In mid-spring, spring is sprouting in the Ordos Basin. Early in the morning of April 1, line patrol workers from the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield took tools and went to the natural gas production site to carry out census work. During the heating season that just passed, more than 2000 gas wells in the First Gas Production Plant produced a daily production rate of more than 30 million cubic meters of natural gas, bringing strong warmth to downstream users.

PetroChina resolutely implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, keeps in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "standing well and providing good supplies", and fulfills its responsibility and mission of ensuring national energy security. The majority of cadres and employees stick to the front line, actively respond to challenges such as cold waves, low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters, move forward bravely on the road of contributing to the country and providing warmth to the people, and do a solid job in ensuring supply in winter with the spirit of nailing.

During the heating season last winter and this spring, China's oil and gas industry chain operated safely and smoothly as a whole, achieving flexible switching between "guaranteed supply" and "guaranteed smooth supply". The cumulative supply of natural gas to the market accounted for more than 60% of the country's gas supply. Domestic natural gas output increased year-on-year by 3.8%, and the highest daily gas supply reached 932 million cubic meters, setting a record high.

shoulder the important task of "one game of chess" and coordinate planning

On April 28, 2023, the group company held a meeting of the leading group for ensuring natural gas supply in winter. This is the second time that PetroChina has studied and deployed winter supply guarantees nearly seven months in advance after 2021 and 2022. Today, it has become a broad consensus among the group companies that "the end of the last round of supply guarantee is the beginning of the new round of supply guarantee work."

From the establishment of a leading group for ensuring natural gas supply in winter, to the establishment of four special teams for ensuring supply, including a special team for increasing domestic resource production and supply, and a special team for LNG receiving and unloading, to the regular holding of relevant meetings to analyze and judge the situation, PetroChina has consolidated its responsibilities at all levels, coordinating and coordinating all aspects of the natural gas industry chain, and creating an efficient and collaborative working atmosphere.

PetroChina has implemented in-depth education on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into practical actions to ensure natural gas supply, further increased internal and external communication, formulated supply guarantee plans scientifically and accurately, and implemented plans effectively and effectively to ensure Natural gas "can be produced, exported, and supplied stably."

As the heating season approaches, the group company has successively held a leading group meeting for natural gas supply guarantee in winter and a mobilization and deployment meeting for natural gas supply guarantee in winter. Dai Houliang, chairman and party secretary of the group company, emphasized that we must keep in mind the "biggest country", shoulder responsibilities, and pay close attention to implementation, serve as the "pillar" of energy supply and ensure the safe and stable supply of natural gas. Hou Qijun, general manager of the group company and deputy secretary of the party group, emphasized that natural gas supply guarantee should be regarded as an important political task and become the most reliable and reliable force for the country's natural gas supply guarantee.

Thousands of articles, and if they are not implemented, they are "white articles". The intelligent operation center of the group company keeps a close eye on changes in resources and markets, optimizes and adjusts supply guarantee strategies, organizes and carries out emergency drills to "suppress non-governmental and protect the people", and strictly implements the safety risk prevention and control tasks of natural gas supply guarantee; oil and gas and new energy branches clarify supply guarantee goals, establish a solid bottom-line thinking, and strictly organize production and construction; Leading cadres of Southwest Oil and Gas Field, Qinghai Oilfield and other enterprises went deep into grassroots investigations and research, conducted point-to-point "on-site consultations" on the issue of ensuring supply and production, and took the lead in tackling key problems and solving problems... Relevant departments at the headquarters, professional companies and related enterprises actively implemented the deployment of the group company's party group. Requirements, high-standard and high-quality implementation of various supply guarantee measures.

"Three sides" exert force and "aggregation force" linkage cooperation

In late February, the first cold wave of the Year of the Dragon hit rapidly in the form of sandstorms caused by strong winds, rain and snow. The Hutubi Gas Storage in Xinjiang Oilfield has carried out multiple rounds of "peak-rushing" gas production, with a peak peak-shaving capacity of 38 million cubic meters, continuing to deliver warmth to the northern Xinjiang region and areas along the West-East Gas Pipeline.

Only by having "qi" in your hands can you have confidence in your heart. Since entering the heating season, China's entire oil and gas industry chain has worked together to achieve sufficient, stable and good supply under normal conditions, and can hold it up for a long time.

