Tonight, Zheng Qinwen faces her third group stage match in the year-end finals, competing against Paolini.

In the first set, Zheng Qinwen broke Paolini's serve first in the third game. She continued her momentum to break again in the fifth game. In the seventh game, both players engaged in multiple exchanges at the end of the game, but Zheng Qinwen managed to break serve for the third time, winning six consecutive games to take the first set 6-0, leading in the match 1-0.

In the second set, Zheng Qinwen capitalized on her momentum, defeating Paolini in the overall score to successfully advance to the semifinals! Zheng Qinwen also became the first Chinese female tennis player to qualify for the knockout stage in her debut appearance at the year-end finals, making history!

郑钦文与保利尼过往有过3次交手,战绩为3胜0负,保持全胜,占据优势。双方最近一次交手是今年武汉站1/4决赛,郑钦文以2比1胜出。此战过后,郑钦文与保利尼的战绩更新为4胜0负。 来源:央视新闻
编辑:林惠虹Set me as a "Star", get the first-hand news from Jiangsu. “阅读原文”点一点


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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