On March 22, the National Energy Administration issued the "2024 Guiding Opinions on Energy Work"(hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The opinion emphasizes the need to thoroughly implement the new energy security strategy and better coordinate development and security; it proposes the work direction of "handling three relationships" and "four focuses", as well as the basic working principles of "four persistences" and corresponding main Work goals and specific work measures, put ensuring national energy security first, accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, and provide safe and reliable energy guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

This will play an important "baton" role in all fields of the energy industry in doing various tasks based on their own realities.

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Promote high-quality energy development with ensuring national energy security as the core

The opinions profoundly reflect the fundamental requirements for implementing the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", especially the "Four Persistences" put forward in the basic principles section, that is, insisting on putting ensuring national energy security first and insisting on actively and vigorously promoting Energy green and low-carbon transformation, insisting on relying on scientific and technological innovation to enhance new development momentum, and insisting on deepening reforms to stimulate development vitality. The "Four Persistences" run through all contents of the opinion, emphasizing the need to use scientific and technological innovation and deepening reform as new driving forces to promote high-quality energy development to achieve kinetic energy conversion, promote the transformation of development methods through green and low-carbon transformation, and enhance the country's energy security capabilities. Overall, the opinions have the following four characteristics.

First, build a new pattern of integrated and coordinated energy development with energy security as the core. 意见开宗明义,明确提出持续巩固“电力稳定可靠、油气底线可保、煤炭压舱兜底、新能源高质量跃升”良好态势,为构成新型能源体系的各类能源确定了功能定位和发展方向。对各类能源分别从生产、进口、储备、消费、国际合作以及协同发展等不同维度提出了工作目标和具体措施,突出供应端和消费端共同发力作为提升国家能源安全保障能力的重要路径。比如,对油气能源,在生产环节,强调深入研究实施油气中长期增储上产发展战略,加大油气勘探开发力度,强化“两深一非一稳”重点领域油气产能建设,以及加快煤层气产业化发展;在储运环节,强调推进地下储气库、沿海液化天然气接收站储罐工程,加快西气东输四线等干线管道建设,以及推进管网基础设施公平开放;在国际合作环节,强调加强与油气资源国协调,推动务实合作,持续巩固完善平衡多元油气进口体系。

Secondly, use natural gas as an element to promote the construction of a new energy system. 构建新型能源体系是保障国家能源安全和推动能源绿色高质量发展的重要措施。近年来,虽然非化石能源发展持续加快,但风电、光电等新型能源面临出力(发电设备输出的电功率)不足问题,导致实际发电量占比与发电装机规模占比不相匹配。此外,推动绿色低碳发展,降低二氧化碳等温室气体排放是当前刻不容缓的重要任务。着眼于处理好推进能源转型和绿色低碳发展的关系,从现实出发,意见在主要目标部分提出天然气保持快速上产态势和天然气消费稳中有增。在工作安排中,意见一方面提出修订天然气利用政策,这将有利于从制度和政策层面使天然气成为构建新型能源体系的要素;另一方面,从完善天然气基础设施角度,提出加快天然气干线管道建设。意见还提出推进地下储气库建设和加快煤层气产业化发展。

Thirdly, use scientific and technological innovation as the driving force to promote the cultivation of new energy formats. 意见强调坚持依靠科技创新增强发展新动能,这符合加快发展新质生产力的要求,力求加强关键核心技术联合攻关和科研成果转化运用,通过科技创新补短板、锻长板、拓新板,提升能源科技自主创新能力和能源产业链供应链自主可控水平。意见特别将强化标准化工作放在了重要位置,强调统筹研究建立一批能源行业标委会,强化标准实施应用,提高能源领域标准国际化水平。在此基础上,意见进一步提出加快能源技术攻关、成果转化和促进新技术应用示范,深化论证煤炭、油气等领域重大科技项目,组织开展能源数字化智能化核心技术攻关和应用示范,总结全国首批智能化示范煤矿建设成效和推进智能化煤矿建设。油气行业如何借鉴智能化示范煤矿建设经验,开展数字化智能化关键技术攻关,科学规划应用场景,推进智能化建设,尽快形成示范企业成为紧迫课题。

Finally, we will promote the modernization of the energy governance system and capabilities centered on improving governance efficiency. Deepening reform is an important starting point for improving governance efficiency and an important source of power for promoting green and low-carbon development in the energy industry. In accordance with the requirements of governing the country according to law, and taking the improvement of energy laws and regulations as a breakthrough point, the opinions propose to promote the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to review and adopt the Energy Law, and speed up the revision of the Renewable Energy Law, the Electricity Law, and the Coal Law. Under the overall legal framework, with the focus on fairness and openness, it is proposed to speed up the revision of natural gas infrastructure construction and operation management methods and the fair and open supervision methods of oil and gas pipeline network facilities to form an effective legal, regulatory and institutional system. Based on this, we will deepen the reform of the oil and gas system, promote high-quality, fair and open infrastructure, accelerate the interconnection of pipeline networks, support and guide the integration of provincial pipeline networks into the national pipeline network in a market-oriented manner, and improve the operating efficiency of oil and gas pipeline networks facilities.

