Latest news! Yu Huaying's child trafficking case will be announced.
据央视新闻25日消息,贵州省贵阳市中级人民法院The retrial of Yu Huaying's child trafficking case will be announced at 9:30 AM on Friday.
First trial session of Yu Huaying's retrial10月11日上午10时,备受社会关注的余华英涉嫌拐卖儿童案在贵州省贵阳市中级人民法院重审一审开庭,The prosecution recommended the death penalty for Yu Huaying. Due to the gravity of the case, the verdict will be announced at a later date. 余华英1963年出生于云南,20多岁外出打工时结识龚显良。两人同居期间,余华英生下一个男孩。They sent their own children to Hebei through intermediaries, and when Yu Huaying was short of money, she sold her own son, thus embarking on the evil path of illegal child trafficking for profit. 从1993年到2003年,余华英分别和龚显良等人多次前往贵州、云南、重庆等地拐带儿童。在他们拐卖的儿童中,有5对是一起被拐走的兄弟或兄妹,一个个家庭因此破碎。After the second instance of this case, the public security organs discovered additional facts of Yu Huaying's suspected child trafficking crimes, leading the Guizhou Higher People's Court to order the case to be retried. According to reporters, the omitted criminal facts refer to the fact that in addition to the children originally convicted, Yu Huaying is also suspected of trafficking other children.余华英涉嫌拐卖儿童的数量从11人增至17人。****案件回顾2023年9月18日,贵阳市中级人民法院一审判决余华英犯拐卖儿童罪。法院认为,被告人余华英为牟取非法利益,多次拐卖儿童,犯罪情节特别严重,社会危害性极大。The first instance sentenced Yu Huaying to death, stripping her of political rights for life. Defendant Yu Huaying stated her intention to appeal in court.
2023年9月18日,余华英一审被判处死刑。 2023年11月28日,该案在贵州省高级人民法院二审开庭。二审庭审中,余华英对一审认定其拐卖儿童十一名的犯罪事实没有异议,当庭认罪,仅提出了量刑过重的上诉理由;其辩护人提出余华英有坦白情节,认为量刑过重,建议从轻处罚。附带民事诉讼代理人提出了附带民事部分判赔数额过低的上诉理由。贵州省人民检察院出庭检察员认为一审判决认定事实清楚,证据确实、充分,定罪准确,量刑适当,程序合法,The appeal of Yu Huaying cannot be upheld, and it is recommended to dismiss the appeal and uphold the original judgment. 此案二审开庭,庭审后,检察机关以经公安机关初查又发现上诉人余华英在云南省还涉嫌拐卖儿童的其他犯罪事实,有漏罪没有处理,建议将本案发回重审。2024年1月8日,贵州省高级人民法院对余华英拐卖儿童案作出二审裁定,发回重审。法院认为,原判遗漏原审被告人余华英其他拐卖儿童的犯罪事实,部分事实不清楚,为查清上诉人余华英全部犯罪事实,应予重审。She remembered the names of human traffickers from age to age杨妞花是被余华英拐卖的儿童中的一名,也是她亲手将拐卖自己的人贩子送上法庭。杨妞花被拐是在她5岁时。邻居余华英以“买织毛衣的签子”为诱惑,牵着她出门。In the year, she found her sister through online search for family members based on childhood memories, only to learn that her biological parents had passed away one after another due to losing her, and her sister had also become an orphan at the age of .“我不能放过她(余华英),这不是我一个人的事。”
China News Service () compiled from: CCTV News Client, previous reports from China News Service
Editor: Dai Shuo Deputy Editor: Song Fangcan
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