■ Tea Hongwang

At present, new quality productivity has become a hot word in China's economy. An upsurge of learning and discussion has been rapidly set off across the country, and the development of new productive forces has been accelerated. New quality productivity has been formed in practice and demonstrated its strong driving force and support for high-quality development. However, in order to continue to maintain this upward and positive development trend, the corresponding guarantee mechanism deserves in-depth exploration.

Judging from the connotation, core essence, essential requirements and generation logic of new quality productivity, the core of accelerating the development of new quality productivity is innovation. Innovation is the top priority. Only by doing a good job in innovation can we accelerate the development of new productive forces. We must deeply understand the inevitability and urgency of "innovation" playing a leading role in the process of accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Strengthening the leading role of innovation and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces depends on the present and affects the future, which is of great significance.

When talking about innovation, we cannot avoid Joseph Schumpeter, the originator of "innovation theory". “创新”一词最早是由熊彼特在1912年出版的《经济发展理论》一书中提出。1939年和1942年他分别出版了《经济周期》《资本主义、社会主义和民主主义》两部专著,对创新理论加以补充完善,提出了“创造性破坏”理论。该理论认为,创新就是要“建立一种新的生产函数”,就是要不断地从内部革新经济结构,即不断破坏旧的经济结构,创造新的经济结构,是“一种创造性的破坏过程”。这种持续不断的“创造性破坏”过程就是经济增长新动力,以此从一个全新的视角来阐释和认知经济发展的内在动力,为人类认知经济增长的内生动力注入了源头活水。“创造性破坏”这一颇具颠覆性的概念刚提出之时,人们为之震惊,如今全球经济所破坏和创造的巨大价值完美地印证了这一前瞻性论断。反观中国改革开放40多年经济发展实践取得的成就,无不是把“创造性破坏”作为重要机制铸就了经济增长新动力的成功案例,尤其是率先改革的家庭联产承包责任制,就印证了熊彼特“创造性破坏”理论的价值。随着时间的推移,“创造性破坏”理论不仅在经济学上具有里程碑式的意义,而且在当今世界仍具有重要的现实意义。

The author believes that the development of new quality productivity requires giving full play to the creative destruction mechanism, which is determined by the theoretical logic and practical logic of new quality productivity. 从经济学理论逻辑看,发展新质生产力的核心是创新,释放创新动能引领新质生产力发展,必然是一个持续不断的“创造性破坏”过程;从市场经济发展的实践逻辑看,市场经济的本质特性是“创造性破坏”,也正是通过持续地创造和破坏,经济才能不断增长迭代。由此可见, To accelerate the development of new productive forces, we need to give full play to the creative destruction mechanism. This is not an option, but a necessity. We must respond to the situation and follow the trend.

Creative destruction is the driving mechanism that drives the development of new productive forces, and the role of promising governments is an important factor affecting whether this mechanism can be exerted. Therefore, under the conditions of a market economy, it is necessary to give full play to the creative destruction mechanism to promote the accelerated development of new productive forces. Fundamentally speaking, it is necessary to give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better play the role of the government, so that the effective market and the effective government are organically combined to allow the market to play a decisive role in allocating resources and better play the role of the government. To better play the role of the government, we must focus on reforming the supply of systems and policies that cannot match new productive forces, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, focus on giving full play to the key links of creative destruction mechanisms, and implement precise policies.

First, create a fair competitive market environment. 一个公平竞争的市场环境,是能够充分发挥创造性破坏机制最基本的政策前提和必要条件。营造公平竞争的市场环境,必须破除唯体制、唯规模、唯地域、唯关系的准营门槛,给予国有、民营企业平等参与市场竞争进入机会,充分调动不同市场主体参与创新、发展新兴产业的主动性和积极性。当前最重要、最关键的就是要进一步深化破产制度改革,营造优胜劣汰的竞争环境,在创造性破坏中,僵尸企业必须处置。实现无效率的市场主体有序退出,让那些没有竞争力的退出去,让有竞争力的生存下去,唯有这样才能有效地激发市场主体的创新活力,助力夯实新质生产力发展的微观基础。

基于马克思主义科学技术思想理论的辩证性分析,Creative destruction is a double-edged sword for employment: 既有就业创造效应,又有就业替代效应。就业创造效应意味着将创造大量新型的就业岗位,就业替代效应将引发短期失业问题,增加了部分群体失业的风险。在中国,劳动者和居民的基本生活必须始终受到保护,社会政策托底是避免就业替代效应造成社会风险的前提,政府应针对性地设计以基本公共服务供给为主要手段的再分配政策,加强对脆弱群体的托底保障,把坚持以人民为中心的发展思想落实到新质生产力发展实践中。

Second, improve the fault-tolerant mechanism to allow trial and error and tolerate failure. 创新的一个特点是具有高度的不确定性,因而具有高风险性。允许试错、宽容失败是支持创新最好的政策。充分发挥容错机制的导向作用,让担当有为者放下包袱,只有允许试错、宽容失败,才能鼓励探索、激励成功;才能培育人们的创新意识、创新精神;才能更好激发创新者的积极性、主动性,让创新永无止境。当然宽容不是纵容,要强化底线思维、红线意识限定容错前提条件,准确把握政策界限。那种不负责任、乱作为不按规律办事、盲目蛮干的失败,不在宽容之列。

从制度运行的外部环境来看,容错机制的运转需要有与之相适应的文化环境和社会氛围的保障。客观地说,在我们的民族文化中比较讳言失败,尽管有“失败是成功之母”的说法,但在中国文化和价值观念之中更多的是“成王败寇”“只许成功,不许失败”等老观念,为此我们必须先解放思想,抛弃旧有观念。 New institutional economics believes that appropriate informal institutions are an indispensable guarantee for formal institutional arrangements to function. 因此,允许试错、宽容失败,仅仅依靠正式制度层面上安排的政策还是不够的,还需要非正式制度的积极配合,即大力营造宽容失败、鼓励创新的文化环境和社会氛围。我们


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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