Deepen implementation and effectively improve energy security capabilities

The opinion is the work deployment based on the overall development of the country. Whether it can achieve the set goals and achieve the expected results requires all departments, enterprises and other components of the energy industry to formulate practical measures based on their own realities, implement them well, and ensure the effectiveness of the work. As far as the oil and gas field is concerned, on the basis of deeply understanding and grasping the core essence of the opinions and the spirit of the document, we should focus on improving energy security capabilities, focusing on the following four aspects.

The first is to work hard to promote the coordinated development of energy resources. 要全面研究油气行业发展趋势,牢牢把握从油气公司向综合性能源公司转型的节奏,重新认识矿区能源资源的全面性、立体性,秉持能源资源高效协同开发、资源充分利用和投入产出最优化的基本原则,加快矿区油气资源之外风能、太阳能、地热能、潮汐能、氢能,以及氦气、稀有金属等伴生矿产品在内的所有相关资源的论证评估,按照超级盆地综合协同一体化开发的理念制定开发方案,推动各项能源业务统筹协调发展,降低开发成本,提高开发效率和能源资源综合利用能力与水平。

The second is to work hard to enhance the ability to effectively supply energy. 按照建设世界一流综合性国际能源公司的战略发展目标,石油和天然气在今后相当长的时期仍将是油气公司的主业,但如何在实现油气增储上产的同时,从风电、光电、地热、生物质等当前新能源品种,以及氢能等未来能源的维度提升供给能力值得深入研究和提前布局。同时,从现有能源消费结构来看,需着力提升石油和天然气产品的有效供给能力。这包括在致力于新建产能、提高产量的同时,强化探索减少自用、降低损耗、增强回收等途径来提高面向市场销售的商品率和商品量,以及统筹国际油气勘探开发合作和国际油气贸易,建立全球性的油气资源池、能源池,优化物流和贸易方向,强化区域合作,合理优化资源池成本,提高利用国际能源资源满足国内需求的能力。

The third is to work hard to build a scientific and technological innovation system. 应着力改变以应用技术为重点、以独立研发为特点的传统方式,逐步向建立科技生态体系转变,注重建立内外部科研机构之间的相互合作和成果共享机制,注重增强基础研究能力,注重推进科研成果向现实生产力转化。首先要保持稳定的科技研发投入,建立高效科研经费分配机制;其次要突出“两深一非一稳”重要油气领域和氢能等未来能源,科学确定关键重大基础研究、技术攻关方向和研发项目;再次要推进节能降耗和绿色低碳发展,实现CCUS等相关技术的迭代发展和规模化应用,降低单位产品生产能耗和二氧化碳排放量;最后要建立与研发团队(机构、人员)利益紧密相关的科技成果转让、转化和应用有偿转让机制,使转让收益与研发团队薪酬、经费分配等相关联,充分激活研发活力。同时,要深入研究和采用数字化转型、智能化发展的最新技术及成果,推进智能化示范油气田和示范炼厂建设,打造智慧油区、智慧工厂,充分释放智能化技术发展带来的红利。

The fourth is to work hard to deepen international oil and gas cooperation. 要深刻总结国际油气合作数十年的经验教训,结合当前国际能源行业发展和能源转型的特点与趋势,积极投身“一带一路”能源合作,融入资源国发展战略,变被动为主动,提高自主寻求合作领域、合作项目和合作伙伴的能力,以及投资决策和项目运营、资本运作能力,实现从资产管理到项目运行,再到企业运营,直至资本运作的转变与提升。同时,积极深度参与国际能源治理和国际能源标准的制修订,贡献中国力量。

This article was originally published in the 6th page of China Petroleum News on April 9, 2024. The original title was "Promoting Sustainable Green and High-Quality Development of Energy-Interpretation of the" 2024 Guiding Opinions on Energy Work ""

author: Energy strategist Feng Baoguo

picture:China Petroleum News Photo Library

edit:Luan Yi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

past review


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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