由浮动,同时加息600个基点。IMF数据显示,目前有20多个非洲国家处于债务困境或有很高风险陷入债务困境。
Some analysts pointed out that the increasingly serious debt problems of developing countries represented by Africa are closely related to the United States and other Western countries. 从历史上看,美西方国家及其金融机构,多年来为追求高利润高回报,不惜鼓动非洲等发展中国家发行大量短期高息债券, Over time, many debtor countries have been burdened with heavy debt servicing burdens and have to raise new debts to repay old ones. 世界银行曾有资料显示,在49个有数据可查的非洲国家共计6960亿美元外债中,多边金融机构和西方商业债权人所持债务占比近四分之三。
事实表明,单纯依赖美西方提及的金融手段无法根治非洲等国面临的债务问题。 We should objectively analyze the causes of the debt problems of relevant countries, form systematic solutions, and solve the debt problems of countries and regions such as Africa through development. 金融不能成为发展的目标,而是要解决发展的问题。这个道理不难理解,但在实践中为何往往是另一幅模样,值得深思。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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