--Consolidating the resource side, China's manufactured gas production remains stable, and the overall supply of imported gas is stable, further exerting the role of "ballast stone".

From the western border to the North China Plain, from Bashan Shushui to Sanqin, each oil and gas field has broken down the supply guarantee task into each gas production plant and specifically to each well to accelerate the pace of production capacity construction. During the winter supply period, natural gas production in the three main gas areas of Changqing Oilfield, Southwest Oil and Gas Field, and Tarim Oilfield all remained upward.

International business companies actively respond to sudden problems such as unstable supply from overseas resource countries, take various measures to raise imported natural gas resources, and fully urge all gas sources to stabilize and supply sufficient gas as planned. The import volume of pipeline gas increased by 18%. At the same time, we will optimize the long-term trade and spot resource structure of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG), and continuously strengthen the construction of resource pools.

--On the service demand side, we will continue to improve the quality and level of user service by making careful efforts in market operations.

In order to allow the "warm current" to outperform the cold current, PetroChina accurately serves market demand and effectively ensures a stable supply of gas for people's livelihood, peak power generation, and fertilizer production.

The natural gas sales company has comprehensively investigated existing urban gas users, focusing on key periods such as the "March 1949" in major heating cities in the north, as well as ensuring people's livelihood and supply in key industries such as urban gas, gas power generation, and compressed natural gas (CNG), and strengthened the supply guarantee of "coal-to-gas" users and win the trust of customers with high-quality services.

--Optimize the regulation side, and the gas storage takes on the important task of "regulating valve", greatly enhancing the peak shaving capacity.

PetroChina continues to promote the construction of old gas storage warehouses and new gas storage warehouses, strengthens the work of "storing as much as possible" gas storage, and exceeds the 2023 gas injection target. In this heating season, the maximum daily gas production of China's oil storage and gas storage increased by 37 million cubic meters year-on-year.

Tangshan LNG Receiving Station and Jiangsu LNG Receiving Station play the main role of emergency peak shaving. During this heating season, they have unloaded more than 60 ships and received more than 5.5 million tons of imported natural gas, continuously sending "blessings" to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Thousands of households in the Yangtze River Delta region.

Innovation leads "new means" to protect winter supply

"A few days ago, residents 'soup overflowed from the pot, causing gas leakage. The smart alarm and smart self-closing valve were activated at the same time, closing the valve and notifying users and backstage management personnel to prevent it from being burned, giving users a sufficient sense of security." Jin Kai, safety officer at the customer service center of Heze Company, Shandong Branch of Natural Gas Sales, introduced. From the official launch of the intelligent natural gas ethane recovery plant in Tarim Oilfield to the establishment of a sales forecasting AI model and rolling forecast of demand, PetroChina has used digital intelligence "new methods" to continue to optimize the overall research and judgment methods.

Looking at the six directions, the prediction and judgment are more "advanced". The intelligent operation center of the group company gives full play to its core functions such as operation monitoring, dispatch and command, formulates a balance plan for natural gas production and marketing, and quickly takes measures to increase supply. International business companies have expanded their monitoring scope and included weather forecasts around gas fields and major gas-consuming cities in Central Asian countries, and sea conditions forecasts at relevant ports into their daily monitoring scope, making winter supply guarantees more predictable. PetroChina International Pipeline Company made full use of simulation systems and big data models to analyze and judge gas volume trends, dynamically carried out operating process adjustments more than 160 times, and continuously optimized upstream and downstream gas volume configurations.

Empowering sharp weapons makes it more powerful to "defend" security. The oil and gas field stations have many locations and a wide range of areas. The inspection robot of the Fifth Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield is equipped with a methane laser telemetry probe and combined with the video pan/tilt function for regular inspections. It can promptly discover on-site process equipment problems and create "artificial + intelligent" inspection "Double insurance"; Underground pipelines are intertwined, and natural gas sales companies use digital pipeline maps to show the burial depth of underground pipelines, the station equipment structure and surrounding environment in a simulation manner, making it convenient for employees to find out the bottom of the pipeline network and eliminate inspection blind spots.

