On March 27, President Xi Jinping met with representatives of the American business and strategic academic circles at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Xi Jinping welcomed American business and strategic academic circles to visit China when the flowers bloom in warm spring. Xi Jinping pointed out that Sino-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Whether China and the United States cooperate or confront each other is related to the well-being of the two peoples and the future and destiny of mankind. The respective successes of China and the United States are each other's opportunities. As long as both sides regard each other as partners, respect each other, coexist peacefully, and cooperate for win-win results, Sino-US relations will get better. This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. The history of Sino-US relations is a history of friendly exchanges between the two peoples. In the past, it was written by the people, and in the future it must be created by the people. There is a saying in China that obeying good is like climbing, obeying evil is like breaking down. It is hoped that people from all walks of life in the two countries will have more exchanges and exchanges, continuously accumulate consensus, enhance trust, eliminate all kinds of interference, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, bring more tangible benefits to the two peoples, and inject more stability into the world.

Xi Jinping listened carefully to the speeches of the US representatives and responded to their concerns one by one.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China's economy is healthy and sustainable. Last year, China's economic growth rate ranked among the best among the world's major economies, and its contribution to world economic growth continued to exceed 30%. This is the work of the Chinese people and is inseparable from international cooperation. China's development has gone through various difficulties and challenges before it has reached today. It did not collapse because of the "China collapse theory" in the past, and it will not peak now because of the "China has reached its peak" theory. We will continue to promote high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization, so that the Chinese people can continue to live a better life, but also make greater contributions to the sustainable development of the world. China's development prospects are bright, and we have the confidence and confidence.

Xi Jinping pointed out that I have said many times that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for contemporary China to make great strides to catch up with the times. China's reform will not stop, and opening up will not stop. We are planning and implementing a series of major measures to comprehensively deepen reforms, continue to build a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, and provide broader development space for companies from all over the world, including American companies. Faced with the new situations and changes in Sino-US economic and trade relations in recent years, both sides must adhere to mutual respect, mutual benefit, and equal consultation, act in accordance with economic laws and market rules, expand and deepen mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation, respect each other's development rights, and pursue China-US win-win situation and win-win situation in the world. American companies are welcome to participate more in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", participate in large-scale economic and trade activities such as the China International Import Expo, and continue to invest in China, deepen China, and win in China.

Xi Jinping stressed: in recent years, Sino-US relations have experienced many twists and turns as well as severe challenges, and the lessons learned are worth learning. Sino-US relations cannot go back to the past, but they can have a better future. When I met with President Biden in San Francisco last year, the greatest consensus was that Sino-US relations should be stable and better. Over the past few months, focusing on the consensus reached by President Biden and me, the two teams have maintained communication and made progress in the areas of political diplomacy, economy, trade and finance, law enforcement and drug control, climate change, and people-to-people exchanges. Under the current situation, the common interests of China and the United States are not reduced, but more. Whether in traditional areas such as economy, trade and agriculture, or in emerging areas such as climate change and artificial intelligence, China and the United States should be the driving force for each other's development, not resistance. Promoting the recovery of the world economy and solving international and regional hot issues all require coordination and cooperation between China and the United States, demonstrate the mind of great powers, and shoulder the responsibility of great powers. The US side should face each other with China, establish a correct strategic understanding, properly handle sensitive issues, maintain the momentum of stopping the decline and stabilizing Sino-US relations, actively explore ways to get along correctly, and promote the sustained, stable and healthy development of Sino-US relations.

Greenberg, chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee on US-China Relations, Su Shimin, Chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, Ammon, President and CEO of Qualcomm, Allison, founder Dean of the Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, Allen, President of the US-China Business Council, and other US representatives thanked President Xi Jinping for taking the time to meet. They say that over the past few decades, China has achieved extraordinary economic growth and transformation, reflecting strong resilience and vitality. Under the outstanding leadership of President Xi Jinping, China is committed to developing new quality productive forces and achieving more sustainable and high-quality development. The right to development of the Chinese people should be respected. It is believed that China will achieve its own development goals and promote world economic development and integration. A strong and prosperous China is the positive energy of the world. The economic relations between the United States and China are closely dependent, and only peaceful coexistence between the two countries can achieve their own development and prosperity. The Thucydides trap is not inevitable. Us enterprises appreciate China's recent series of important measures for further reform and opening up, are optimistic about China's economic development prospects, and will unswervingly continue to cultivate China and develop long-term and close cooperative relations with China. The successful meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Biden in San Francisco in November last year boosted the expectations and confidence of people from all walks of life in the United States and the world in the future of US-China relations. The US business community and strategic academia support the United States and China in strengthening exchanges at all levels, enhancing mutual understanding, trust and cooperation, jointly addressing global challenges, and promoting the establishment of a stable, sustainable and fruitful U.S.-China relationship.

Wang Yi attended the meeting.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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