** 今天下午3时,十四届全国人大二次会议举行记者会,教育部部长怀进鹏、人力资源和社会保障部部长王晓萍、住房和城乡建设部部长倪虹、国家疾病预防控制局局长王贺胜就教育、就业和社会保障、住房、医疗疾控等相关问题回答中外记者提问。 **

#Minister of human resources and Social Security:

#Social security cards will gradually realize the "National Card"

人社部部长王晓萍表示,目前全国98%的人都有社保卡,9.7亿人还领用了电子社保卡。2023年电子社保卡全年服务151亿人次。社保卡承载的服务,涵盖了政务服务、就医购药、交通出行、文化旅游等民生领域。我们将联合相关部门进一步做实做细社保卡居民服务应用,推出更多的数字化应用场景,持续深化省级“一卡通”, Vigorously promote regional "one card" and gradually realize the national "one card" to provide more convenient and extensive social security card services for the broad masses of the people.

#Minister of human resources and Social Security:

#Workers will be supported in flexible employment through multiple channels

China Daily reporter asked Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and social protection:Pressure on total employment and structural contradictions coexist. How to view the current employment situation? What measures will be taken in terms of employment next?

Wang Xiaoping said that China is a developing country with a large population. Employment affects the lives of thousands of households and is also related to the overall economic and social development. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has always placed stability and expansion of employment a priority in economic and social development, and has raised it to a strategic level for overall consideration. In the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and through the joint efforts of all parties, China's employment situation has continued to improve and maintained overall stability. Throughout the year, 12.44 million new urban jobs were created, the urban surveyed unemployment rate averaged 5.2%, and the number of people who had been lifted out of poverty exceeded 33 million. The expected goal was achieved and played a positive role in improving people's livelihood and well-being and stabilizing social expectations.

Judging from the situation this year, the job market got off to a good start, enterprises started work and resumed production, the flow of migrant workers returning to work was stable and orderly, and the activity of job hunting and recruitment increased. What is noteworthy is that there is a strong demand for professionals such as artificial intelligence and big data, higher demand for services such as health care, accommodation, catering, and cultural tourism, a marked increase in recruitment demand for small and micro enterprises, and a rapid increase in the demand for technical skills posts. These changes in the job market fully confirm the consolidation and strengthening of China's current economic recovery, the accelerated release of service consumption potential, and also reflect the new trends and opportunities of the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the accelerated development of new quality productive forces. Judging from the trend, the fundamentals of the long-term improvement of China's economy have not changed, there is solid support for high-quality development, and there are many favorable conditions for doing a good job in employment, and we have confidence and confidence in maintaining a sustained and stable employment situation. At the same time, we also see that the pressure on total employment remains unabated, structural contradictions still need to be solved, some workers face some difficulties in employment, and more efforts need to be made to stabilize employment. With regard to this year's employment work, the government work report has made arrangements, and deputies to the National people's Congress and members of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference have also put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions. Together with relevant parties, we will conscientiously implement the requirements of the government work report, give more priority to employment, and do our utmost to stabilize employment, benefit people's livelihood and promote development. The key point is to make efforts from five aspects.:
The first aspect is to make every effort to stabilize jobs. Stabilizing jobs is the basis for stabilizing employment. In the past year, we have implemented a series of policies to stabilize employment, and funds at all levels and types have supported employment and entrepreneurship exceeding 300 billion yuan. This year, we will continue the policy of reducing unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums, implement and improve policies such as job stabilization returns, special loans, employment and social security subsidies, and better release policy dividends.
The second aspect is to make every effort to expand employment channels. We will strengthen support for various business entities such as the private economy, small, medium and micro enterprises with large employment capacity, and vigorously cultivate new employment growth points such as the digital economy, silver economy, and green economy. Further increase support for guaranteed loans, tax exemptions, and venue arrangements to unleash the potential for entrepreneurship to drive employment. At the same time, we will improve flexible employment service guarantee measures, give full play to the supply and demand connection role of more than 6900 odd job markets, and support workers in flexible employment through multiple channels.
The third aspect is to make every effort to improve employment skills. This is a key move to resolve structural employment conflicts. In recent years, the government has carried out subsidized vocational skills training for more than 18 million people every year, effectively increasing the supply of skilled workers. We will further promote the Skills China Action, focus on the needs of key areas such as advanced manufacturing, modern services, and elderly care, and carry out large-scale vocational skills training.
The fourth aspect is to make every effort to optimize employment services. Employment services are an important measure to promote the docking of supply and demand. Since the beginning of this year,"Operation Spring Breeze" has held a total of 32,000 job fairs, a year-on-year increase of 20%; issued 26,000 special vehicles, special trains, and charter flights (times), and transported 880,000 workers point-to-point. We will strike while the iron is hot and continue to organize more recruitment activities for different groups and at different times to keep the market popularity unchanged. Promote the "big data + iron footboard" service model, create a "doorsteps" employment service station, and provide efficient, convenient and accurate employment services for enterprises and workers.
The fifth aspect is to make every effort to protect key groups. This year, the number of college graduates will reach 11.79 million. We will strengthen policies and measures to promote youth employment, broaden market-oriented channels, stabilize the scale of public jobs, and optimize full-cycle employment and entrepreneurship guidance services. We will do a solid job in the employment of key groups such as retired military personnel and migrant workers, strengthen employment assistance for people with disabilities and other difficulties, and ensure, ensure, and ensure the bottom line of people's livelihood.
At the same time, we will also work with relevant departments to strengthen the standardized development of the human resources market, actively build harmonious labor relations, ensure the payment of wages for migrant workers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and create a fair and good employment environment.