With strategic planning, the entire industry chain will ensure more "smart" supply. The Internet of Things project of Daqing Oilfield Gas Production (Gas Storage) Branch creates a "clairvoyance" for remote monitoring of peak shaving production in the northern gas field in winter, allowing data to "run errands" for employees; in December 2023, Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company Xiangguosi Gas Storage The first intelligent gas storage cloud platform with "full coverage" of the full service chain from injection and production operation to safety management was officially put into operation; Pipe network inspection video surveillance, high-consequence area AI intelligent monitoring, station control digital twins... In the station control room of Majuqiao Natural Gas Gate Station, a natural gas sales Beijing branch undertaken by Kunlun Digital Intelligence Company, 11 functions in three major scenarios have been put into application, achieving a leap in ensuring supply and quality in winter.

Fighting hard against wind and snow, writing responsibility to "warm people"

Ning She was covered in cold, and she was replaced by warmth among thousands of families. From the inspectors climbing ice and lying in the snow and climbing mountains to the operators waiting in front of the heating line 24 hours a day, countless ordinary "one-in-a-million" have built an extraordinary and strong warm defense line, just to fulfill the solemn promise of "standing on your post and providing good supplies".

In the wind and sand, rain and snow, they shoulder the mission of ensuring energy supply-"Ensure that there will be no short supply and no day will be cut off!" Ma Chaozhong, a gas carrier at the first station of the West-East Gas Pipeline in Tarim Oilfield, tightened his mask and embarked on the inspection road in the sandstorm with visibility of less than 50 meters. Employees in the Shuangtaizi Gas Storage Operation Area of Liaohe Oilfield took the cold wave as an order to increase and reduce gas production more than 30 times during this heating season. "In order to meet downstream gas demand, we efficiently completed each adjustment within 2 hours and successfully passed the 'big test' of gas storage response." Gao Xi, deputy mayor of the operation area, said.

They are in the disaster-stricken areas and are in love with the people's well-being. On the early morning of December 20, 2023, five commando team members from the Natural Gas Sales Gansu Branch and its affiliated Linxia Company rushed to Jishishan Xinyuan Natural Gas Company to provide support and successfully completed the 31-kilometer medium pressure pipe network and other gas facilities are fully covered by "physical examination". Employees of Natural Gas Sales Hebei Branch have inspected nearly 4000 kilometers of gas pipe networks to ensure a warm winter for people in Zhuozhou and surrounding areas in Hebei Province.

They were on the "sky road" with thin oxygen-on February 24, covered by heavy snow and frozen roads. Six LNG tankers from the transportation company Qinghai Branch set out from Golmud, passed through Hoh Xil, and climbed over Tanggula Mountain at an altitude of more than 5000 meters., headed for Lhasa, more than 1100 kilometers away, sending "blessings" to Xizang and bringing warmth to the hearts of Tibetan people.

They are in the "desert country" and drilling "restricted areas"-at the other end of the China-Turkey natural gas pipeline, Chinese and foreign employees of the Amu Darya Gas Company are stepping on the desert, conducting intensive inspections, taking good care of the "wellhead" in front of them, and also caring about the "stove" thousands of miles away.

They are in the "hot""Erbin"-on the only way to the world of ice and snow, on both sides of the Songhua River, and in every corner of the city, 365 inspection personnel from the natural gas sales company Harbin Zhongqing Company are guarding the 3332-kilometer gas pipeline, 13 emergency teams and 536 emergency personnel are on call 24 hours a day to keep the "fireworks of the world" for travelers from all over the world.

Looking back at the heating season last winter and this spring, PetroChina employees are more leisurely facing the severe winter "big test". This calmness comes from the early planning and organization, the coordination of the entire industry chain, the protection of new means, and the courage of the oil people to take on their responsibilities. Starting a new journey, PetroChina will welcome the next round of heating season with full "strength" and go all out to fight a warm defense battle day and night, regardless of cities, and regardless of each other!

reporter:Jin Wenqi and Xu Lindi (Nan Yufeng, Zhou Yan, Li Congcong, Wang Chengkai, Meng Jianhong, Xue Mei, Guo Tai, Luo Qianbin and Liu Juan participated in the interview)

picture:Jing Xiaolei (Photo Gallery of China Petroleum News)

edit:Yao Jiena

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

past review

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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