First time in two and a half years! Vucic and Putin spoke on the phone.
综合俄新社、法新社消息,当地时间20日,塞尔维亚总统武契奇与俄罗斯总统普京通话。报道称,**这是两人近两年半来首次通话。法新社称,武契奇在社交媒体上表示,“Thank you very much, President Putin, for ensuring that Russia will provide Serbia with sufficient natural gas this winter.”他还表示,尽管塞尔维亚是欧盟候选国,但不会改变不对俄罗斯实施制裁的立场。**另据俄新社报道,武契奇表示,两人在通话中就包括经济问题在内的所有重要双边问题交换了意见,此次谈话开放且内容丰富。他还表示,此次通话将有助于塞俄关系进一步发展,有利于增强互信。
Caption: Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.
Title: "Vucic and Putin's Phone Call: First in Two and a Half Years, According to Foreign Media"
Source: China News Network
Editor: Dai Shuo Chief Editor: Song Fangcan
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