On April 8, Dai Houliang, Chairman and Party Secretary of China National Petroleum Corporation, visited Kunlun Capital and PetroChina Finance Company for research, visited and expressed condolences to the cadres and employees of the capital and financial business systems, and had an in-depth understanding of operation management, risk prevention and control, and party building. He emphasized that we must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, have high aspirations and first-class aspirations, and unswervingly promote the high-quality development of capital and financial business. Provide strong support for accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises and contribute oil power to building a financial power.

Dai Houliang first came to Kunlun Capital to understand the personnel composition and business model of the investment team, and listened to the introduction of the system management of the entire process and life cycle of the project, the new progress made by team services to promote the main business, and the next key tasks. Later, Dai Houliang came to PetroChina Finance Company and had in-depth exchanges with employees of the International Business Department on foreign exchange transactions, marketing and other aspects. Dai Houliang pointed out that we must adhere to rigorous investment, precise investment, and efficiency investment, strive to build a team of high-quality petroleum finance cadres and talents, prevent and resolve financial risks, and give full play to the main responsibilities and main businesses of the company and the real economy.

After listening to the work reports of Kunlun Capital and PetroChina Finance Company, Dai Houliang affirmed the achievements of the two units. He pointed out that in the new era and new journey, high-quality development of capital and financial services, accelerating the integrated development of industrial resources, capital and financial services, will enhance the core functions of the group company, improve core competitiveness, and make state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises are crucial. Dai Houliang put forward three requirements for the next key work.

First, we must thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on financial work, and carefully plan for the high-quality development of the group company's capital and financial business. 要在全面领会、学深悟透上下功夫,深刻理解总书记重要讲话的丰富内涵、精髓要义和实践要求,进一步增强做好新时代新征程资本金融工作的政治自觉、思想自觉、行动自觉。要在学以致用、狠抓落实上下功夫,勇扛国有企业的重大责任和使命,把准高质量发展方向,平衡好功能性和盈利性,在做正确的事情基础上把事情做正确,确保总书记重要讲话精神得到不折不扣贯彻落实。

Second, we must further deeply understand our own responsibilities and positioning and unswervingly follow the path of capital and finance development with petroleum characteristics. 中国经济总量的发展与能源行业的需求相辅相成,要认真研究集团公司面临的形势,锚定奋进高质量发展和建设世界一流企业目标,深入落实集团公司关于资本金融业务高质量发展的实施意见,进一步谋划发展思路、目标和路径。昆仑资本重在以财务投资发现战略性投资机会,支撑发展新兴产业和培育未来产业,促进与传统能源产业的协同发展;中油财务要处理好稳健性和防风险之间的关系,把防范风险放在更加突出的位置,努力实现行稳致远。

Third, we must strengthen party building and lead high-quality development with high-quality party building. 要切实发挥党委把方向、管大局、保落实的领导作用,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒作用,全面增强党组织政治功能和组织功能。以海纳百川的宽阔胸襟推进文化融合,大力弘扬石油精神和大庆精神铁人精神,永葆石油人“听党话、跟党走、感党恩”的鲜亮底色。坚持政治、能力、作风“三个过硬”标准,全面加强金融高端人才、复合人才、领军人才队伍建设。坚持依法合规管理,持续完善规章制度,持之以恒正风肃纪,强化对“一把手”的监督,不断提高金融队伍的纯洁性、专业性、战斗力,提升资本金融服务能力。

Zhou Song, member of the party group and chief accountant of the group company, and responsible comrades of relevant departments at the headquarters participated in the survey.

reporter:Sun Mengyu

picture:Chang Zhengle

edit:Luan Yi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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