#Minister of human resources and Social Security:There is a general shortage of these types of work

#It is necessary to improve the treatment level of skilled talents

In response to a question from a Workers Daily reporter on the construction of a skilled talent team, Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and social protection, said that strengthening the construction of a skilled talent team is an important way to promote the development and utilization of human resources and a key measure to resolve structural employment conflicts. At present, there are more than 200 million skilled workers in China, including more than 60 million highly skilled talents, providing strong human resource support for high-quality economic development. However, we must also see that digital, innovative, and compound high-skilled talents who adapt to the development of new industries, new models, and new driving forces are still scarce. There is a general shortage of front-line technicians such as fitters, welders, and elderly caregivers, and the need for talent training is even better. Adapt to market changes and industry needs.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued important instructions on the work of skilled talents on many occasions. When the delegation was organized during the two sessions this year, the General Secretary pointed out that craftsmen from great powers are the cornerstone and pillars of our Chinese nation building. The government work report also puts forward clear requirements for cultivating more craftsmen and high-skilled talents from major countries. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, comprehensively promote the cultivation, use, evaluation, and incentive of skilled talents, and accelerate the construction of a large-scale knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative army of workers.
The first is the development of the service industry. It is necessary to focus on accelerating the development of new productive forces, especially the urgent development needs of strategic emerging industries and future industries, increase the training of skilled talents, enhance skill potential and matching, and promote the improvement of total factor productivity. For example, we will organize and carry out the cultivation of digital technology skilled talents to consolidate the talent base in fields such as intelligent manufacturing, big data, blockchain, and integrated circuits. We will implement the Skilled Enterprise Action and the Manufacturing Skills Foundation Project to cultivate high-skilled talents who lead industrial development in fields such as advanced manufacturing, modern service industries, and health care services. At the same time, we will concentrate resources and strength to build a number of high-skilled talent training bases, skill master studios, and skill master homes, and build a platform for skills inheritance and display and exchange.
The second is to innovate training methods. It is to follow the growth laws of skilled talents and establish a positive interaction mechanism with industry enterprises. Give full play to the main role of enterprises, rely on technical colleges and vocational colleges, summarize and improve the school-running model of integrating engineering and engineering and dual-system school-enterprise education, comprehensively promote the new apprenticeship system of enterprises, form an ecological chain of skills development, and closely connect with the front line of production and services to cultivate high-quality skilled talents. Just like what some places have summarized in practical exploration, after completing a course, you can master a skill; after completing a major, you can be qualified for the needs of the position.
The third is to smooth the development channel. It is to build a "overpass" for the growth of skilled talents, gradually change the wooden bridge and ceiling dilemma for the development of skilled talents, and enhance young people's willingness to learn skills and enter factories. Promote enterprises to independently carry out the evaluation of skilled talents, fully implement the "New Eighth Level Worker" vocational skill grading system, and expand the growth space for skilled talents. Expand the connection areas for career development of high-skilled talents and professional and technical talents, and smooth the diversified growth channels for skilled talents. Promote regional salary distribution guidelines for skilled talents and improve the treatment level of skilled talents.
The fourth is to create a good environment. It is to vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsmanship, and form a good ecology in the whole society that cares and supports the development of skilled talents. Increase the intensity of honor leadership and continue to organize the China Skills Award and the selection, commendation and reward of national technical experts. Organize and carry out various vocational skills competitions to stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole society to pay attention to, learn and advocate skills. Last year, we held the second National Skills Competition in Tianjin. The competition projects covered 75% of the national economic industry categories, and led hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country and industry to participate in training competitions and selection, achieving good social results. This year, China will participate in the 47th World Skills Competition held in France, and will also hold a series of national and industry-based vocational skills competitions. Please pay more attention, promote and report more.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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